
Started in storm

On Halloween a wealthy family was having dinner until there was heavy rain. Pibo, looked outside the window and wondered, what if he was a homeless person right now. What would he do? Spacing out he didn't notice his wife and his oldest son was starring at him.

That night ended up a bit awkward when his son, Miki said " I think I saw lightning over there dad! ". His dad was suspicious about what's with the thunder because, his son have never been frightened by any storm even the storm last year that set the record as the biggest storm in California ( ahem.... even though he's just a four year old that's about to turn five ). Weirdly that wasn't the only thing that was unusual, his wife had a stomachache so she left dinner time early to go and rest.

He ordered the maids to take care of her while he try to cheer his Miki up a bit. Khaki, their other son starred at the back door. Was there an animal? He looked closely but nothing seemed to be there.

He was reading a book to his sons that night until they fell asleep, he was pretty tired from the extra 30 minutes reading ( seriously Pibo ur not an old man... 30 minutes is nothing to y'all 25 year olds ). While he was sleeping, he dreamed that someone was calling his name in a storm. He didn't understand because today was raining and was someone outside? Maybe a homeless?

He heard two loud dog barks and a woman scream followed by it. Which it sounded like his wife, and when the hell did he allow dogs in the house?


Pibo- Dad

Mariana- Mom

Miki- oldest son

sunnytigercreators' thoughts