
Uncanny X-men: Elemental Trio.

Cyclops breaks off and forms his own school for mutants to realize his revolution. He seeks out three brothers with the power to help him realize his vision. Blaize! Tremor! Rain!

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

Issue #4

The group of Cyclops' X-men arrived in the middle of what appeared to be a pro-mutant rally.

" Brother, these people. Some of them are speaking the truth. Some of them are actually here to support mutants."

Tremor said to Blaize.

" I thought we'd be arriving to a bunch of liars, and there are some in the crowd. But so many of them are actually here for us."

Blaize said to the group as Cyclops addressed the crowd.

" Wait, we need to leave. Something is big is coming."

Tremor said again.

Blaize walked up to scott to warn him, but an explosion behind the group sent them flying.

" Blockbuster Sentinel. Online!"

The giant robot said as it appeared through the smoke.

" I told you it was big."

Tremor said as he and his brothers got to their feet.

" Get the civilians to safety!"

Scott yelled to the group.

" Calm down Cyclops. They sent a machine after a man that can bend the earth to his will? Our enemies are bigger fool than I thought."

Tremor said as he approached the robot.

" If you can hear me in there, remember this. Metal, no matter what kind, no matter what form it is in will always be a mineral. A more refined form of it yes. But a mineral no less. And I control minerals."

Tremor explained as he grabbed hold of the machine and slowly crushed it in his hands.

" Hmph! Know your place losers!"

Tremor declared victoriously.

" That was impressive. Not even I could control that metal. How can you?"

Magneto asked.

" I already explained it."

Tremor replied.

" Crikey that is some power. I forget how absurd you three are."

Eva said to the boys in amazement.

" Come on, let's go before the police come for us."

Cyclops said to the group.

The group quickly made their way back to base when an alarm went off.

" Just got back and already something else is going wrong. What is it?"

Tremor asked.

" It would seem our friends at the Jean Grey School are in the middle of a fight right now. Sentinels and a lot of them. Let's go."

Scott said to the group.

The group of mutants gathered and were teleported by Illyana to the sight of the battle. Cyclops seeing that the X-men were in danger fired his optic blasts to save them. In the process he destroyed multiple sentinels.

" What was that?"

Young Iceman asked.

" That is a guy who knows how to make an entrance."

Kitty said as she pointed to the newly arrived Uncanny X-men.

" Hi there, Kitty."

Scott said to the woman.

" You're welcome."

Emma frost also said.

" Okay, now we have a fighting chance! X-men go beat some robot Tuchas!"

Kitty said to the younger X-men.

Both teams of X-men began working together to take down the barrage of sentinels.

" Nuova Blade!"

Blaize yelled as a sword of fire burst from his hand. He jumped into the air and cut one of the sentinels in half down the middle before moving on to the next.

" Water style: Severing wave!"

Rain said as a sharp wave of water erupted from his mouth. He then used it to cut through multiple sentinels with ease.

" HAHA!"

Tremor yelled as he punched straight through a sentinel.

" Whoa! Who are those guys?"

The young Iceman asked.

" New students of yours?"

kitty asked in shock.

" Seems like that was the last of them."

Blaize said as he and his brothers gathered around the rest of the team.

" Cool!"

The young Iceman said.

" Ok, Uh I surrender. I actually just got these powers and yeah I give."

The woman Kitty and her team were spying on surrendered without any more trouble.

" Well, all things considered, this didn't go terribly. Maybe it's not so bad having two if me around."

The young Scott summers said as he took a seat in front of the severed head of the sentinel.

" ZZZt! Identified!"

The sentinel head said as it came back online. It immediately blasted scott in the back with one of its eye beams.

Magneto immediately grabbed the head and crushed it in anger.


The young jean grey yelled in terror

" He's not breathing!"

Jean yelled as she held the boy in her arms.

" Christopher Muse! get over here!"

Emma yelled

" Oh my god."

Kitty said as she looked down at the dying boy.

" Excuse me!"

Christopher said as he ran past the group.

" Is he dead? I don't know if I can heal him if he's dead!"

Christopher exclaimed

" I want you to try!"

Emma yelled.

" He's not breathing!"

Jean repeated in fear.

" What is he doing?"

Jean asked as Christopher tended to scott.

" He's one of us a mutant. He's a healer."

Emma explained to the young Jean Grey.

As they were panicking over young scott being hurt, old scott suddenly disappeared.

" Does um, anyone see the older scott?"

Young beast asked.

" Scott!?"

Kitty called out.

" He's- Oh dear- He's disappeared."

Illyana said in fear.

" Like he was never here."

magneto interjected.

" Because Young scott doesn't survive his injuries. Older scott is now gone as well."

Blaize spoke up.

Christopher continued trying to heal the young scott until.


The young scott wheezed as he woke up.

" What just happened?"

Scott asked.

" Oh my god."

Kitty said again as a tear fell down her face.

" But what about?"

the young beast asked again.

Just as he did older scott returned as well.

" What just happened?"

Older scott asked as well.

" Okay, that was trippy weird."

Young Iceman said.

" It was a little more than that."

Eva said as well.

" Seriously what happened?"

Older scott asked again.

" To put it bluntly, your younger self died. But young Christopher was able to bring you back from the abyss."

magneto explained.

" Is anyone else freaked out that I was able to do that?"

Chris asked in shock

" Clearly you caught him at the last minute."

Emma explained trying to help the boy calm down.

" Or maybe I-"

Chris was saying before being cut off.

" Christopher settle."

Emma said as she placed her hands on the boy's shoulders.

Both scotts looked at each other in shock.

" We need to go now!"

Tremor yelled as he sensed the coming vehicles.

" Right, Illyana."

Scott called out.

" On it."

Illyana said as she teleported the Uncanny X-men back to base.