

Kate was desperate on how to lure fabi out of the house without her suspecting she's involved in willy's disappearance, she knew she have to forge a perfect plan in order to make it work and nothing is worse like when Jealousy leads a person, they end up making mistakes and leaving clues behind but for Kate she knew better not to get screwed up she hatched her plan and got ready to make it work.

She went to her grandparents house, took her grandfather phone and found willy dad number she memorized it and put back the phone on the table and went to her room.

She dialed the number with her secret phone and waited for the other side to pick up her call, it rang only once once when willy dad picked it up, 'Hello, who is am I speaking to?.

Am someone who knows how you can save your son or you have no idea he's been kidnapped??,better came fast and bring your son along I have a nice show for you after all you are my target.