

Dear God who kidnapped me and what do they want to do with me, my phone and my bag how do I get help??? My fabi is getting married I can't ruin her day I have to find my way out of here hope no one comes back soon, am sure there must be something I can use in here to cut the ropes,

Suddenly then door flew open and a man came in followed by a young woman,

So you woke up am glad because we have business to do and am warning you don't try to act smart or open your mouth more than I ask of you then I won't mind slicing that throat of yours am very impatient and your pathetic Fabiola stepped on my toes now she will watch me take what's mine.

Am sorry miss I don't know you how do you know my girl and when did she offend you, she's not a bad person so how could she has angered you to this extent am sorry on her behalf today is a very special day for her please let me go am begging you.