

Willy what are you looking for didn't see am I invisible and why on earth are you talking to yourself???? Did you go crazy,,, what did that lyna do to you???? Hey will you look at me for once and stop this nonsense I did all this to see you can you act normal for a second.

You are not real so shut up and let me find that damn letter you wrote before leaving lyna said she kept it here damn it why can't I find it my goodness am loosing my mind that little girl messed me up but I will find you no matter where you go Fabiola Luis that's a promise.

Willy stop am right here in front of you am not your imagination moron,,,, that corrupt girl is worse than I thot now what do I do to make him stop this madness I can't scream or Il scare him I guess now my only way out is what that little witch told me to kiss him but it's my first kiss I will give it to him like this shit this is like a drama but do I have a choice