

Hello kadia,,Mr Luis you come early than your appointment time, is everything oky?

Am fine kadia just a check up is doctor Ken busy right now or do I have to wait.

Just one patient then you can go in, can I get you tea or juice Mr Luis? No need am okay sitting here if you won't chase me away,

My my why would I chase you now its my Job to make sure patients are treated well the moment they get in here.

Okay beautiful, pass me that diet magazine please if you are done reading.

Here take it its a good one I tell, you can take it with you Mr Luis, you said you don't want anything at all.

Yes am fine with this magazine, while reading the magazine his phone vibrates, he opens to find a message from Fabi'Dad did you reach hospital have you met the doctor???

`No baby am stil waiting for him and yes am oky don't stress yourself concentrate on your class will talk about me back home.

Oky dad did you had something to eat me dont skip your meals oky.

Yes my dear I won't, and you did you have something?

Yes you forgot I always have my lunch box made by you how can I skip when it contains all your love for me.Bye dad see you back home

Bye baby dad loves you the most.

After that kadia informs him the doctor is ready to see him

When he enters doctor Ken's cabin he's finds him,

Hello Luis, take a sit and tell me what made you how you feel.

Am fine doc just a dry cough with blood and fever sometimes,nothing serious my baby had me to come here otherwise she would drag me here herself.

Am happy she takes your health seriously not like you who undermines every thing even when you can feel it, have you been taking your medication on time without skipping?

Yes but for a while now av not been taking the side effects are too painful and drains me of energy I can't take it sometimes doctor.

Why didn't you report that to me you know how serious that is for you to skip your medication it can lead to a severe ploblems, when did you last take your meds?

About three days ago, but doc they are the ones killing me not the virus.

Okay let go to lab and take blood samples to see what's wrong, you are aware we can't change the prescription until we are sure what's wrong with you.

Am ready for the tests doc am sure after you will have to change them,

Why do I feel like you are the one who don't want to take them thus skipping and leading to what's happening.

I should tell Fabiola about it maybe she can help me in making sure you don't skip your medications.

Doc please don't even joke about that she's so worried and I don't want her to affected by it while she still has college to attend, please let's keep this between us and I will not skip it anymore.

Oky Luis but next time I won't listen to you, I will call fabi no matter what,

Sit there and take off your jacket and roll your sleeve up.

It has been a while I did this that I almost forgot the feeling,

That because you have been following the instructions and taking your meds but If you continue this way am afraid il host you here which you hate alot.

That won't be need doc, il be good.

So guys let's wait for his labs results to know if he's really okay

Love you my dear readers your precious time and comment would help me know whether am doing it right or I should change.