
Unbounded Ruler of Death

Kanata Nagisa along with his classmates gets summoned to strange world facing the crisis of the demon king. However unlike the others he was not needed as a main character in the main act. He gets banished, fated to die a dogs death. Facing numerous trials in this unfamiliar world he seeks to overcome them all. ======================================== Original story by: Akemi Kyoshi

Akemi_Kyoshi · ファンタジー
64 Chs


Episode(2): Ah, I messed up!

Sovereign of Death~(2)

Barely holding back his laughter Nagisa almost thought that he'd lost his mind.

Although he had heard the fantasy geeks and otaku's in his class he never once thought hed get caught up in this ridiculous situation!

Wasn't this a situation that could only happen in a fantasy novel?

Somebody wouldn't come out and tell him he'd been a character in some isekai story all along would they?

Wouldn't his life up to now had all been a lie then?

Nagisa couldn't fathom what was going on and felt like the entire world was spinning.


He shook his head to calm his nerves.

In a situation like this where nothing made sense panicking would only make it worse.

Right, instead of allowing his confusion to get the better of him he should calmly analyze the situation and figure out what was going on. 

He really wanted to scream and pull his hair out at the moment but-

'As the heir to the Kanata family I can never be flustered!'

Releasing an anxious breath, he steeled his mind and calmed down almost instantly.

This was the benefit of being born in a influential environment of martial arts and money.

It honed the mind when one had to deal with the pigs and jezebels that tried to woo him and get in his pockets.

Although he was a teen, Nagisa's mental strength surpassed that of even an aged elder who saw many storms and tribulations in his life.

Now was such a moment he had to use his capable wits to makes sense of the situation. At first he had thought this was all just one big dream.

'But no matter how it all seems like deluded fantasy, there is no way all of us would see the same hallucination'

The evidence was right before them. All of his classmates and even students he didn't know were inside a huge castle.

It had to be one of those summoning tropes to an alternate world to fight evil beings.

If not mass summoning then who in this world could explain this current situation?

Nagisa had a question now.

What were his options?

If this situation followed the usual scenario then any moment now some arrogant prick calling himself king would eventually show himself and ask them to fight a war of some sorts.

Thinking about being thrown into a war to fight for people he had no relations or emotional attachments with made him want to punch whoever dared to summon him to this world.

If this was an accidental summoning he'd have no option but to relent. But such a mass scale summoning, huhu.

Tell him to his face that it wasn't intentional would you?

While he was indeed a bit curious about this 'other world' business, he didn't have enough justice in him to role play as a hero in a war he didn't even care about.

It wasn't like he had family in this world? Although it sounded harsh he saw no reason to risk his life in such a pointless case.

And as the usual trope went he was sure they would promise to send them back when the heroes did their job, but at the end they would slap their foreheads and say something happened with the magic and they couldn't go back!

To be honest Nagisa could only think of his summoners as loan sharks that would squeeze every ounce of work out of him then throw him away when they were done.

He shook his head.

Listening to the lies that would come, he wasn't willing at all.

He immediately gave up on going home thinking that option would be too much of a wild goose chase.

For now he just wanted a chance to slip away from the trouble.

Still, even though he knew what he wanted he was missing one vital piece.


Without information he'd be a dog without its nose lost in an unfamiliar territory.

How frightening, just thinking about being caught up in all sorts of unfortunate incidents made him want to scream he was not the protagonist!


As he was thinking however, his thoughts were suddenly interrupted. The huge Double door standing tall at the entrance of the throne room opened slowly.

Light from the other side of the room leaked inside following which several figures walked in with a straight stature.

[Introducing the sun of the empire, His majesty Florence V. Synth makes his entrance!]

A loud voice bellowed announcing the king's arrival.

Surrounded by a composed air, with an arrogant expression a man wearing a crown and a long goat beard walked along the laying carpet.

His gait was heavy and filled to the brim with confidence.

Behind him followed several armored men that exuded killing intent.

Kanata nodded.

This was indeed a fantasy world. If this was in his previous world no one would have such dense killing intent unless they were literal assassins.

However to him this amount of killing intent was nothing more than childsplay.

Nagisa wondered who they were trying to scare with such small killing intent but as he glanced around he soon noticed the states of his classmates and other students.

They were all hunched over with pale faces and someone even peed themselves.

For normal people who'd never experience this type of bloodlust they couldn't even stand up.

The kids from my class and everyone exposed to the murderous intent looked like they were on the verge of collapsing.

His attempt at intimidation was lousy at best, if we were a group of trained fighters the king would have been humiliated beyond wonder.

Unfortunately they were just normal students till a moment ago.

The kings eyes then surveyed the group of gathered students with a satisfied expression on his face.

After he was pleased enough with our reaction, he then began to address us in a high and mighty tone.

[O Heroes that come from afar, please raise your heads!]

All the pressure suddenly vanished like a dream.

The king still glanced down at them as though they were ants but the killing intent had dissipated with a single word.

Even so, even with his pompous self-appraisal of himself, Nagisa could feel that he was nothing but a weakling that loved acting tough.

Just by his aura, skeletal outline and the subtle movements he made, Nagisa's trained eyes saw the crux of this so called king. 

His movements were like that of someone who indulged in pleasures and never trained a day in his life.

His bluff deserved praised though so Nagisa applauded in his mind.

At any rate Nagisa had no reason to fear him at all.

Surveying the crowd, the king seemed to see Nagisa standing with folded arms completely unaffected by his suppression and nodded as though satisfied with a crop that was growing well.

He only glanced at Nagisa for a while before turning back to the crowd and continuing his words.

[Anyways heroes, as I have said. I would like to give my thanks to you for answering our call. Many have hoped that this would have indeed worked but as many as we have managed to summon the ceremony seemed to have been wonderfully carried out.

Normally we should take care of your accommodations first, even so we have no time to waste and I would like to get into details quickly! –]

[W-Wait...could you please explain what's going on?]

Someone interrupted the king's speech all of a sudden. The king turned his attention to this person.

A handsome face, slightly pale from the suppression but he still stood up making the king even more satisfied. It was Aikawa Renji.

The most popular guy in our class and entire year.

He was the most disliked person amongst boys, so much it wouldn't be wrong to say they all detested his existence.

Not only does he not care if a girl is in a relationship, even knowing full well he'd still go after them.

And nine out of ten times the girl tends to break up with their boyfriend to be with him. It makes no sense to anyone at all.

Although he was handsome it was to the point of bewitching if girls go straight ahead for him meanwhile knowing they'd get hurt later down the line.

Aikawa was also the main reason Aoi had stopped talking to Nagisa altogether.

They weren't on the best of terms before but at the least you could say they both made an effort.

But after Mr. Perfect spread a lie about him being a molester things took a complete one eighty degree turn.

Every one believed the rumor.

Unfortunately, Aoi also believed Mr. Handsome's lie.

[Ah yes, your right hero...your name please?]

The king asked as he looked at Renji. Renji swallowed his spit and spoke carefully knowing the person before him was the king.

[A-Aikawa Renji, p-please call me Renji sir]

[Oh, how polite, as expected of a hero!]

The king was satisfied with Renji's polite way of speaking and nodded. Since he was planning to do the explanations sooner or later this just helped ease into it.

[Now then, as far as explanations go. Allow me to start from the beginning...]

He began the explanation as if unfolding the story of legends.

According to his words, the world was born out of energy released from the God's, Yada Yada.

Good energy made humanoid and intelligent species while bad energy made monsters and creatures without intelligence.

Humans lived in Settlements and continued to grow until countries were formed.

They enjoyed the brief peace as the world continued to evolved, If it was always like this, the years to come for humanity would be nothing but prosperous.

That was until monsters began to attack humans.

Normally monsters would not just brainlessly attack human settlements unless they were enraged or at least had a reason prior to said attack.

But things changed overtime, the monsters no longer needed a reason.

As if driven by a purpose to annihilate man from the face of the earth, monsters commenced a never ending battle against humanity.

They needed a way to defend and learned magic as a means to it. However, that wasn't enough to erase the threat completely.

Monsters grew stronger the more time elapsed and they were just mere humans that couldn't go against those monsters.

The battle began to tilt in monsters favor more and more.

The scale was unbalanced and would completely fall if any more weight were added.

It was when they thought it couldn't get any worse. The worst of all threats had appeared, the demon lord.

The most vicious of all demons who controlled the monsters to do countless atrocities.

With power equivalent to a God, no one could challenge the demons reign of terror.

They tried taking the fight to her directly, but the dark energy surrounding the castle was too great and they couldn't even pass the Frontline of the demon king's defense.

Because of that humanity could only defend and the fragile defenses of humanity began to whittle away one after the other.

What they needed was someone to save them before the fragile glass of defense was broken.

The God's answered their prayers giving them a way to survive.

By summoning heroes from another world, they could finally see the small thread of hope unravel from the twisted knots of despair.

[That's why, please help us O' heroes! The threat called the demon king is nigh, and humanity, as a last stand of defense you are our only hope!

If you don't defeat the demon lord then we will all surely perish!]

The king pleaded. He wanted to give the heroes a sense of purpose and spoke in a desperate tone.

Nagisa just thought the whole story was absurd and decided not to say a thing.

The other students however were too panicked to keep their thoughts hidden.

~Demon king, are you kidding me?

~oi oi, even as a prank this is going too far. He must be on drugs. They say crazies are even more deluded when they start blazing.

The hall quickly erupted into a mass of complaints and noises.

Some were happy while some were anxious, another group just sat there digesting the information.

Nagisa was also coming to terms with what he had just learned.

'I see, of course a demon lord really exists'.

He sighed in exasperation.

He didn't want to be involved.

He already expected it to be this scenario but he didn't want to be involved!

Even if he ended up with some super amazing ability he would only treat it as compensation and leave this crazy castle.

'I mean, don't kidnap someone and force them to fight you psychopaths'.

It was enough that he was dragged to another world without warning. Playing hero? He'd gladly leave such an annoying role to renji.

He especially seemed happy to play along with the situation so it was perfect!


At almost perfect timing, the huge double door creaked open again.

An angelic voice entered everyone's ears.

[The demon lord has slaughtered and pillaged most of the human Settlements. Those we sent to deal with them never came back and those that do, end up severely injured. This has taken a severe toll on humanity]

Soothing to be heard and it attracted the attentions of all the boys.

[It's the same situation wherever you go, because of this nowhere is safe but after deliberation we finally came to a decision.

That is to summon the heroes who have a certain amount of immunity to the dark energy to defeat the demon king. I'm sorry to have to rely on you but please save us dear heroes]

It was a literal princess had descended.

Her pink hair reminiscent of plumb blossoms brought the gazes of everyone upon her.

With outstanding beauty and a perfectly proportioned body, even Nagisa had a hard time looking away from her.

The princess entered with graceful steps and strode towards the king.

The sweet tone of voice escaped her pink lips and the dripping tears that fell down her cheeks accentuated her beauty making her plea more appealing.

Needless to say, that all the guys stopped thinking and short circuited this moment.

It was the first time they ever saw such a beauty, not to mention she was begging them so how could they refuse.

[W-We will do our best! Uhm...]

[My name is princess Maria, nice to meet you]

Of course, the first to reply was of course Renji.

'I bet he thought he could add her to his harem, well looking at her attitude if he does become the hero, it seems he has a good chance'.

It was hilarious how this was really like one big isekai novel.

The king nodded noticing the change of the crowd and smiled at the princess.

[Alright heroes, we want your help but first we have to figure out your talents and field of expertise in order to know how to train so you can stand against the forced of evil]

Nagisa tilted his head.

He wasn't the only one, everyone was confused.

Noticing their confusion, the princess chuckled and continued.

[To do that, please Chant status in your minds]

'Status? Like that thing in games huh'.

Things like this would indeed be in existence in a fantasy world.

Nagisa chanted without wasting a moment.

He was already in a fantasy world so what else couldn't happen?

The next moment information in a pale blue screen popped up before him shocking him so much he nearly attacked out of reflex.

[Kanata Nagisa–(Lv.1) ]

[Class– Necromancer]

[Trait – Dead Rise (SSS), Master (EX)]


[Perception(B+)] [Swordplay(S)] [Martial Arts(A+)] [Kanata Footwork(S-)] [Body Control(A)] [Oneness(D)]


Realizing it was the 'status' he heaved a sigh and took a look.

Most of his skills were those he'd trained prior to the summoning.

They were all in a alphabetical format so he couldn't tell whether it was high or low.

'It'd be better if it was numerical value rather than alphabetical'

But assuming it went from F- to ascending (S) then (S) would most likely be the highest level.

In that case he was glad. It seemed his training had really paid off.

Swordplay seemed to be the highest. Considering he trained like a madman everyday it was natural.

Aside from when he had broken bones he would find time to always swing his sword.

Either way, it was natural for his martial arts to be lower than swordsmanship since he would enthusiastically practice the sword.

He liked martial arts but preferred the sword more.

Next was the 'Kanata Footwork Technique'.

It's a movement technique that helps one to increase their mobility during battle. It had different stages and of them all Nagisa learned two. 'Connection' and 'Tracing'.

'Gramps said the last few stages would be those that I created after my mastery over the two stages increased so as it stood, this was all I was capable of'

After learning footwork his swordsmanship had gotten a lot faster making his training even more fun.

And unlike swordsmanship that he could only train at home, he walked everyday so he could always train his footwork.

Other than that was his mana. It was in numerical points and at '100' which he assumed was the starting point for everyone present.

Judging by game logic mana would allow him to use his skills.

For example, swordsman uses swordsmanship, mage uses magic, etc. But he was a Necromancer.

Saying it in his mind sounded pretty ominous.

He didn't know about this world but necromancy wasn't always viewed highly on earth.

'I should probably keep a lid on it'

He decided to seal his lips.

Luckily no one could see his stats aside from him.

'Next, I also have two traits, which must mean they were unique skills?'

It wasn't explained but seeing the 'EX' Nagisa subconsciously felt it was an extremely high level.

For now at least he had no knowledge and could only look at it with questions in his mind.

Looking away from his status, Nagisa glanced at his classmates.

Some were smiling with an Otaku grin that expressing they can finally release their 'power'(Chuunibyou stupidity).

In the middle of all that, for a moment not longer than a second Renji smiled sinisterly. 

No one but me noticed and I shook my head.

'I bet he has some ridiculous class like a hero? Damn his luck is too good'

[Now then, please tell us your classes and we'll start from Sir Renji]

The Princess descended the stairs and stood before him with a smile.

Nagisa almost got caught in that smile but thanks to his training he knew how to cut off his desires and did so abruptly.

Renji on the other hand stuttered in reply.

[Y-Yes, I have a class called 'hero']

[Ooo!] The king exclaimed. He was pleasantly surprised.

[T-The hero, is it? That's the legendary class! How splendid]

The Princess was visibly flustered as well. 

As expected, Nagisa shook his head. Of course he was the hero.

Then, one by one the classmates all revealed their occupations.

[And you, you are the last. Would you please tell us your class?]

It was finally his turn.

Facing the princess Nagisa took in a breath. Indeed, she was a beauty.

[Ehem... My class is a little strange but, I guess you won't mind...I'm a, chef]

Nagisa scratched his head awkwardly as though he was shocked by this as well.

The princess was stunned as well.

So much so she didn't even know what to say. A hero having a culinary occupation? Just what joke was this?

My classmates began laughing crazily and jeered at me for gaining such a useless class.

However I didn't mind it. 

'It's better to be laughed at than to be summoned and instantly become an enemy of humanity'

[It certainly is strange that you have such a class...a summoned one would normally have combat skill and class, is it possible that you were just caught up in the whole thing?]

Hearing her words, Nagisa scoffed.

'Did she think I wasn't supposed to be summoned and was just involved in the incident? Considering you summoned a whole grade of people that's a bit stupid–wait, I could use this'.

[T-That's right! I was indeed just caught up in this Summoning. And to think I'd end up in another world with an inept skill. Ah, I can't even protect myself...oh what shall I do now with this pitiful life of mine!!!]

Nagisa fell to his knees in despair and wept so loud, Tears actually fell. He decided, if he was acting then do it all out and leave no room for doubt!!

This time even the classmates that were laughing looked at him with pitiful gazes.

Hiding his true self, Nagisa was used to acting so it didn't take long for others to believe his words.

~no wonder, he looks so weak

~But to think we summoned an incompetent

The nobles standing at the side of the throne room joined in with their unnecessary statements provoking my wrath.

,Damn you pig bellied nobles thinking you're the sh*t.

If I had a sword, they would have been sliced into minced pork slices right now'

Nagisa shook his head.

After altering his expression, he made sure not to drop his façade.

He smiled inwardly thinking he was soon succeed with the act.

[O-Oh that's sad to hear...what are we going to do really, father?]

She glanced at the king.

The king looked down with contempt as if he was glaring at trash.

[Naturally we can't keep trash so there is no other choice. Tch, to think I had my court mages waste magic on this trash who can't even use combat skill...Guards!]

Contrary to my expectations the situation had went completely left field leaving me wide eyed in shock.

'.....Ah, I messed up'