
Un-Solo Leveling

This is my new fan-fiction work. A story of someone who gets a chance to reincarnate into the world of Solo Leveling. It's an alternate universe where Jin Woo's decision to reverse the time ended up badly for the Earth's future so he needs to fix it, but he needs someone's help. A young man's soul is chosen to help him save the Earth by going to the past. The young man receives the power to grow stronger in the world where Awakeners can't get stronger after their awakening, just like Sung Jin Woo, but not really the same. With his power, he is determined to keep getting stronger and protect the Earth. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ I have uploaded up to +30 chapters in my Patreon page. If you want to support me on patreon, then this is the link: patreon.com/PeekACoo Thank you for your support

PeekACoo · アニメ·コミックス
80 Chs

49. A-Rank Raid Team

This kind of thing won't happen the 2nd time, so they need to enjoy it while it lasts. They won't be so lucky next time and the Guilds won't be so stupid to spend that much for A-Rank Gates' permits because they'll get less profit.

With the A-Rank Gate's permit solved, the only thing left is getting 8 A-Rank Hunters to fill the spots. So they quickly post a recruitment notice on the Hunter website to fill the raid team members. It will be a first come first serve basis and the requirement is just being a licensed A-Rank Hunter.

There's no requirement for the Hunters' job types, skills, etc. They just need to be licensed A-Rank hunters to be eligible for the job. It's such a strange recruitment post, but many people are attracted because the one who posted it is an S-Rank Hunter.

It doesn't take long for Indra to get calls from interested Hunters. He asks them their Hunter ID number so he can check if they are real. Then after confirming it, he asks them if they are fine with just filling the numbers.

<Excuse me? What do you mean just filling the numbers?>

"That means you won't need to fight and we'll pay you the basic payment. If you ever need to fight and eventually kill monsters, then we will give you more payment based on the number of monsters you kill. But your main job is mainly just filling the number so we can enter the Gate. Ah, also you will help us mine the magic crystals if we find them. 60% of the profit from the magic crystals will be ours while the 40% will be split equally among the 8 filler members. How's that sound?"

<If we don't fight monsters, then won't get more payment, right?>

"Yeah, this whole thing is mainly for me & my sister to train our abilities. So we want to take care of all the monsters if possible. Besides, you won't need to fight, so you won't risk your life, and you still get paid. Easy money for you."

<But we still might need to fight if you can't stop the monsters by yourselves, right?>

"Indeed, there's that possibility. So, are you up? If so, then we can meet to sign the contract tomorrow."

After Indra explains the job, some people actually decide to back off. They either think it's too good to be true or they feel offended because they are A-Rank Hunters but they will just become filler members to meet the raid team requirement.

But in the end, they get 8 licensed A-Rank hunters that agree to join that night. They never thought they would get all 8 filler members this quickly. Well, they won't complain because this is what they need. The faster they can raid the dungeon, the better it is.

The next day, they meet with the 8 A-Rank Hunters in a restaurant near the Hunter Bureau office. Indra has prepared the contracts before coming here and everything in the contracts is exactly the same as what he explained to them last night.

So if they don't agree, he can't hire them because that means they didn't listen to his explanation. Luckily, the 8 A-Rank Hunters aren't that stupid and ignorant. They are satisfied with the contracts because everything is like what Indra said which they agreed.

Among the 8 A-Rank Hunters, there are some unique individuals. Someone has a broken arm, another has a broken leg, another one loses his left eye, and someone keeps asking if she really doesn't need to fight because she is afraid of fighting monsters.

"You 3 with injuries, are you planning to use your payment to get treatments?"

"Yes/Of course."

"We can't take jobs if we are injured this badly, so we were very hopeful when we saw your post because it will take time before we can get healed completely and continue our job."

"Hmm, then, do you want me to heal you?"


"Well, I'm a healer, after all. But obviously I need to charge for the treatment because you aren't injured during the raid in my team. I will give a discount for the treatment though and we'll just deduct your payment to pay for my treatment to make it easy. In exchange, I want you to tell me your raid experiences."

The 3 injured hunters look elated and quickly agree to it, so Indra prepares different contracts to secure the deals. Using contracts will make things easier and everyone will be assured. Black on white is more trustworthy than words of mouth, after all.

After they sign the contracts, Indra quickly treats their injuries. On one hand, he doesn't want these injured people to put others in danger if things go wrong during the raid. On the other hand, he wants to try if his [Heal] skill can heal rather old injuries like this.

The result is his [Heal] works just fine and they are healed completely. Even the guy who lost his eye regenerates that eye in a short time. It's quite a shocking scene to see someone's eye grow in an empty eye socket.

"How could you still have those injuries though? Don't your raid teams have A-Rank Healers? They should be able to regrow those, right?"

Dewi is very curious because she has heard that A-Rank healers already have incredible abilities even though his brother is more incredible.

"W-well, most A-Rank healers have been recruited by Guilds. So most personal raid teams or the ones made by the Hunter Bureau don't have A-Rank Healers. At most, we will have C-Rank Healers in our teams or even no healer at all. C-Rank Healers can't regrow lost body parts. They don't have enough mana to do it, so we need to collect more money to get treatments from A-Rank Healers."

"I see, Healers are very important, that's why the Guilds are recruiting them all."


"How about you? If you are afraid of fighting monsters, then why join a dungeon raid team?"

"U-uh, that's, I-I need fast money to pay for my college tuition. But I don't have any experience raiding a dungeon. Just the thought of fighting monsters is scary. There are many hunters who died in the dungeon, and I don't want to be one of them."

Some of the A-Rank Hunters are holding their laughter, but Indra and Dewi are rather proud of this girl instead. She doesn't let her power get over her head and thinks rationally as someone who never fights her whole life.

Being overconfident just because they get A-Ranks can kill them. But being too afraid is also a problem, so she will need to work on it. Well, she just needs to train her skills, gain more experience, and build up her courage.

"What's your awakened job?"

"I-it's a Puppeteer. I-I can control d-dolls."

"Human-sized dolls?"

"I-I don't know. I've only tried controlling my small barbie dolls so far."

"I see. Alright, then stay behind the others to stay safe."

They talk more about the raid time and plan while eating. Then they leave once everything is over so they can get ready because they will raid the dungeon tonight. It's better to raid the dungeon as fast as possible because they never know how long it will take to clear the dungeons and how much longer until the dungeon breaks.

After the A-Rankers leave, Indra looks at the Puppeteer's data. She has an interesting and very uncommon ability. Furthermore, Indra saw that she actually has an S-Rank potential. He wants to recruit her, but he needs to check her background first and make sure she's trustworthy.

"Is she your type, my little brother?"

Dewi asks with a teasing tone.

"If it's as a potential Guild member, then yeah. She has a unique ability, after all. It would be interesting to see it being used against monsters."

"Tch, you're no fun."

"Then what do you want? You want me to be attracted to her romantically?"

"That's right. Then I can tell her to get this big sister's approval if she wants to date you."

".... This is why you never get a boyfriend."


They almost fight like they used to in the past, but they quickly stop when they remember how strong they are now. Anyway, they've finally secured a team to raid the A-Rank dungeon, so it's all good now.


I have uploaded up to +30 chapters on my Patreon page.

Uploaded on Patreon: Chapter 79. Eternal Slumber

If you want to support me on patreon, then this is the link: p@treon.com/PeekACoo

Thank you for your support