
Ultra Legacy

In a world of technology and magic, Radeon expected his life to be fantastic and simple...but that just wasn't the plan. For being a direct descendent of a God clan, he must find a way to defeat an evil member of his clan that became corrupt with the lust for power. Luckily, with he gets recruited by a team of Quantums, an supernautral group of people, gifted powers in technological methods. Forced to undergo pain, hardship and divinity, he finds himself dealing with several omnipotent beings and a group of rogues called the Astral's. Unfortunately for him, his powers come at a great costs....something that would be sacrificed in the long run...

LMN_001 · SF
10 Chs

The Journey (Naming a horse)

As the quartet travels through the valley, they encounter a variety of travelers from all over the world, each sharing the excitement of their adventures ahead. After a few hours, fatigue begins to set in for Akari, Rayolia, and Radeon, but Bectroas maintains the same steady pace. Eventually, they arrive at a serene oasis where they decide to camp for the night. While Akari is sound asleep, Rayolia and Radeon sit together, quietly discussing their next moves and plotting the journey that lies ahead.

"So, where is the next destination..?" Radeon inquires. 

"Depends on how far we get..." Rayolia responds, her finger dragging slowly along the map's surface. Her eyes stay focused, calculating the distance ahead, as the weight of their journey lingers in her voice.

"For example, if we get to Fort Si'r Montlerria, we have to travel approximately 20 miles south...and if we want to get to Florreseu city, we have to travel by horse for a couple months and after a couple weeks by boat which would take all together.....7 months and 3 weeks...to be exact...." Rayolia informs. 

"Sheeh...all that just to get to a city...." Radeon responds, looking down at the map. 

Radeon looks up at Rayolia, his expression shifting to one of tiredness as the adventure's excitement starts to fade. He slows his pace, taking a moment to catch his breath, but despite the exhaustion, he still appreciates the bond they share on this journey, a silent understanding passing between them.

"Do we even have enough supplies for the trip..?" Radeon questions. 

"I don't know...we might have to gather materials along the way...and since its just the three of us...we are going to have to limit the amount of supplies we carry.." Rayolia acknowledges. 

"Ahhh~... what a pain..." Radeon sighs, his weariness evident as he leans back slightly. The exhilaration of the ride has faded, and he can't help but voice his fatigue. 

"Well, the first step is to get some rest...then we'll head out in the morning..." Radeon replies assuringly as he gets up from his chair and walks towards the stairs. 

"You should get some rest too....Rayolia..." Radeon expresses as he looks into Rayolia's eyes. 

"Okay...if...you say--so...." Rayolia notes as she becomes flustered. 

Both Radeon and Rayolia went to bed, leaving the night behind. In the early morning, Akari was the first to wake. Hungry, he wandered through the hallway in search of something to eat. As he strolled past the balcony, he spotted a food stall below. Taking the stairs down, he approached the stall, noticing it was empty, with no one around.

"Mister, can I get some of that please...?" Akari asks. 

"Yeah, you can...by the way..these delicacies are called Gourmeit Bread.." The seller notifies proudly. 

The seller gives a loaf of Gourmeit Bread to Akari. 

"These are free only to people that stay here for a period of time.." The seller communicates. 

Akari feels the bread and is shocked by it's texture.

"Its...soft..." Akari states as he continues to feel the bread. 

"Eat it before it gets cold.." The seller advises. 

Akari looks at the bread, holds it up to his mouth, sniffs it, and takes a bite. 

"It's...good.." Akari expresses. 

"Glad you like it, there's more where that came from..!" The seller notifies proudly. 

Several minutes later, Rayolia and Radeon wake up. Rayolia gets up and slips. As Rayolia's eyes open she and Radeon are kissing. The movement also happens to wake Radeon as his eyes are also open. Rayolia moves away quickly and blushes. 

"Ahhh.....I'm sorry...I-I slipped..." Rayolia explains as she becomes flustered, blushing even more.

She looks at Radeon shyly and expects him to be disgusted but he just stays in the same position and laughs. Rayolia becomes confused and turns towards Radeon. 

"....W-why are you laughing..?!" Rayolia asks flusteringly. 

"...I'm just..happy that my first kiss was with you.." Radeon explains.

Rayolia's whole face turns red in embarrasement as she hides her face with her hands. 

Radeon gets up along with Rayolia and walk through the hallways. 

"So..Rayolia...what do we need..?" Radeon questions. 

"We need food, water, clothing, weapons, bandages for injuries, and technology.." Rayolia informs. 

"Quite a bit huh..?..." Radeon responds pretty nervous while sighing. 

The duo makes it towards the balcony and spot Akari eating a bunch of bread. Rayolia gets mad and runs towards Akari. She grabs a piece of bread from Akari's hands. 

"You shouldn't be eating that much grains...!...your cholesterol will skyrocket..!!!" Rayolia hollers at Akari, still having his bread in her hand while Akari is struggling to reach it. 

"I want some bread..gimme!!..." Akari wails as he tries harder to get his bread from her. 

"No, I won't let you...it's too much...!...Just forget about eating bread for a while..!!!" Rayolia exclaims. 

"No, I want my bread..giv'me!!" Akari calls out. 

As Rayolia and Akari fight, Radeon calms both of them down. 

"Guys stop fighting....!...we've gotta go, bandits are arriving.." Radeon states as he looks at them then the bandits from afar riding towards them on their dark horses. 

Royalia and Akari look at Radeon then back at each other. 

"We'll finish this later!!" Both Rayolia and Akari thought to themselves in unison, their eyes locked in a fiery stare filled with arrogance and irritation. The tension between them crackled in the air, each determined to prove their point but holding back for the moment.

They gather some materials that are helpful around them and head out. They got on their horse and start riding. 

"Hey guys...shouldn't we name our horse...?" Radeon asks as he turns to Akari and Rayolia. 

"Why not..?!" Rayolia responds. 

Radeon glances at Bectroas's head, then shifts his gaze to the horse's stomach and legs. A spark of inspiration lights up in his eyes as an idea begins to form. He smirks to himself, sensing the potential for something even more exciting to come from their newfound companion.

"I'll name him....Bectroas!!...." Radeon screams out in excitement. 

"That sounds like a good name!" Rayolia added in happiness. 

"Yeah...the name...sounds good.." Akari complies. 

"Now, Bectroas... ride on!!!" Radeon shouts, his energy reignited as he points forward with determination. The horse, Bectroas, surges ahead, galloping into the horizon as their adventure of a lifetime begins, the wind and vast landscape stretching endlessly before them.