
Mortal Turned God

He huffed, he panted, his glistening body reflecting rays of light from his sweaty body. He looked towards his father and his best friend and gave them a thumbs up. Although, he was the opposite of okay, he was washed, and the coach could see that too, but they were tied 2-2, and he couldn't lose this match. That would mean everything the team had worked for for more than a month, would be for nothing. He refused to let Michael rest.

Dejectedly, he went back to the field to resume his duties as the football team captain of Hulston High School. Not that he didn't love football, but he was tired. He hardly even got any sleep the night before. Infact, he hardly got any sleep the last week. He had been juggling his regular responsibilities with part time jobs as valets, waiters and the likes, and frankly he was tired.

But still, with frustration eminent in his every step, he powered through and ran with his remaining willpower and snagged the ball from the Oaks captain and kicked it towards one of his teammates who shot it into the net giving a win to his team.

Michael fell, unable to stand , the full time whistle was blown, signaling the end of the match. After a few simple operations, Michael was back on his feet, albeit slightly. Ryan Andy, his best friend and Harry Torg, his father.

"How you doing bro? You all fixed up ?" Ryan said with his wierd semi Australian accent. " You know it dude. " Michael replied while performing their special handshake . " Good game Michael." Harry said, ruffling his hair. " Yeah, I can really feel the burn. You know, like a fire, heating up my insides." Michael replied while faking a pant. " Well, I know just the thing to cool you down. I got us a reserve at that fancy sundae restaurant uptown. We'll go grab a quick bite and head back down. Sounds good?" " No way, reservations cost a fortune. How'd you afford it ?" Michael asked bewildered. " I got rid of an advanced tier beast. Do you know, how much that costs?" Harry said smiling but Michael wasn't. " Dad, you can't keep doing this. Stop going to hunts. This is exactly how Mom died. " You know you can t hold on to the past forever, you have to let go. " Harry said meaningfully. " I have dad, I truly have. " " " You're still gonna come for the sundae right?" Harry asked. " Wouldn't miss it for the world ." Michael chuckled before walking off.

He ran past city blocks, the noisy background of traffic being able to deafen a human gr life but somehow, they were used to it . He took a shortcut towards a lonely street when he saw the captain of the Oaks along with a few of his teammates. He couldn't see another route so he tried turning back but was pushed back by another 3 boys. One of them grabbed him by the collar and punched him to the floor. He tried getting up but the captain put his leg on Michaels chest.

" Not so tough now are you? ANSWER ME ! You know, if you had just left it at a tie, you would have been okay, I wouldn't be doing this. But no, you had to win. Well, let's see how many punches you can take before you drop dead. "

With that, one of the boys removed his belt tying it around Michaels neck, while kneeling him down, keeping him in a steady position. He was punched mercilessly, only seconds away from passing out. His face was bruised, his ears bloody and his eyes swollen. With the remaining strength in him, he managed to see a transparent notification screen.

[Ultra God System has been unlocked. Claim your prize within the next 24 hours or...