
Ultimate Throne

"A king who sits on the Throne of Judgment scatters away all evil with his eyes.” (Proverbs 20:8) On the distant planet Ablauf, nestled in the depths of the universe, an empty Throne awaits its rightful ruler. Legends of the Ultimate Throne have been circulated far and wide, attracting ambitious individuals from neighboring planets seeking to claim the title of King or Queen of Ablauf. In the midst of this pursuit, the authoritative presence of the World Government intervenes, thwarting these hopeful adventurers and condemning them to the desolate confines of the Galactic Prison, where sunlight is a rare sight. Trapped within its walls, escape seems impossible, leaving inmates to endure a grim existence marked by decay and despair. In a serendipitous turn of events, Tito Roux, a reclusive sociopath with the uncanny ability to transform into fiery flames post getting nipped by a mystical Gemini crystal firefly, unexpectedly lands on the planet of Ablauf. This unusual arrival comes about after a mishap involving a hijacked prison-bound vehicle commandeered by an alien mentalist. Dispatching the alien assailant with ease using his fiery powers, Tito soon finds himself in the clutches of the stern Deputy General Russ N’Dowa, who administers a heavy-handed punishment by biting him all colors of black and blue before sending him off to the notorious Galactic Prison. Biding his time and scheming for a way out, Tito crosses paths with the enigmatic ‘Red Panda’ Encender Tohil, a daring adventurer on a quest to assemble a crew to journey along the revered Supreme Road in pursuit of the elusive Ultimate Throne. Armed with a quirky tactician yearning for a hermitic existence on deserted islands with a side of sugary treats, can Encender Tohil and her eclectic team navigate the treacherous path ahead and secure their coveted prize – the Ultimate Throne?

Platofox · ファンタジー
56 Chs


Tito's ears quickly focus on Meron's physical state.

'Her condition is worse than I thought. Both her hearts are in a critical stage. The two bullets have traveled to the endocardium on both sides.

Axial chromatography with bullet track through the interior of the chest, and lung parenchymal contusion in the region of the Superior Vena Cava.'

Tito didn't possess a breathing tube, since such a thing didn't exist in Galactic Prison. However, he possessed a maple tree and ocean water, which all the inmates were given instead of borehole water.

Placing the young maple tree and ocean water in plastic bags, he covers Meron's mouth and nose with each plastic bag in that order.

Covering up Meron with a light blue blanket, Tito's hand turns into a surgical blade scalpel, and slowly cuts the area of Meron's left chest.

With each stride he made, the number of sweat beads on his face increased. Tito is originally confident about the things he does, but this time he was panicking. 

'A person's life is at stake here. Any mistake would result in me killing a person because of my own arrogance.'

He knew such thoughts would only hinder him in the process, but they just kept on coming to his mind. 

Tito endured a struggle with his internal thoughts for the next five minutes, but his mind was ultimately clear when he saw Meron's pulsating heart.

'So...that's what a functioning heart looks like...'

It is close to breaking down, but this is the first time Tito ever saw a beating heart before. 

'Any mistake, and it's over.'


Tito's thoughts cleared. Tsuyoi had just wiped the ocean of sweat coming from his face. 

"Tsuyoi believes in you, Tito. Don't give up."

She would never make such remarks to a man, but Tito had revealed a different aspect of masculinity to her that she had not previously been aware of. This new insight brought a smile to at Black and white. 

"Thank you for the encouragement," Tito nodded before looking at Rajah. "I will be asking for your heart in a few minutes. Be ready."

"Sure thing," the immortal agreed with a near-serious expression. The him from a few days ago would have argued with Tito, trying his best to impress Tsuyoi. However, he now had a new goal.

'I will stop looking for a way to kill myself and live my life until it ends.'

Since Tito is the one that implanted that idea in his mind, he had no choice but to stop playing the keyboard and observe what his friend is doing.

Turning his whole left leg into tiny tubes, Tito connected them all to Meron's visible blood vessels. Since he knew which blood vessels carry oxygen and carbon dioxide, the process was easy.

Using his ability, he could somehow force Meron's body to act like it had a third heart.

Ka, ka, ka—!

During this time, Tito's mind was clear as water, and Tsuyoi barely had to wipe any sweat from his forehead.

After five minutes, he quickly orders, "Rajah, no—"

Tito's words didn't finish, as he saw Rajah's heart dancing in front of his golden eyes.

Thanks to being immortal, Rajah's blood reacts with all fifteen blood types found in the world. This is why Tito skipped the Organ Procurement stage.

'Also, if she had any illnesses before, they would be healed by Rajah's heart.'

It was only a guess, but Tito believed that Rajah's immortality could somehow be passed on to the next person, similar to how Kontrolu gained his abilities.

"Huuu..." Tito took a deep breath.

His left hand turned into surgical clamps and did their best to stop any unnecessary bleeding.

He didn't possess surgical sutures, but Tito had a small, non-rusty metal he had made a few days ago. He didn't hesitate to use it to stitch Meron's blood vessels with Rajah's heart.

Tito's eyes danced in joy the moment he finished stitching Rajah's heart. It didn't take a second for it to start accepting Meron's rich oxygen blood. However, his face soon contorted.

'Her right heart is no longer functioning, and if it stays in her body for more than five, she will die of excessive blood loss.'

"Damn it!"

Tito's curse alerted Tsuyoi and Rajah that something wasn't right, and they all looked at Tito with eyes filled with curiosity, hoping to know what that is. However, black and white didn't register any of that in his mind.

Covering Meron with a blanket, he rushes over to the right heart.

'Fast and accurate. Fact and accurate...'

He kept on repeating the same thing in his mind, and the amount of sweat coming from his body was extreme. Tsuyoi had to bring a bucket next to him.

Thanks to the first operation being a success, Tito's insight on the alien body had deepened. All the unnecessary time he spent worrying was put to good use.

'I hope she does not copy his traits through this transplant,' Tito thought as he tried to make light work of the situation he is. All the difficult parts were finished, and all that is left is to stitch back Meron's flesh together. However, Tito had no choice but to use a string this time as he had run out of the metal string to use as sutures. 

'I did it. I finally saved a life using fire,' Tito thought as he passed out. However, Tsuyoi was there to catch him before he hits the ground, showing a pleased smile towards him. 

"You did a good job," She also looked at Rajah staring at Meron, "Both of you."


She collapsed with Tito in her hands, leaving the fallen Prince alone.

Being left alone with his two inmates, Rajah smiled a bit. He muttered, "You all did a good job. I will look after you until you wake up."

Compared to Tito and Tsuyoi, Rajah felt like he had done nothing at all, although he had done the biggest part. Finding a heart donor is the difficult part.

"This brings back memories of the past. However, my past feels like the future of this world. Hehe."