
Ultimate Throne

In the grand tapestry of existence, mortality serves as a poignant reminder of the transience of life. Fish succumb to the whims of hunger, their fate a mere trifle in the grand scheme. Humans, on the other hand, surrender to the allure of wealth, a fleeting dream that vanishes like smoke on the wind. Yet, in this world, the currency of trust proves far more perilous. To entrust one’s fate to the wrong individual is to invite despair, to drown in a sea of regret. Trusting a devil will only leave one imprisoned by the chains of pain. When I say “devil,” I don’t mean it in a spiritual sense, but rather a human with the characteristics of a devil. A person capable of lying to himself until his mind believes it to be the truth. Someone who views the world with disdain and wouldn’t care if it disappeared in the next second. On the planet Ablauf, where the extraordinary has become mundane, abilities both grand and trivial are woven into the fabric of existence. like turning into an insect, to the all powerful like reversing time, mind control, and turning illusion into reality. Tito Roux Z, a broken soul from Earth with the ability to turn into flames, lands on this planet with no goals in mind. However, from the second day onward, when he heard about the “Ultimate Throne” granting the rights to be Sovereign of Ablauf from Encender Tohil, a fellow inmate at the time, other thoughts began to form in his dark mind.

Platofox · SF
123 Chs

Galactic Prison [2]

"Ahh~" I yawned loudly.

The loud noises from the other cells were too much for a person with abnormal hearing like me.

I am so tired. Yesterday I had to clean this 10 m × 10 m cell on my own.

"So loud." I complained again.

I don't know how, but it seems my hearing range has increased from what I used to know it as. Not only that, but I can pick on every voice in this cell block.

"I see now. You are just like him."

Hearing that sweet singsong voice, I finally opened my eyes. Furthermore, I had to blink them a few times to confirm if I was seeing right.

It was the light brown haired girl, who almost killed me yesterday. She had an orange overall similar to mine, which made her look more like a boy.

'Escaping her mind prison seemed to have made her come to life.'

The moment my thoughts passed away, my eyes quickly scanned on the papers scattered on my blanket. A second didn't pass until, and I looked at the girls lips.

Munch, munch, munch—!

She was feasting on a chocolate bar with her back faced against the wall.

I found myself frowning. However, I just took a sigh and let it go. She is injured, and there is no use in arguing with her.

My ears were picking up on the sound coming underneath my bed. I finally talked to the girl seating cross-legged on my bed.

"Is the guy below awake?"

She nodded her small head and smiled, "Yes. His name is Rajah. He is the one who told me that you carried us from the truck. Thank you."

"You are welcome, I guess." I answered with a nonchalant expression.

However, my brows quickly knot up into a frown. Remembering what took place the day before made me want to punch his handsome face.

I started taking long breaths, like an asthma patient. Just thinking about the times I got whipped because of him, made me want to kick him in the nuts.

'Should I—'

The golden eyed girl suddenly brought her face super close to mine. Her sunflower breathe is the one that alerted me of her presence.

'When did she get here? I didn't hear her movements again.'

Her face was only an inch away from mine. This did not bother me. Since, I was stunned by the fact that her movements were as silent as a ghost.

She showed a sunny smile and introduced herself, "I am Encender Tohil. What about you?"

In the end, I couldn't keep on frowning to someone like that. I replied, "Tito Roux Z."

"Okay." Encender didn't mind that she was sleeping next to a man, "Want to be my friend?"


She sulks and finally took a packet of lollipops from underneath my pillow.

She acted like she didn't hear the plastic she touched, and asked, "Why?"

There were plenty of reasons why, but I just decided not to answer her. I just took the lollipops with a scowl on my face.

"Didn't anyone teach you to never look underneath a boy's bed? You might see something that will make you blind."

"There are only sweets underneath your pillow, though?"

I ignored her question, "Who told you to come to my bed?"

She smiles and answers, "Nobody."

"Don't you know that people of opposite sex shouldn't be in the same bed?"

"I don't." She answers with her face looking at the side.

'What a crappy lair.'

I just sighed, there are different types of people in the world.

As a person who doesn't like arguments, I jumped off from the top bunk bed. My eyes found themselves looking at the black haired man, taking the bottom bed.

'When did he change into a churidar(1)?'

No, that's not even the question. How did he manage to heal from all those wounds? He was all blooded yesterday.

He frowns in displeasure, at the sight of my long stare, "Why aren't you bowing down peasant? Don't you see, you are in the presence of royalty? You are lucky, I should have punished you. You kicked a royal, that is something befitting death."

'What kind of mental illness is this? Did kicking him make him go crazy? That kick wasn't even in the head, though?'

Rajah sneered, like he was looking at something disgusting. People always looked at me like that, so I didn't mind at all.

He crosses his legs and removes my lollipop from his mouth, "Trash like you should be on his knees, begging to wash my feet. You are nothing but moths that follow a shining light like me."

'What an ungrateful man!'

I clenched my right fist and small embers of fire started to flicker. I suddenly felt a gentle touch on my fist.


I turn my head to look at the source. It was Encender who had a furious look. I found it hard to imagine that she was smiling at me a moment ago.

My eyes blinked only once.


A punch suddenly hit Rajah's face, as words echoed from behind, "Don't mess with my brother!"

Blood gushed out from his nose, like it was tomato sauce. The punch left a print on Rajah's face and his mouth was just open in disbelief.

'M…y de-dear Encender. I... like yo…ur style."

I smiled at her punching that arrogant pervert. However, my face became expressionless.

Likewise, I quickly addressed her, "Encender, you know that your brother is dead, right? Not only that, but I am just a guy you have to repay for saving your life."

I am not going to hide the fact that I went through hell to save this people. They have to do everything in their power to repay me.

"I know you are not my brother." Encender replied in a serious tone.

Her head was looking at the ground, as her body slightly shivered, "But, can I, call you brother instead?!"


"Why!?" She turned around with an almost tearful look on her face, "Every man would like to have a pretty little sister like me!"

"I just don't like it." I answered with annoyance in my voice.


The moment my words finished the buzzer rang and all cells opened.

'I must have been exhausted yesterday. I don't normally sleep till breakfast time.'

Even though my thoughts said that, it was hard to tell the time in here. Everything was near dark, with only a single light bulb providing light.

"That's odd." Rajah muttered after two minutes the buzzer rang. He wipes off the blood on his face, as he moved out of his bed, "Shouldn't everyone be going out to get food?"

He was right. None of the other inmates in our block were going out. The only person in the cell room facing us is watching t.v, like she didn't hear a thing.


It was my stomach. I didn't have a proper meal in three days, so it was natural for it to act that way.

However, I can't rush out, as I need to figure out why the other inmates are acting this way.

Encender chuckled and firmly clutched my hand, "I am hungry."

I raised a brow and my left hand into small particles of fire to break away from her grip, "So?"

"Let's go. There should be an answer there."

She is right, but I would rather not get myself into trouble because of curiosity. I know we got electric stoves to cook for ourselves, but we don't have the ingredients.

I sighed, "Sure let's go."

Rajah was the first to walk out. He smiled at the girl next to me, "I will protect you Encender."

You are the one who needs her protection.

We walked out past the last two cells and the light brown haired girl said with a little saliva escaping her mouth, "I can smell it! Food!"

She must be starving. She is already hallucinating about a smell that is not here.

My ears could hear over a thousand chatting sounds from where we were going, which made them hurt a little.

My mouth dropped up a little from shock, when we reached outside our block. However, it soon closed. This place was another world after all. 

'This hall is big enough to be a university campus.'

"They gave us everything, except for sunlight." Rajah muttered as he crosses his arms, "There are literally telling us that our fates are sealed, but for a prince like me this kind of torture is nothing."

"Who cares about the sun?" Encender says. She was right especially for a man of fire like me, "All I need is food now."

That's right. However, I quickly hold the back of her collar to stop her from going anywhere.

My eyes quickly assessed what was is in front of us. 

Everything you find at a university, a fighting arena and some weird black cube written [Suicidal Area.]

There was a line of inmates going there and all their eyes seemed lost of all life. There were going to kill themselves.

My eyes started shaking in fear. This place turns people crazy. No normal person would gladly kill themselves. Even animals can't do that.

"I need to break out of here."

I nodded at Rajah's words, "Same here."

I might have agreed, but this place is like a cage without any opening. Others might have not noticed it, but there are prison officers walking among the inmates.

'Someone with the ability to turn things invisible. Such a person would be of great help in escaping this place... Too bad that person is a prison officer.'

At the end of my thoughts Encender starts chuckling, like the situation among us was funny.

"I have made my mind."

'There is only water in there.' I gave her a doubtful look with wide open eyes.

She turned over to look at us with a smile, "I am going to travel the Supreme Road and became the Queen of the world!"

'A planet is too big to be ruled by one person.'

Everyone's gaze quickly fell on us. It is understandable someone declaring to be Queen of anything, while in prison is sure to be insane.

Encender continued, "I am going to gather a team that will help me reach the end of the world together with me."

A slightly depressed look fell on her face, "The ones I had were all killed, but that's fine. I will just make a new one, to show them I can do better."

She moved on already? How cute.

A group of three inmates started slowly walking towards us. There were being led by a tattooed guy with green haired trimmed on the sides.

From a glance, I could tell he was strong. However, the one who took my interest were the two beside him.

A really gorgeous dude and a guy with a long-big nose.

'Hmm... How odd.'

Rajar quickly took hold of my shoulders with trembling hands. He stood at my back trying hard to avoid being seen. It was like all his arrogance from before had washed away.

Encender didn't notice anything and kept on moving her mouth, as she points at us.

"You two are strong, and you are going to be my first teammates."

'What happened to asking?'



Churidars, also churidar pyjamas, are tightly fitting trousers worn by both men and women in the Indian subcontinent.

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