
Ultimate Spider-Woman: New World, New Me.

A person get's reborn as mary jane one day with Spider-Man's powers.

Isaias_Hill_1004 · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs

I'm Mary jane watson?!

The pain i felt in the back of my neck was painful, like a hot iron up against my skin. I grunted in pain trying to hold it back, but a roar of pain came out of my mouth.

And then suddenly, the boy that i bumped into earlier said. "Are you alright?"

I looked up and saw the boy looking at me with concern. I just stared at him for a while, until my vision started to lose focus on the boy. "You don't look okay. I will get the teacher for help."

But before he went to get help, i fell to the floor unconscious. When i open my eyes i find myself looking up at a white tiled ceiling. Slowly setting myself up on the bed, i began to look around the room. "What a weird dream." I thought to myself.

Touching the back of my neck, i felt the spider bite on the tip of my fingers. Taking a deep breath i wondered if a spider had bit me. "It seems something had bit me. A spider perhaps?"

But when i spoke a feminine voice came from my mouth. "What in the world happened to my voice?!" I shouted in surprise.

Then i started to notice the red long hair going down my shoulders. Grabbing a strand of hair and twirling it around my finger, i thought to myself. "Is someone doing a prank on me? Well it's not funny."

Turning my gaze to the window, i noticed that a totally different person was staring right back at me. Taking a real good look at my reflection. A beautiful teen girl with red hair and green eyes was staring at me. "Is this really me? Or am i still dreaming?"

pinching the side of my cheek i realized that i am not dreaming, But really in someone else's body. Still focusing on my reflection, i didn't hear the person that came in the room. "You're finally awake?"

Turning to where i heard the voice, a big fat man was in the room. Looking at the man i noticed that he has a stern look on his face. "Why are you staring at me like that?"

Not answering his question got him agitated, and he furrowed his eye brows at me. "I don't care why you are looking at me that way. But right now i need to get you out of here. So let's go."

Not getting out of the bed got him pissed. "Mary jane watson! Get your ass up now! He shouted in a demanding tone.

I immediately shot out of the bed and stood in front of the man. He turned his back on me and left the room. Then i followed behind him afterwards, with only one thing on my mind. "I'm Mary jane watson?!"

one week later:

After leaving the hospital that day, i found out i died and reborn as Mary jane watson in the marvel universe. But that's not the only thing i found out.

"Beep! Beep! Click!" Opening my eyes i slowly got out of the bed. "Morning already?" I said yawning. Stretching out my limbs i began to walked to the dresser. Opening the drawer i took out some clothes then place them on the bed.

Turning around i began to Walk out of my bedroom door, heading to the bathroom. When i went in the bathroom i began to Take off my clothes. I then turned on the shower and went in. After i took a shower, i began to dry myself off.

Wrapping the towel around myself, i began to look at myself in the mirror. "It feels like i got used to this body already? I only been here for a week. Strange to say i kinda like the spider powers though."

Looking down at my hands i started to remember the first time i used my powers. "That disgusting rat. If it wasn't for you i probably wouldn't find out." I said in discuss. Leaving the bathroom i headed back to my room.

Putting on the clothes that was on my bed, i began to think about school. "So i have to go back to high school again? Well then off i go." Putting on my backpack i began to leave my room.

Making my way through the hallway and down the stairs. I began to walked to the front door. "I'm off to school!" I shouted out to my dad. When i didn't hear a response, i new he was passed out from drinking again.

Opening the front door i went outside. "Time for my first day of school." I said to myself while walking to the bus stop.