
Ultimate Power Holder

In every world we see that power is the source for everything Power is present in novels which have romance and power is present in novels and comics which are based on it. When power is devided it gave rise to certain loopholes. Those loopholes in terms gives rise to a a power check between the ruler and ruled. Everything the ruler says is right and the ruled are the ones to bow before the will. 'Secrets ' a mysterious word that is their in every world , the thing which make the rich more richer by giving them the power to control the rest . Planet Liva is no different from that game. The power abuse gave rise to a protestant class will their leader be able to turn tables or will he become one of them,The association that our protagonists will face and how their fate will entagle with each other further and many secrets will be revealed.

Meosi · ファンタジー
30 Chs

Facing the past

Morning :

(The servant quarters- Planet Liva )

"Listen everyone, we have a new arrival." Said the Metron of those servants.

"A new arrival." Said some of them and looked at each other. 

They all looked at each other's faces , because only the person who has committed any crime is given the status of servants. 

They all wondered what crime this person committed and against whom.

Some of them actually heard some gossip that a man has pissed off the crown prince and is now made a servant.

"Silence!" Ordered the Matron. 

"He will do extra work and today you will get a holiday. " said the matron in a harsh tone.

"Really. '' Some of them whispered ,they were very happy to get a holiday .

Still some of them wondered what crime the newbie committed that he has been not only sent here but also is given a harsh punishment. 

"Hey, you now come out ,wear the uniform and get started. " said the Matron summoning the boy.

Everyone just looked at the poor boy,his clothes were torn, he had several injuries, Mark's and he was merely a tiny boy.

Some of them in fact pitied him even though they knew he also was like them but still he was severely injured.

However, they can't do anything except to look and gossip.

A person who was sitting in his bed looked at the boy with a cold stare ,he didn't take part in their conversation and rather just watched.

"Boss, see that boy ." A man told his boss .The Boss was sitting on a chair and two men were messaging him.

In fact ,they formed a grid amongst themselves and the powerful ones dominated the other ones, more like bullying and again that 'power thing's. 

"Hmm, now we have one more chick."said the Boss laughing. 

"One more thing, your number is the last ." Said the matron turning back to leave.

The boy nodded and searched for the uniform, it was clear that he was resentful but he didn't say a word. 

"Hey, your uniform is in that closet."said another boy showing him the direction and leaving him.

The boy looked at him ,it was his first time since coming here that somebody voluntarily helped him but he too knew that this might be just others mocking him.

He wore his uniform and proceeded towards the garden ,after all he had to finish the 'Herculean task'.

He then went to the garden and started cleaning the area .

"Yoo see who we have here." Said one person with a disgusting laugh.

The boy turned around and found a muscular man with brown skin standing there ,he had a cut towards his left eye and some other people were standing behind him.

It was not hard to know that they were a gang.He didn't want to get into any trouble hence, he just moved on from there.

"You dare ignore me .You little chick." Said the man while holding his collar.

His subordinates just threw the dry leaves that he collected into the ground.

"Hey you I already collected them with my hard work." Said the boy with a cold but murderous glare in his eyes.

He thought that he would not get into trouble but what if trouble comes to him.

"So, if you have decided to mess around then don't blame me." Said the boy and a whirlwind blew .

Then suddenly that man threw a punch . He was a well built man and surely the speed of the punch was fast ,everybody thought that the boy might not survive.

"You still don't get you are nothing."said He,while throwing the punch .

The boy's eyes suddenly opened wide as he heard those words."you are nothing."

Flashback :

"You are nothing. " said a figure grabbing him and punching him.

"Why ,why did you all bully me." Said the little baby.

"Only the strong can survive, not a lamb like you." Said that powerful figure.

Background :

"He deserves it." Some said and started smiling.


"I heard he has  connections, that's why he is here." Said others whispering. 

"No,no I am not." Shivered him as he looked at them mocking him with their eyes and looks .

"Se..revs him right. " a voice said while laughing and watching the scene.

"Weakling " " strong." 

"No ,no I just .please no." 

Present Moment :

(The garden ,Royal palace ).


"No,I am not a weakling ." Said he grinning his teeth with a burst of anger,worry, doubt .

"Ahaa" the man shouted as he heard those words . He was lying in the ground with bruises occurring from the punch he got .

The boy too fell down but he was still breathing and he wanted to fight him again but he was stopped.

"Hey,that's enough Please !stop it " said one person ,he was the one to help the boy earlier.

"Look ,don't make a scene or else you could get harsh punishment." Said he while giving his hand to help him up.

The boy looked at him with a confused face but he didn't say anything. Instead he rose up because he knew that he couldn't afford to make one more scene. 

"Let's go ."said that person and took the boy by his arm and walked away in front of the others.

Noises of Whispers:

"Did you see,the king was beaten." Said a servant.

"Yeah how come.." 

"Shhkk" whispered intensified. 

Then ,the King's subordinate ordered the others to go back and took him for a check up.

However, rumours and people's mouths could hardly be stopped. 

(The throne Room - Royal Palace).

"Yoo , why are your eyes looking sleepy?" Said Sein while laughing ,and seeing the tensed face.

"Did you think about your future wife ,that's why you were awake." Said Sein mocking Livioun and sitting on his desk.

"Aren't you going to rest? " said Livion while getting pissed off.

He was never a fun person but today he was more irritated than the other days ,even he shouted at his special guards for tiny mistakes. 

"Knock", "knock " a sound was heard of someone knocking the door.

"Come in ." Said Livion with a pissed off voice. 

"Your Highness. " greeted a knight while kneeling down as usual. 

"Tell." Livioun didn't shout at him .

"The boy was involved in a fight today as soon as he came and punched the strongest servant." Said He without much details. 

"Huh! Again a scene as soon as he entered. " said Livion while clenching is fist. 

Sein was a bit confused but was able to grasp the situation. 

Sein said ,"What happened to the boy?" Reading the dense atmosphere of the room.

"He too was injured and fell to the ground. " answered the knight.

Upon hearing this ,Livion's face was lightened. He was not feeling too angry but rather he actually admired the boy for his bravery to fight even when he is injured. 

By now it was clear to him that he would not pick random fights unless he was challenged first. 

"Call him to hear ." Said Livion. 

The knight nodded and went on.

"Livion what's happening. " said Sein.

"I will explain to you later now you go and search for the things I asked you." Said Livion.

Sein knew he could never force Livion so he just listened and went away.

"Why are you so reckless? " Livion thought as he looked outside the window where a tree was present with its leaves fallen off...

So , finally the boy was able to get a freind who helped him and Livion cold heart finally started having thoughts about someone.

Let's find out more ,keep reading

Meosicreators' thoughts