
Chapter 1

"Hah," I sighed to myself as I laid down on my bed. These past few days were absolutely tiring for me. There was a lot of chaos at work, apparently there were some crimes committed or something. I couldn't care less, after all I don't get paid enough to really care. I just wanted to play some Minecraft to enjoy myself. Though at my current condition, I don't think I can. A bummer really, I was almost done a project.

I started to doze off a little bit before blacking out completely. Just before that, I had felt my soul ascend to heaven. I guess it's the affects of not sleeping and scurrying around for almost 24 hours. I really need to take some time off to relax.


I felt a sudden ray of light hit my eyes. Squinting, I covered my eyes with my hands. I don't remember having the sun on my window side, wait, I don't even have a window. Jerking myself awake, I was hit by a bright view in front of me. I saw a field of flowers of all kinds, along with them I can see tall grasses swaying with the wind. There was also a river that I am hearing nearby, though that's not the weirdest thing here.

Well, the fact that I'm resting up against a tree when I was sleeping in my room is weird. But, everything seems to be blocky? Like Minecraft blocky, but also not, but still very Minecrafty.

"Okay, I've officially gone crazy." I said to myself. How else would I be seeing this? Maybe I was dreaming, but still. I don't think I love Minecraft that much right?

I gathered myself and stood up. Looking around I had decided the first logical thing to do, when you think you're dreaming. What was it? Well give yourself a pinch. Squeezing my hands, which were surprisingly not blocky at all, on my skin. There was pain, but I didn't wake up. I did it a little bit more harder, and harder, and harder. My skin had started to turn red, but I hadn't woken up yet. Maybe I was just really exhausted. I looked at the three that I was just laying by back on and had an idea.

Walking closer to it, I winded my hands up and threw a punch.


I small noise came out and cracks appeared on the spot that I had hit.

"Seriously?" I chuckled to myself. "This is one hell of a dream." As if instincts hit me, I kept throwing punches at the tree. Until I heard a snap, the tree fell over, landing on the ground.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

Logs and sticks separated out of the tree when it landed. The items nearest to me entered me directly. Feeling myself I suddenly remembered that I should have an inventory. Using my mind, I tried to conjure up an inventory. Then the classic inventory screen popped up, it had the 2x2 crafting slots, the 36 inventory slots, but it was lacking the armor slots.

I saw the sticks and logs that entered there. Without any other thoughts I directly crafted a work bench and some sticks. I know, I had sticks already. It was just habit, lucky I didn't use up my logs on more sticks.

Using my mind, I selected the workbench. It directly appeared into my right hand in a smaller version. I then raise my hand to an empty spot and thought "place". The workbench left my hand and appeared on that spot. I looked at it with awe, still not believing what I'm seeing. Although I've had lucid dreams before, they've never been so clear like this. However, since I'm here now it's quite good to enjoy it.

I created a pickaxe, sword, axe, and shovel. Instinctively picking the workbench back up, I decided to explore around a bit. Not too far into my trek, I had come across a group of pigs. Contrary to what they looked like in the game, they looked a lot more life proper wild boars. Although, they were quite blocky. Feeling quite confident in the fact that they wouldn't attack me, I charge right up to one and slashed my wooden sword at it.


My target squealed and took a defensive pose towards me. The other pigs also turned to me and gave me death stares. Something tells me that they definitely are going to be running, but not away.

"Shiiiiiiiiit!" I yelled as the group of pigs chased after me. I weaved trough trees and bushes, which the latter I don't recall existing in the original. The pigs were still after me, and that's when I suddenly thought of climbing up one of the trees. I used the wooden axe to strike deep into a tree's stem. It caused it some damage, but not enough to break it. Using it as a support, I lifted myself up to one of the top branches.

The pigs came to a stop seeing that I was out of reach. The one that I had hit, which was leading the charge, rammed onto the tree for a few time before deciding to give up. I melted in relief on top of the tree. Jeez, who would've though that those guys would fight back?

After experiencing this, I new that this wasn't classical Minecraft. I would have to treat it as a modded version. Which also means that I wouldn't be too sure what to expect. After all, there were tons and tons of mods in Minecraft. I had decided to take it easy and start with the very basics.

I hopped down the tree and decided to continue on exploring. I say that it hadn't even reach midday yet, meaning that I had plenty of time to prepare before the night. As I made my way through the the forest area I had spotted various things that definitely wasn't in vanilla Minecraft. Cementing the fact that there are many things to expect in the dream.

I stumbled upon a tree that had apples growing on it. Seeing them made me feel a little hungry, so I decided that I would climb and a fruit to satiate myself. I twisted an apple off from a branch and inspected it. It looked very clean without anything weird on it, I rubbed it around just in case it had some things on it.

Seeing that it looked safe, I took a large bite and a natural sweetness attacked my tongue.

"Holy carp this apple is good." I said aloud. I hadn't had such a sweet, crunchy, and juicy apple before. It was so heavenly, I felt like melting into nothingness after eating it. I finished it off quickly before eating another one. They were also quite big, probably twice the size of my fist. I was full after the second apple and picked a few more to put into my inventory.

Continuing on my way, I found all manner of creatures. Insects, birds, and so one. I even saw a herd of horses out in the distance, just at the outskirt of the forest snacking on fallen fruits. I've also picked up some items on the ground, like small rocks, sticks, and even wild herbs and veggies.

One thing that I did notice was the fact that I can hold things with my hands and they wouldn't appear in my inventory. Which was rather interesting, in theory, I can hold more that what I have in inventory slots. Which is actually interesting, my inventory is kind of like a separate space. After a little while I had found another exit to the forest. I was already traveling near the outskirts to my right, but now I've come across the end at my front.

I used this chance to finally get out of the forest and see some more biomes. Exiting out, I saw that it was rather hilly, and rocky. There was also a river that separated the forest edge and the new biome. Slowly descending down towards the rive, I saw that it was rather clear and reflective. The river wasn't too big, I could cross on foot.

I kneeled down and cupped some water with my hands. Which surprised me, this dream is getting a little too realistic if you ask me. I gave the water a sniff, and it had a peculiar smell to it. It was somewhat earthy of sorts. Without thinking, I gave it a sip. Surprisingly enough, it didn't task bad at all. In fact, it hardly tasted like anything. However, the cooling sensations it brought was rather refreshing. A drank for a little more before washing my face with it. It was very enjoyable.

Feeling refreshed, I trekked through and crossing the river. Feeling the sensation of the water on my feet, I had just realized that I was barefoot. I had no shoes on, or anything similar. I hardly felt any form of discomfort that I automatically thought that I had some on. Feeling the water now made me realize that I was shoeless. No wonder I actually felt rather free underneath. It was because I wasn't wearing anything.

Successfully crossing the river, I climbed up on the elevated ground. I was on a rather gravely area, looking at the ground I had realized that it was more detailed that I had thought. Although blocky, it was just like in real life but with things that are made of squares. I thanked his brain for being able to actually detail such small things, else he wouldn't get to enjoy such a nice dream.

I climbed for almost 15 minutes until he had reached a significant height. There I saw even bigger mountain from the distance, snow atop their peaks. As well as larger hills all around me. I also spotted some goats and other creatures that I couldn't quite determine due to the distance.

Sitting at a ledge, I enjoyed the view. At this point I didn't even want the dream to be over at all. I just wanted to stay like this forever, where I could just relax and enjoy life as it is. I looked around some more and found a valley close by. Thinking that it might be a good place to set up base, I headed straight to it.

Although It's a dream, I'm not sure how long it'll last. As far as I know, dreams can last much longer than the time a person sleeps. A few hours had already passed when he got up and explored. If it will last longer, he needed to keep safe at the night. After all, when the night comes, all manner of dangerous creatures appear. Especially the natural griefers of Minecraft. The creeper.

The bugger could sneak up on you and blow up project that you might've been working on for days. Or kill you suddenly in a hardcore world. The last thing I wanted was to be woken up because of a dumb creeper.

There wasn't much to interact with along the way, as it was filled with empty surface and a rocky ground. As I walk, I noticed a bit of rock that had some dark spots on it. Coming closer I realized that it was coal, feeling quite happy I took out the wooden pickaxe that I made from my inventory. It appeared full sized on my hands. Without a wasted second, I slammed it onto the coal repeatedly with the pickaxe.

Cracks appeared as I swung away at it. After a while I manage to break it open, I sat on the ground slightly exhausted from the swinging. However I received 5 pieces of coal from that one node, which is a lot of coal for a single node. In the end I ended up with 22 coals from the whole vein.

The mining actually took me awhile, the nodes were much more stronger that expected. Likely because I used a wooden pickaxe and all. Just then I realized that night was fast approaching. It hadn't reach dark yet but the sun has arrived at the horizon. I decided that I will just use the hole I made from mining as my temporary shelter. Jumping in, I covered the hole with wood.

It was dark in the hole, I actually got a little scared if I'm being honest. Opening my inventory, I crafted one torch to light the hole. It's not much, but it'll make things cozier. The torch lit up in my hands. I felt the warmth emitting from it, making me wonder if this really was just a dream. Maybe, I might wake up in the same place again? It may not seem to be a good thing now, but, I do hope hat I can stay here forever.

I placed the torch and felt sleep come over me. I tried to stay awake, but it seems that all the activities that I did in the 'morning' got me tired.

"I guess this is it." I sighed. "Back to reality."