

Tiffany gained back her consciousness from the bathroom she had fell.She was feeling dizzy and went on the bed to cool down.

Tiffany...Ouch! My head hurts.Why did i fall in the first place? Did i slip because i was from bathing?

Shockingly, she didnt remember anything on what happened.

Tiffany....But why am i here? How come am in this place? Is...this a hotel?

She forgot everything about everything and all about the ugly and beauty curse.Still, shocking she went back to being the ugly Patricia and she was not the pretty Tiffany anymore.

Patricia....I should go home before am told to pay for this room.Why....do i have an expensive bag though??

She didnt even remember Rio.She checked the bag and the phone Rio gave her was still their.

Patricia....So this is my phone?? I should call Dave to pick me up so that mum doesnt scold me.

Dave who switched as the handsome Jameson was still the ugly Dave a sister to Patricia.Which means that the only switced bodies were Patricia and Eve though Patricia (Tiffany-Eve) had lost all her memories.Patricia whose real identity is Eve but was Tiffany before becoming Patricia again, she had time travelled back in the years as the real Patricia and a sister to dave (Jameson).She time travelled the year when patricia and dave hadnt switched their bodies.Dave(jameson) took her to their home .

Dave....Your lucky that mum is not here.Why the heck did you even their in the first place?

Patricia....I also dont know how.

Dave....Stop it! Tomorrow is our first as highschoolers, we should prepare what we need to use.

The only memories she had were memories of patricia that she has a mother and a brother dave and both are ugly.Their mum was a witch like what Eve(patricia) said.They went to school the next day as their time in highschool.But wherever they passed, students couldnt stop talking about their ugliness.

Dave....Its okay, dont mind them.

Patricia....But they are talking loudly only to hurt our feelings.

Dave....Just ignore them.

Patricia....I thought i would make some friends but now it seems impossible.

They went to class though no one wanted to sit next to them.Patricia went and sat next to Eve the real patricia.


Eve...Come on, cant you sit somewhere else?

Patricia....But why?

Eve....Seriously? Because you disgust me.Get out of my sight right now.

Patricia....Here's the thing, lets ignore eachother but am going to sit here.

Tiffany....Eve, whose this trash?

The real Tiffany arrived.She and Eve were bestfriends in this year.

Eve....She is just a useless rug and guess what? She refused to move away.

Tiffany....So your saying that she is not just ugly but also irritating? Hey you! Move your stupid dirty ass and sit on the dirty floor just like you.

Patricia....You can call me anything but am not moving away.

Tiffany slapped her and so did Eve.She fought back and it was a total chaos.She was beaten badly since was one against two people.They were taken to the office.

Principal....Eve and Tiffany, you can go.

Patricia....Why? What about me?

Primcipal....How dare you fight with mayors daughter and her rich bestfriend?

Patricia....But they insulted me and they even started the fight.

Principal....Just leave my office and dont ever sit next to them.Come back next week.

Patricia....What??? I just came today and now your sending me back home for a full week?

Principal....Actually its your choice to come back or not to come back.

Patricia cried and went home with bruises.She told her mum everything and she comforted her.

Patricia....I also didnt wish to be born ugly and poor.But why am i accused like its a crime?

Mum....Am so sorry my dear.

Patricia....I also want to leave my life like other girls, i want to have a handsome boufriend who loves me truly, i want to have a friend beside me, is that so wrong?

Mum....Do you want to be pretty?

Patricia....I wish.

Mum....Do you have anyone you see at school who is very pretty?

Patricia....It was those two girls, they are really pretty and i admired them but the one whose name was Tiffany was much prettier.I admired her beauty though she is mean.

Mum....Do you wish to become her??

Patricia....I wish buy its impossible mum.Let me go and see a doctor to treat my bruises.

Mum....Okay dear, if you ever really want to become that girl, come and tell me about.