

Tiffany and Jameson and Jameson started dating and it was already one week.They never heard or seen Eve from her last attempt to kill Tiffany.

Tiffany...Do you think she will come back?

Jameson...Lets not talk about her because i know it stresses you and i dont want you to be stressed.

Tiffany...But how will i get back my body?

Jameson...You will get it, be patient dear.You have me.

Tiffany...Thanks James for loving me and being their for me.

They always spent time together at school and outside school.On weekend, Jameson took Tiffany to a beach and they had fun together.

Jameson...I want to take you somewhere Tiff.

Tiffany...Sure, wherever you take me, i will happily go.

Jameson...But we are going there at night, will you be fine with it?

Tiffany...I love you this much so i dont mind so please just take me.


Tiffany didnt know what awaited her.At night, Jameson drove her and he parked in the woods.

Tiffany...Wait....why are we here? Its dark.


Tiffany...Stop laughing because nothing is funny.I cant find my phone yet i remember putting it in my bag.

Jameson...I removed it from your bag and hid it.

Tiffany...But why did you that?

Jameson didnt answer and kept laughing like a mad person.Tiffany was wondering what was happening and why he brought her in the woods.Jameson removed a handkerchief which had cauliform in it and forcily pressed it on Tiffanys nose, she fainted.After a few minutes, she woke up tied on a tree and Jameson was standing their with Eve.Tiffany was shocked.

Tiffany...What...whats going on?

Eve...I can tell that your suprised and you do have alot of questions.

Tiffany...James, whats going on?

Jameson...Hey! My name is not James.My real name is Dave.

Tiffany...What do you mean? You....you....switched your body with Jameson's?

Eve...How smart?

Tiffany...So you guys know eachother because your not in your own bodies and because you were ugly?

Jameson...Correction, we dont just know eachother but we are siblings.


Eve...You heard him.

Tiffany...You were playing with me this whole time?

Jameson...Put yourself in my shoes, would you betray your sibling for just a useless girl who madly wants her body from your sibling? You also know that its impossible, right?

Tiffany...How...could you? I trusted you and i loved you.

Eve...Dont tell us that love crap because its boring.


Jameson...I had to put on a play because me and my sister were born ugly but our mother was a witch who started the Ugly to Beauty curse just for us so that we get any beautiful faces and body we wanted.My sister admired your body and face when you were still Eve and she had to provoke you to the extent that you beat her to almost meeting her death.Her mission to become Eve succeeded and i also admired Jameson's body so bad, i also provoked him and at last i became him.

Tiffany...You....will never find peace in this world.

Eve...Okay but you wont witness that because we are going to kill you this night.

Tiffany...Okay, just kill me already.

Eve...Even if you dont tell me too, we are going to kill you in the end.I guess your wondering how we foundout you were Eve and not Tiffany.The day i became Eve and you became Patricia, i knew that you wont get off back easily so i hired someone at your school to follow you wherever you went.Then i foundout that you were targetting Tiffanys body and at last you got it.Then you came to my school wanting to take back your body thinking i didnt know you were Eve.Hahahaha....interesting, isnt it? Me and Dave decided to make a trap and you fell for it, now here we are.

Tiffany...How could you, you heartless monsters? You did all this for beauty? Now you want to kill me because i want my body back? You will both pay for the misery you caused me.

Jameson...Good bye babe, fare well.

They pulled out knives and stabbed her five times then ran away.She was bleeding alot of blood and screaming for help.The more she screamed, the more she lost her blood and energy.She fainted.Luckily a hunter heard her screaming and ran to findout what it was.He saw her tied on a tree bleeding and he untied her.He took her to his house which was in the woods and treated her wounds.

Hunter...Luckily she is not dead yet.Girl your lucky that i found you on time and that am a doctor.But was she being sacrifised? I wonder who did it? When she wakes up, i will her about what happened and why she was stabbed.

The mayor started looking for her and ordered the police to search for her day and night.The news was all the T.V and on social media but they never found her.Jameson and Eve were happy.

Eve...That poor Mayor, he is looking for her thinking that she is his daughtet yet his real daughter just like her fake one.

Jameson...Hahahahaha....they will never find her.


Tiffany woke up and the hunter was there, she was shocked to see him.

Tiffany...Who are you? Where am i? Am....i dead?

Hunter...Hey, easy.Your not dead and am a person who saved from the woods when you were stabbed.


Hunter...I heard screams when i was hunting and i ran to findout thats how i saved you.

Tiffany touched herself and where she was stabbed but their was only scars.

Tiffany...Huh?? How come? My wonds are now scars?

Hunter...Thats because you were in comma for a full month.


Hunter...I had no way to take you to the hospital because if i did, who wouldve died on the way aince you were badly injured and bleeding too much blood.

Tiffany...So its been a month? Are you a doctor? You look so young.

Hunter...I was a doctor but i chose to live my life here in the woods as a hunter.Am just 25 years but i want to live like this.

Tiffany...Wait....so this house is in the woods? Am still in this place?

Hunter...Ofcourse.What happened to you that day?

Tiffany...I...i...i dont.remember anything.

Tiffany decided to lie to the hunter.

Hunter...I understand since its been a month.Let me go to a nearby town and get you some food.

He left.

Tiffany...Am really blessed.God still wants me to live.I cant believe that this all happened because i trusted that bastard.Thats how that Tiffany even got me in prison because i trusted and loved her.

But now its my turn to turn the table, am seriously coming for you two and am very much excited.I need to get them here.

The hunter came back with food.

Tiffany...I remember everything now.

Hunter...So what happened?

Tiffany...My classmates wanted to kill me here in the woods just for fun.

Hunter...What? Something is really wrong with you teenagers.Who can do that?

Tiffany...Your also a teenager yourself.I want to get back at them by killikg them for real.

Hunter...No...no....dont do it.

Tiffany...Doyou think they wont try to kill me if they findout that i didnt die? I have to be one step aheas of them.Its not like am a murderer but i have to save my life.Because if i dont get them first, they will kill me and kill you too because you know about them and you saved me.

Hunter...Still its no reason for you to kill them.You are a very pretty girl and its not good if you do such shitty stuff.

Tiffany...(So he has a crush on me? I have to seduce him so that he helps me.I cant go back to the mayor.) So you find me attractive like i do.

Hunter...Huh?? Wh....what do you mean?

Tiffany...The moment i opened my eyes and saw your face, i fell for it and i cant stay silent about it.

Hunter...I...i...i also liked you evryday i saw your beautiful face and i always hoped that you wake up so that i tell you about how i fell in love with you.

Tiffany...Then lets please love eachother!

Tiffany kissed him and they hooked up.After one week, the young hunter was crazily and madily in love with Tiffany.He even agreed to help her kill Eve and Jameson.The hunter had guns and had good target.

Tiffany...Lets go babe.Our first target is Eve right on the head.

Huntet...If you say so my pretty queen.

They went and stood on a building near Eve and Jameson's school.The hunter pulled out his gun and when Eve and Jameson went out of the class to the compound, he pulled the trigger and the bullet went straight to Eve's head.She died immediately and they ran back to the woods.Eve's blood splashed on Jameson's shirt and students ran in fear of getting shot.Jameson stood in shock seeing his sister lying on the floor helplessly.He shouted and cried loudly.

Jameson...NOOOOO!!!!!.....Wake up Patricia.We havent lived long so you cant live me like this.

He cried but Eve(Patricia) was dead already.She was burried and everyone left after the burial.Jameson stayed at his sisters grave in disbelief until it was night.He never moved and sat there crying non stop.

Tiffany...I didnt know that men like you cry for dead people.

He turned and he was shocked to see Tiffany they stabbed alive.

Tiffany...You thought i was just going to die like a moron?

Jameson...So you killed my sister?

Tiffany...Am going to kill you too.

Jameson stood up and he wanted to strangle Tiffany, he went close to her and froze.He looked down at his belly and he was stabbed.

Tiffany...Hahahahaha....does it hurt you fool?

Tiffany stabbed him the moment he went close to her.She continued stabbing him multiple times and she pushed him away.

Tiffany...Now you can rest here with your sister.I thought that you wont die if you got those pretty faces for the way you were both bragging about it.It turns out that you die.Hahahaha...

Tiffany stood and watched Jameson struggling to survive but he after died.Tiffany went back to the woods and she decided to start a new life with the young hunter.



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