

Tiffany went home after lessons but Rio texted her to meet up and she agreed.They met at his house.

Tiffany....Wow!! Your house is so nice.But why did you invite me to come here?

Rio.....I know the truth.

Tiffany....What truth??

Rio....I know that you are my Patricia and not Tiffany but i always liked you as my Tiffany.

Tiffany....So...you know about the body switching thing??

Rio....I do.You shouldve atleast told me because you know i love you and it hurts me when you keep secrets from me.


Rio....Do you really love Jameson?


Rio....I heard you at the roof when you said that.

Tiffany....Now that explains why you didnt come for our date.

Rio....Just answer me.

Tiffany....I dont love him, its just something else.



He went near her and they kissed.She stayed at his house and went back home the next day.Jameson asked her to talk privately and she went to him.


Jameson....Am so sorry Tiffany but i cant hold myself back anymore.

Tiffany....What do you mean??

He pulled her close and kissed her, she pushed him away.

Tiffany....Stop it!

Jameson....Am so sorry but i love you so much and i cant control myself when i see you.

Tiffany....I should go now.

Tiffany left, after lessons, she sat down thinking about rio and jameson and she must do about them.She fell and woke up in a private hodpital, shockingly all her memories were back and she was in the present.

Tiffany....How...What...what....why am i here??

Nurse....She is finally awake.

Tiffany....What do you mean??? Was i dreaming?

Nurse....You are very lucky to survive, thank you God.

Tiffany....Which year is this?

Nurse....Its 202..

Tiffany....What?? Did i time travel without any memories of my real life?? So i was in the past?

Nurse...What do you mean??

Tiffany....Why am i here?

Nurse...A guy brought you here when you stabbed and bleeding but you had already fainted.

Tiffany....What do you mean?? Wait....where did he find me and who is he??

Nurse....His not far, i will him for you.

The nurse called the guy who saved her and she couldnt believe what she saw.It was Jameson(Dave).


Jameson...Hy Tiff.

Tiffany....So you are Dave in Jamesons body?


Tiffany....Dont come near me.What happened and why am i here?

Jameson...Am so sorry that me and my sister Eve tried to kill you.I couldnt let you die because i truly loved you.Though Eve doesnt know that i saved you from the woods.

Tiffany....So you are telling me i just woke up now since the day you stabbed me??

Jameson....Yes, am so sorry but i had to stab you to show how loyal i was to my sister.I saved you and brought you in this private hospital but i was worried because since that time, you never woke up.You have been in comma for so long.

Tiffany....How long?

Jameson....One year.

Tiffany....One year??? So your trying to tell me that this whole time i've been dreaming and nothing was real? Instead i was sleeping here for a full one year??

Jameson...I know that your now shocked but i was also afraid that you slept for so long.The was a time when i lost hope that you will survive but now am happy that you made it.

Tiffany....What about Rio?? It seemed so real and i thought he was my saviour.

Jameson....The doctor said that your brain was affected since you slept long and it wasnt active so its fine that you had a long dream.

Tiffany....So you saved from the woods all because you loved me and betrayed your sister the way you betrayed me.

Jameson....Am really sorry.Tiff.

Tiffany....No way, i need to find Rio.Am going to the woods now.

Jameson....Your body is too weak for you to move yet.

Tiffany....I need to know if he really exists, you should stay away from me.I didnt ask you to help me.You betrayed my love for you and even tried to kill and now you saved me??

Jameson....Because i love you Tiffany.

Tiffany....I dont want your love, keep it to yourself or give to your sister.