
Uchiha Veins of Malevolence

deckholder · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

Chapter 4: A Troubling Intrigue

In the quiet solitude of his apartment, Alex found himself captivated by the intense animations of Jujutsu Kaisen. However, his fascination took an unsettling turn as he observed Sukuna, the animated antagonist, unleash chaos and destruction.

As Sukuna dominated his adversaries on screen, a peculiar smile formed on Alex's face. His eyes, typically distant, became oddly entranced, finding a certain disturbing pleasure in the animated malevolence

"Sukuna, you're a force of pure destruction, and there's an oddly captivating aspect to it," he acknowledged, sensing a disconcerting fascination emerging within him.

When Sukuna orchestrated mass murder upon the animated city, Alex's expression shifted into one of disturbing satisfaction. The screen flickered with the ghastly spectacle, and his face mirrored a disquieting enjoyment within

"The chaos, the sheer power—it's like witnessing a force of nature, untamed and unrestrained. There's a strange beauty to Sukuna's malevolence," he noted, recognizing the unsettling allure of the animated scenes.

The dark appreciation for Sukuna's deeds painted a disconcerting picture of Alex's psyche—a side that found a peculiar pleasure in the chaotic beauty of evil. There was no inner conflict; instead, a disturbing harmony emerged, as if the animated malevolence resonated with something deep within him.

"Society might label it as darkness, but in this realm of animated fantasy, there's an odd purity to Sukuna's malevolence. It's unsettling, yet I can't look away," he admitted, grappling with the discomfort of his own fascination.

As scenes of destruction unfolded, memories from Alex's past surfaced—a disturbing recollection of a moment when he witnessed a cat meeting a tragic end in a collision with a speeding car. Rather than reacting with horror, a chilling smile crossed his face, and a small chuckle escaped him.

"Even back then, there was a part of me that found a twisted joy in witnessing chaos. It's been there, lurking beneath the surface, restrained only by the fear of consequences," he confessed, recognizing the unsettling continuity in his own tendencies.

The connection between Sukuna's animated malevolence and Alex's own unsettling inclinations became increasingly apparent. In the shadows of his apartment, a troubling intrigue with the darker facets of animated fantasy blossomed, hinting at a revelation that transcended the boundaries between reality and the fantastical—a revelation that suggested a profound transformation was imminent.