
Uchiha Veins of Malevolence

deckholder · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

Chapter 2: Shadows of Deceit

Within the sterile confines of the office, Alex's days were a silent ballet of keyboard taps and mouse clicks. Colleagues attempted to bridge the gap of his isolation, their voices mingling in the air like distant echoes. "Hey, Alex, want to grab lunch?" one would ask. His response was a curt "No."

His indifference resonated in the hushed conversations around him, where laughter and camaraderie were luxuries he chose to deny himself. "Alex, have any plans for the weekend?" another colleague queried. This time, he chose silence, a potent weapon against the encroaching tendrils of social interaction.

Amidst the drone of small talk and water cooler gossip, Alex felt the weight of his solitude, a fortress he erected around his emotions. Colleagues brushed against the edges of his silence, but their attempts to penetrate it were met with an impenetrable wall of one-word responses.

After another day spent repelling the advances of camaraderie, Alex ventured into the world beyond the office. The cold city air stung his face as he navigated the dimly lit streets. His destination: a nearby convenience store. As he wandered the aisles, he picked up a jar of honey, an unusual choice for someone accustomed to the bland palette of a solitary existence.

However, Alex's peculiarities extended beyond grocery store selections. In the solitude of his studio apartment, he made a peculiar choice, opting to hire a prostitute for a fleeting moment of intimacy rather than engaging in the pursuit of a genuine connection. The transaction unfolded in mechanical precision, leaving Alex with a hollow satisfaction that only deepened his sense of isolation.

Returning to his studio apartment, he reclined in the shadows cast by the flickering glow of his computer screen. A new anime had caught his attention — Jujutsu Kaisen. The vibrant animation and captivating storyline captivated him, offering a brief respite from the shadows that clung to his solitary existence. In the glow of the screen, Alex found solace, unaware that the lines between reality and fantasy were slowly blurring, setting the stage for an unexpected transformation in the chapters that lay ahead.