
Uchiha Giyu

[Naruto] × [Demon Slayer] fanfiction. Two years after the elimination of Kibutsuji Muzan, Tomioka Giyu died. He thought he would be reunited with his family and comrades in the afterlife. Unexpectedly, when he opened his eyes, he became a newborn in the ninja world and the twin brother of Uchiha Sasuke. . With no enemies or goals, Giyuu slowly grew up. He had no intention of becoming a ninja, and he didn’t like fighting. He decided to take care of Itachi and Sasuke as his responsibility in this life, and lived his life peacefully. Until his fifth birthday, a voice came into his mind and changed everything. [1 hour of close contact with Itachi Uchiha, Flame Breathing +0.02%. ] [After the Flame Breathing reaches the normal level, you can resurrect Flame Hashira Kyojuro Rengoku. ] Ever since, in order to resurrect his former comrades, Giyu forced himself to embark on the road of making friends. In short, this is the story of the sacrificed Hashira's who started a new life after being resurrected in the ninja world. [Note 1] This book practices daily essays and makes writing fun. [Note 2] Single female protagonist Insect Hashira. Cancel the setting of Tomioka Giyu having descendants in the original work. [Note 3] Shinazugawa Sanemi and Kochō Kanae are important supporting characters in the author’s previous book, so they will not be resurrected. [Note 4] The author states that the breathing method can directly mobilize natural energy in the ninja world, which is senjutsu, so it is very powerful. Readers who cannot accept the above points should not read. ------- This fanfiction doesn't belong to me I am just translating it. real name ↓ I, Giyuu Uchiha, am not hated! _______ If you want to read join my Patreon ↓ https://www.patreon.com/AnimeFanfic01

AnimeFanfic01 · アニメ·コミックス
170 Chs

chapter 47 Bad Memories

Chapter 47 Bad Memories

Because he had to coax his younger brother, Rengoku Kyojuro's talent for telling stories was as good as Shinobu's.

However, unlike Shinobu who likes to create a spooky and terrifying atmosphere to scare children, the story told by Kyojurou gives people the completely opposite feeling, a feeling full of hope.

For example, in his words, the owner of the warehouse was very generous, the laborer who was robbed of his job was very generous, the female ninja from the Land of Rain who supported his money was very kind, and even the Sunagakure ninja who tried to rob him on the way back is a good young man who is generous with his money.

In short, according to his description, no one he met today was a bad person, and everyone was helping him. It was precisely because of everyone's enthusiasm and kindness that he was able to get the money for treatment.

Coupled with his unique and confident tone, it seems that this is the reality.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu are so gentle and kind!"

Shizune, who was being collected for debts every day and had to apologize to others for Tsunade's actions every day, was moved to tears.

The day that Rengoku Kyojuro described, the day he experienced, was exactly the life she had dreamed of!

"I didn't expect there to be such a person!"

Big tears fell on the little piggy's head, but no matter how much the pig struggled, Shizune, who was in desperate need of a pillow, was unwilling to him let go.

[That's enough...]

Tsunade listened to the "Rengoku Story Meeting" for an hour and was half sober from the wine.

She held her reddish cheek with one hand and looked at Shizune who was crying and Rengoku Kyojuro who was sitting upright, not knowing who she was looking at. She was speechless in her heart.

Listening to the story told by this firecracker-headed brat, it was like a sad movie starring Fujikaze Yukie with twelve layers of warm color filters added to it. It was completely different from the ninja world in her impression. (Fujikaze Yukie- actress and land of ice or frost princess)

Even when she was fully drunk, the human beings she saw were not half as beautiful as the brat described them.

But she felt that this guy really thought this way, and didn't just say that.

"Which corner did you come from?"

Princess Konoha squinted her eyes, scanning the red at the end of Kyojuro's hair, and breathed out the smell of alcohol.

This blood-like color was the reason why she had a bad impression when she saw the child yesterday.

"Why did you dye your hair like this? It's so ugly!"

"You misunderstood, Doctor! This is not dyed, it's my natural hair color!"

Kyojuro didn't show any displeasure because of the attack on his appearance. This is already different from most young people.

"According to my father, this hair color was acquired with great difficulty by our ancestor who ate too much fried shrimp. It burns like a flame! I think it looks very beautiful!"


If it weren't for Rengoku Kyojuro, Tsunade, who has a serious face and is proficient in biology, feels like she is being cheated.

What kind of genetically modified shrimp can be so powerful?

As long as you eat it, you can even change a person's appearance. Are you sure it's not an ability that only tailed beasts have? Just like the legendary Golden Horn and Silver Horn who ate the flesh and blood of the Nine Tails and grew a beard.

But if, as Kyojuro said, this was indeed the spliced hair color passed down from ancestors, that would be enough to arouse the interest of a medical scientist like her.

Taking advantage of the wine and the fact that the child had a similar (or even more exaggerated) personality to her when she was a child, Tsunade finally asked Kyojuro about his origins.

"Kid, you are not from the Kingdom of Rain, are you?"

Tsunade straightened up slightly and became more awake.

"If your father and grandfather were both in the Land of Rain and had this kind of hair color, I would never forget it."

In her opinion, although this child's conversation was too generous, his upright sitting posture and proper etiquette were really not good enough. Like children in ordinary people's homes.

"Indeed, I am not!"

Kyojuro shook his head.

He remembered what Giyu had been thinking about in his mind -

This is a world of ninjas, but his "origin is unknown". He needs to conceal his origin as much as possible, but it is not the time to lie yet.

"When I woke up yesterday, I realized that I was already in the laboratory of the Land of Rain."

"Then where is your home?"


Tsunade looked at Shizune, who stopped crying and inexplicably She shook her head, indicating that she didn't know where this place was.

Talking about family affairs, Shizune asked with some concern: "Well Kyojuro, wouldn't your family be worried if you came here with so many children by yourself?"

"Not at all!"

Kyojuro said confidently. He said loudly: "They are all living happily in another world!"

Kibutsuji Muzan was eliminated, and one of the most dangerous threats in the world no longer existed.

According to the posthumous account of Shinazugawa Sanemi, his father Rengoku Shinjuro overcame his grief and alcohol addiction to open a kendo gym in Tokyo and teach (relatively normal) kendo to children. And his younger brother Rengoku Senjuro also found his own way. Because his family had no financial problems, he planned to become a lawyer specializing in fighting for the rights of the elderly and weak workers. Although he suffered some setbacks, Senjuro lived a life with a sense of accomplishment.

Such a life should be considered happy.

However, after he said a word, the air in the room suddenly became quiet, and the only sound left was the sound of bubbles popping around the edge of the Oden pot.

[Is he an orphan? ]

Tsunade and Shizune made their judgments at the same time.

After all, everyone knows what "in another world" means.

For this kid to be able to say that his family is "living happily" with such a confident expression, he either doesn't understand what death is, or he is downright optimistic, just like how he describes the world. Everyone is a good person.

"Wait a minute, since you said you woke up yesterday..."

Tsunade's confusion became even greater, "Those poisoned children, you don't know them at all?"

" Because the documents and the laboratory were destroyed together, now I can only distinguish them according to the marks!"

Kyojuro The answer was apologetic, "I won't know their names until they wake up! I have to ask the doctor and Miss Shizune for that!"

Tsunade was silent.

She originally thought that the children had to be treated by the "best" doctor because he and other children had the same problem and formed a bond under Rain Ninja's abuse and torture, So he worked so hard to earn money. But now it seems that he didn't even say a word to even one of the children, and simply regarded the safety of others as his own responsibility.

Although when he described it, he attributed his escape from the Rain Country to others, but as a ninja, Tsunade would not fail to understand the possible dangers involved.

"It's been a long time, and here's another brat who likes to show off as a hero."

Hearing Tsunade's tone suddenly turned nasty, Shizune had a bad feeling in her heart.

"Although you have escaped with luck now, people like you can't live long in this world." She put her hand on the coffee table and stood up slowly, "I thought you were a bit interesting, but the result was frustrating."

"People who don't value their own lives but risk their lives for the safety of others or other illusory things are without exception the stupidest idiots. Go ahead and work hard to make money. So the day when these children are saved, will be the day of your funeral."


Shizune quickly stopped her from continuing.

Although she understood that Tsunade might want to use her "talent" in gambling to "predict" the child's fate in reverse.

But it was so hurtful to say these words to a kind-hearted child.

Tsunade just waved her hand and was about to go back to the inner room to sleep, leaving only a lazy figure behind her.

Shizune felt deeply sorry and wanted to go back to comfort Kyojuro, but she found that the other party did not show a frustrated look. Instead, he asked Tsunade loudly: "Is that really what you think?"

"Ha, Have I not made it clear?"

Tsunade lowered her head and turned around, her eyebrows tightly pressed on the upper edges of her eyes.

"If you want to be a fool, just do it. The most indispensable thing in this world is corpses moved by themselves."

"Doctor, even if I don't understand all kinds of ninja knowledge, just walking outside this hotel, I can feel your strength!!"

Rengoku's intuitive ability has always been the best among Nine Hashiras.

In this current body, this kind of sensing ability has become even more powerful, and the sensitivity to malice is far higher than before.

Although Tsunade said nasty things to him, she didn't feel any ill will.

"You have such a powerful power, but you still choose to become a doctor with the goal of saving other people's lives. I don't believe that what you just said is your true inner thoughts!"

"Even if you have such a goal, it was before. It's about now!."

Tsunade didn't look back this time, and went back to the inner room by herself, and then heard the sound of falling to the ground.

"Kyojuro, don't blame Tsunade-sama..."

"It doesn't matter, I just crossed the line a little bit."

Kyojuro didn't care and smiled at Shizune, "But the doctor can talk to people other than you. This is also good for her. I will come again tomorrow to disturb you."


Sizune was so surprised that she sat down and asked in a low voice: "Did you come here to eat specifically for this kind of thing?"

"My Father also had a similar period when he drank alcohol at home every day. It has always been a big regret of mine that I didn't see him cheer up before I left."

Kyojuro explained: "But I found that as long as he had interactions with outsiders, there will be fewer empty wine bottles at home that day than usual. You have been with the doctor for too long and have become a part of her, but I am an outsider, so I may be able to play some small role!"

"You... "

Shizune pursed her lips for a while and sighed, "You are such a good child. But even so, she will not go to see those children."

When it comes to blood-soaked things, Tsunade-sama tries her best to avoid them, even if she has the intention, She is powerless.

"But at least she's getting better, and your mood will be lighter, right?"

In Shizune's eyes, Kyojuro's smile was brighter than the electric lights on the ceiling.

" People do their best when they are relaxed. I will leave it to you for the child's surgery tonight."

Two hours later.

Shizune returned to her and Tsunade's room a little tired. Tonton was lying in the corner, probably coming back from a walk.

The poison of Sanshōuo a very offensive thing. Removing the poison sac will cause a confrontation reaction. She does not have the guidance of Giyu [Transparent World], and the patient is not as adaptable to toxins as Ajisai, so she can only perform this operation carefully and carefully.

After the operation, she went to the hotel bathhouse to take a bath in order to eliminate the bloody smell, but her fatigue was not relieved. Instead, she was worried that accidents would happen tomorrow and the day after tomorrow when operations were performed on children with weaker drug resistance.

After all, this was her first time dealing with this thing, and today's patient was just the one in the best condition among all the patients.

[I really don't want to disappoint that child...]

Shizune smiled bitterly and opened the door to the inner room, but unexpectedly found Lady Tsunade sitting quietly against the wall.

"Tsunade-sama, what are you doing?"

Although she could smell the smell of alcohol, Tsunade's face was no longer drunk.

"How was the surgery?"

Shizune was even more surprised. She didn't expect Tsunade-sama to care about the patient's condition for the first time in a long time.

Tsunade also entrusted her with the plastic surgery of the Fire Country noble last time. She was only responsible for providing some "psychological counseling" to the noble.

"It's going well."

Shizune replied politely, and carefully sat down on her knees.

"Where's that brat?" Tsunade's tone was a little more irritating.

"He is observing, and he said he has to wait for the child to wake up before resting."

Shizune was a little worried, "But from yesterday to now, he has not slept for almost a whole day."

"He obviously can't extract chakra, but he is very strong physically..."

Tsunade murmured to herself, "he can feel my strength, and his hair is that color."

Some memories buried deep in the mind were awakened, and Tsunade's face gradually darkened, shoulders shook unconsciously, and then returned to normal.

"What did you say?"

Tsunade's voice just now was too soft, and Shizune, who was used to Kyojuro's voice, couldn't hear clearly, so she could only ask.

"Shizune, let's leave here."

"You, what are you talking about?"

Shizune was shocked, "We just came here not long ago, and the creditor didn't send ninjas to come to the door, why do we need to leave?"

"The casino here is too petty and I don't like it." Tsunade's reason was very flimsy.

"But, we don't have the money to go to the next town."

Shizune said in a negotiating tone: "At least, at least until we cure these children..."

Tsunade glanced at Coming over, Shizune lowered her head, her voice became smaller and smaller, and finally she said with a hint of prayer, "Do you think it will be fine?"


Tsunade took a deep breath, picked up the paper and pen on the table, and began to work hard. The words are written quickly.

"What is this?"

"How to prepare the antidote for Sanshōuo toxin."

Tsunade pushed the piece of paper towards Shizune, "Give these children to take this thing, so that they don't have to wait for the poison sac to absorb the toxin in their bodies. If you perform surgery again, you will save time."

"After we get the money and the disease is cured, we will leave quickly. I don't want to stay in this wretched place for a moment longer. "