
Uchiha - Another Path

What if while playing a Naruto game, a person from real life goes into the Naruto World as Sasuke Uchiha. How will he live in the world of Shinobi. Read to find out. DISCLAIMER: This is a SI Sasuke Uchiha fic. I don’t own Naruto or any such manga/comic related characters. This is just a short Fanfiction with many liberties taken. Hope you like and Enjoy!!

Uchiha_Kai_Exino · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs


I slowly opened my eyes and found that I was on a bed in a hospital. I tried waking up from the bed and tried making sense of what happened and why everything felt strange. Everything felt real because I could feel my senses working like touch, smell and taste. I could also feel some weird energy inside me. I stood in front a mirror nearby and was shocked to find that I was in the body of a 7 years old Sasuke.


I was freaked out. This was supposed to be a game and now I am living the game. This was a very Dangerous World and I had no idea if I can go back to my world. I tried gathering up all the weird energy which I thought is Chakra and focused on my eyes.


My vision became crystal clear with a Hue of red. In the Mirror, I could see two 3 Tomoe Sharingan staring back at me. I tried focusing more of Chakra and I could see the eyes shift to Mangekyou Sharingan. And to my discovery, I found that I got the Modded Abilities in MS instead of Sasuke's Original Abilities of Amaterasu and it's Manipulation. But the MS took a huge toll on my body and I couldn't maintain it for long as my eyes became black again.


Seeing me awake, a doctor approached me. She Spoke, "Hi Sasuke, how are you feeling right now. It's a real tragedy what happened to your Clan. When we found you, you were unresponsive and we assumed it would take a lot of time to wake up. But luckily you have become conscious in a short time after facing Trauma".


Now I understood what was going on. This was sometime after the Uchiha Clan Massacre. I asked, "Thank you for taking care of me. May I know how much time I was unconscious".


"You were Unconscious for 2 hours after we found you from the Site of the Uchiha Clan Massacre".

Now my Mind was working overdrive as I was contemplating this information. I knew this world was very dangerous and I needed whatever advantage I could get to stay Alive. I got a very Crazy Idea to get Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan (EMS). 


I activated my Mangekyo to place a genjutsu on the doctor and spoke, "Um, madam, I am not able to see anything clearly. I think my eyes got damaged in the last 2 hours. Could you please transplant me my father's eyes". The doctor under the influence of Koto Amatsukami believed that and arranged for the transplantation of eyes. 


I woke up later after 2 days and upon trying to activate my Mangekyo, saw in a mirror that it has transformed into an Choku Tomoe Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan (EMS) but with Fugaku's MS Pattern. I later got discharged from the Hospital and started living in the Uchiha Clan Compound as Sasuke Uchiha.