
Ubran cultivator: unleashing professions

In the bustling cityscape, Ethan, a diligent agriculture student, stumbles upon a clandestine system of cultivation that grants him access to multiple professions as his mastery deepens. In a world where the existence of cultivators remains concealed from the ordinary populace, Ethan's journey unfolds against a backdrop of secrecy and intrigue. As Ethan ascends through the ranks of cultivation, he forms alliances, navigates rivalries, and discovers unexpected romances, building a harem of individuals with unique talents and desires. Yet, lurking in the shadows are governmental agencies and ancient adversaries, both eager to exploit or eliminate those with cultivation abilities. Faced with mounting dangers and moral dilemmas, Ethan must wield his newfound powers responsibly while uncovering the truth behind the urban cultivator's existence. His choices will not only shape his own fate but also determine the future of cultivators in the modern world. "Urban Cultivator: Unleashing Professions" is a gripping tale of discovery, ambition, and romance, inviting readers into a world where ordinary students wield extraordinary powers, and where every decision carries weight in the balance between secrecy and revelation. Join Ethan as he embarks on a quest to master his abilities and redefine the destiny of urban cultivation.

WorldWanderer · 都市
25 Chs

Chapter 8 : Ethan grappling opponents both external and internal

"Did you hear? That upstart Ethan is entering the junior exhibition duels next week!"

Ethan straightened at the whispering that followed him through the sanctuary halls. Ever sinceunlocking his agriculture abilities in a spectacular maneuver some months past, Ethan enjoyed a steady buzz about his talents amplified by Guardian Julia's overt favor.

Not that he boasted about such things of course! But knowing your skills garnered senior disciples' murmurs through the sleeping quarters felt rather gratifying for an outsider lacking prestigious heritage compared to most candidates here...

"Let the sprout have his fun I say." That drawling voice sparked annoyance down Ethan's spine. He turned to see Journeyman Yusei holding court with several pretty female admirers.

"Stars know Julia deserves amusement managing dusty old archives. And watching country mice maze around training yards after she fills their heads with grand destiny is high comedy!" Yusei's posse tittered sycophantically.

Ethan bit his tongue while forcing calm forward. Yusei never missed chances diminishing his meteoric rise. Their exhibition duel ended in rather one-sided chaos thanks to Ethan's unstable spell matrix. But he was not some novice now!

"Well this country mouse hopes providing further entertainment soon!" Ethan shot back with a bold smirk. "I may partake the upcoming exhibition duels since confidence overflows lately. Care placing wagers on your towering talents measuring up?"

The taunt caused a visible ripple through spectators. Yusei's nonchalant facade finally broke as well. For a long moment master and apprentice silently appraised the newly charged air. Then Yusei smiled coldly with nasty anticipation...

"Oh I'll take that bet little sprout. And look forward educating you proper before these fine peers!" His sharp tone cut through mocking laughter from cronies. "Enjoy days remaining before I personally weed the gardens of Julia's imported pets!"

Ethan stormed off fuming before losing self control. That arrogant bastard needed taking down so badly! Thankfully outlet emerged soon for volatile energies building inside him all week.

The fated morning arrived finding halls packed with avid spectators. Rarely were advanced students permitted unleashing full talents. Now two favorites stood poised for potential grudge match? Irresistible drama few wished missing!

"Try lasting past minute one!" Jack teased Ethan good naturedly as he stretched preparation along the etched arena perimeter. "Yusei dominated last tournament with those void-fire techniques. I'll be amazed if you avoid carbonization!"

Ethan welcomed the banter steadying nerves. He knew the risks facing much stronger opponents before properly completing the training cycles. But taunts inciting his pride combined with Julia's subtle encouragement to test himself won over caution.

"I'll endure his worst long enough unveiling a certain surprise that's been brewing." Ethan allowed himself a sly grin. "Our cocky friend hates surprises disrupting his predictable patterns!"

Their conversation paused as Guardian Julia appeared, resplendent even officiating these informal matches. "Welcome disciples to this friendly demonstration of cultivated talents! Let us applaud journeylevel challengers Yusei and Ethan!"

Polite claps rippled the grandstands. Ethan stepped into the etched casting circle exhilarated by cheering from friends countering legacy students supporting Yusei. He would channel everything good in his life towards excelling today!

"Standard exhibition rules apply." Julia announced loudly. "Controlled contact using your full range of grounded abilities. Match concludes upon dismantling any shield matrix. Combatants ready?"

Ethan sank into practiced breathing exercises as Yusei lazily rotated shoulders across from him. Julia's crystal orb pulsed three times signaling commencement. Both disciples instantly powered up protective barriers - Ethan with silvery wards etched by gesture guided plant growth, Yusei surrounded by writhing shadows hungering to consume essence.

"What lovely tricks, country mouse!" Yusei mocked loudly as orbiting darkness expanded. "Let us light up your talents, yes?"

Infernal fireballs ripped suddenly out from nothingness, bombarding Ethan's shields with concussive force before he could fully root stance. Clenching his jaw against impacts, Ethan responded calling thick vines erupting behind Yusei's position serving as inbound footsteps for his closing kick.

But Yusei merely laughed while evading casually. "Is farmwork dulling your reflexes boy? I step faster than crippled saplings!" More void flames pelted relentlessly, corrosive darkness openly seeking to humiliate rather than respectful exchange of techniques.

Cold hatred flooded Ethan's heart realizing Julia's gracious moderation would enable rather than hinder Yusei's viciousness here. If petty rivalry bred such cruelty, he must manifest overwhelming force ending things swiftly!

The orchid sigils for Ethan's secret weapon shone fiercely as he unleashed the biologically coded spell matrix in full. Yusei's next barrage vanished midair sliced apart by thunderingazure petals. His smug expression wavered slightly at the unexpected manifestation. "Behold your gardening club project? How quaint-"

Words choked off as the blossoming azure lotuses orbiting Ethan elongated into snarling draconic heads hissing with essence feedback. Coiling sinuous bodies followed, titanium scales glinting dangerously while crimson eyes locked onto helpless prey. "Meet my Twilight Dragons, bastard!" Ethan shouted. "Created just for you!"

Gasps and urgent shouts erupted around the arena as line between exhibition and death match suddenly blurred. But exhilaration deafened Ethan to everything except naked fear in Yusei's unmasked face as the dragons struck savagely in concert, poison dripped fangs fully intended tearing opponents asunder.

Sheer desperation spared Yusei from bisection. Void shields narrowly deflected gnashing jaws as he screamed charm trigger phrases for guardian entities. Ethan poured more of his essence into the dragons, unleashingbloodlust denied outlet far too long under Yusei's tormenting micro-aggressions. All restraint burned away before raw hunger.

Yet just before his vision fully eclipsed into feral spectator detached from mortal concerns, Ethan glimpsed Julia's worried face shouting unsuccessfully to stop this madness. Heart clenching painfully, his focus blinked...and the dragons winked out mid-lunge as binding forces abruptly vanished.

Ethan collapsed forward gasping raggedly, chest heaving as adrenaline nightmares subsided along edges of his being. Scalding shame flooded him realizing Julia witnessed this loss of self. He understood nothing observing Yusei's huddled form cradled by supporters condemning his heartless attacks. Empty victory mocked proud hopes just minutes earlier.

He flinched when Julia's graceful stride entered his hanging head space. "I-I apologize, Honored Teacher!" Ethan choked bitterly on the words. "You gifted me strength but my hands build weapons only, forgetting your lessons on responsibility. I am unworthy of forgiveness but swear atoning however required..."

Wordless moments stretched taut before Julia tilted his chin up gently. "Unfinished vessels reveal truer potential than polished facades hiding cracks." Her voice bore profound sadness and empathy rather than expected scorn. Its unexpected kindness threatened breaking Ethan's tattered poise completely.

"Come." Julia beckoned the shaken youth. "Much remodeling awaits this misshapen clay. But foundations remain to rebuild better than before."

They walked in silence, Ethan hanging his head while edging closer towards Julia's steady spirit - a lifeline pulling him slowly back from cold abyssal places rage opened terrifyingly within. Humbled by mercy, Ethan vowed following her radiant example moving forward.