
Ubran cultivator: unleashing professions

In the bustling cityscape, Ethan, a diligent agriculture student, stumbles upon a clandestine system of cultivation that grants him access to multiple professions as his mastery deepens. In a world where the existence of cultivators remains concealed from the ordinary populace, Ethan's journey unfolds against a backdrop of secrecy and intrigue. As Ethan ascends through the ranks of cultivation, he forms alliances, navigates rivalries, and discovers unexpected romances, building a harem of individuals with unique talents and desires. Yet, lurking in the shadows are governmental agencies and ancient adversaries, both eager to exploit or eliminate those with cultivation abilities. Faced with mounting dangers and moral dilemmas, Ethan must wield his newfound powers responsibly while uncovering the truth behind the urban cultivator's existence. His choices will not only shape his own fate but also determine the future of cultivators in the modern world. "Urban Cultivator: Unleashing Professions" is a gripping tale of discovery, ambition, and romance, inviting readers into a world where ordinary students wield extraordinary powers, and where every decision carries weight in the balance between secrecy and revelation. Join Ethan as he embarks on a quest to master his abilities and redefine the destiny of urban cultivation.

WorldWanderer · 都市
25 Chs

Chapter 14: A Team United

The klaxon sounded, jolting Ethan from anxious last-minute preparations with his squad. This was it - their Combat Certification Exam that would validate the last three years of intense training. He took a steadying breath, facing his teammates one by one as the reality crystalized. Years of shared sweat, frustration and small victories had forged the four of them into more than friends - they were battle-forged family.

"Alright Alpha Squad, this is what we've worked towards," Ethan said, pride and affection welling in his chest as he visually inspected their equipment. Emma, wiry and quick with her healer's pack and dart pistol at the ready. Jack, hulking and steady-eyed, casually hefting his intimidating railgun. And finally Zain, slight but clever, specially outfitted for stealth ops with various gadgetry strapped in place. They were ready.

"Let's stick to the plan and trust each other," Ethan continued. "We've run through every sim scenario - if we keep our heads, we'll nail this." Nods all around, though anxiety subtly lined each face.

The squad filed swiftly toward the staging grounds where retention officers awaited, brusque and impersonal as ever. As the squads were registered and injected with monitoring nanochips, Ethan shot his team one last bolstering look. Almost time...

Moments later, the squads were dispatched into various imagined skirmish scenarios - some urban ruins, some alien planets, others remote outposts. As Alpha Squad descended into their immersive hologram arena, the environment shifted seamlessly into a wartorn cityscape - crumbling buildings, military barricades and ragged civilians dotted the streets.

Their mission objective flashed onto their neural implants - Locate and extract Target 117, a high-value friendly operative wounded behind enemy lines. Simple enough on the surface, but complications inevitably arose.

Ethan gestured and they split into practiced pairs to sweep the area efficiently. He took point with Zain, the squad's stealth and tech specialist, while Emma and Jack formed the rear guard. Their complementary skill sets had gelled nicely over the years - Ethan's sharp assessment and strategy complemented by Zain's adaptable improvisation. Meanwhile, Jack's heavy arms and armor shielded Emma's critical medical and bio-sensing abilities. Together, they hoped to nail this.

"Think it could be a civilian rescue covert op?" Zain murmured, dart gun at the ready as they crept warily through rubble-strewn alleys.

Ethan nodded, noting environmental details that suggested as much. "Could be a trap though too...keep sharp." He traced some disturbed debris patterns suggesting recent activity. "We're getting close to something..."

Just then, Emma's voice crackled through their earpieces, tense and hurried. "Ambush ahead, 5 hostiles inbound toward you from the North!"

Ethan and Zain exchanged a split-second glance then melted seamlessly into the shadows of a bombed-out housing unit, pressed flat against the remaining walls. Mere moments later, they heard the harsh voices of a heavily armed detail trotting down the debris-littered street, perhaps a scout group for a larger company.

Ethan held up 5 fingers to Zain, who nodded and readied a flash disruption device. At Ethan's signal, Zain lobbed the metal sphere around the corner. It detonated in a blinding flash of white light, buying them a few critical seconds as the detail shouted in confusion.

Ethan and Zain burst from cover, weapons hot. They quickly incapacitated three hostiles while the other two regained enough sight to open fire haphazardly. One shot grazed Ethan's shoulder but he gritted through the pain, trusting his body armor and adrenaline to carry him through.

Moments later the threat was neutralized, four hostiles unconscious and the fifth pinioned beneath Zain's knee as he zip-tied their hands.

"Target secure," Zain confirmed crisply into his mouthpiece, clearly trying not to betray nerves or pain. They had to hope Emma could rendezvous swiftly since regulations prohibited carrying dead weight during exams.

"Nicely done," Ethan affirmed, clasping his good shoulder. "Now to locate 117..."

Just then Jack's gruff voice cut over the channel. "Target acquired, en route to rendezvous Delta. No pursuit yet but possible company."

"Copy that," Ethan responded. "Cleanup complete here, we'll converge at Delta shortly." He winced slightly as he rotated his shoulder - hopefully just a bruise but Emma would need to check it.

Ethan realized Zain was watching him probingly. "Hey, you good?" Zain asked.

Ethan nodded. "I'm fine. Let's keep moving." He flashed a bolstering grin, refusing to show frailty when the team needed fortitude.

Together they advanced swiftly toward the rendezvous point, senses heightened for signs of trouble. The cityscape seemed ominous in its sudden quiet - where were the civilian holograms? Something felt off...

As they crossed a debris-choked boulevard, the street before them abruptly exploded in a hail of concrete shrapnel and sniper fire. Ethan and Zain dove for cover, rage coursing through Ethan's veins. Their ambushers had set up along the so-called "safe" route deliberately, anticipating Alpha would stick tight to protocol.

Well two could play at this game. Their squad didn't earn top marks in unconventional strategy for nothing. Holding off reaction for now to keep the enemy's perceived advantage in place, Ethan rapidly relayed modified plans over short-burst comms to the squad. It was an enormous gamble, but they had to take the bait in order to spring the trap...

Moments later, Ethan rose from cover with his hands half-raised in apparent submission. Zain played his part perfectly too, deriding Ethan's choice aloud before reluctantly following suit per the script. As enemy decoys emerged warily from concealment, weapons trained but perplexed, Ethan silently counted down...waiting...waiting...NOW!

On his signal, Jack explosively fired on the ambushers' rear flank from his hidden elevated position in a blown-out apartment several stories overhead. At the same moment, Emma unleashed an electromagnetic pulse that shorted out half the enemy weapons.

Between Jack's suppressive barrage and Emma's selective jamming, squad Alpha rapidly gained the upper hand. Ethan and Zain vaulted back into action, exploiting every ounce of confusion. Soon the street was secured, special-effect blood spatter mixing with swirling dust under the eerie artificial sunlight.

Ethan finally signaled the All Clear once Emma confirmed bio-sign neutralization. As the holograms faded out for score tallying, raucous celebration broke out among Alpha Squad - they had passed the infamously punishing exam with flying colors!

Bruised, bleeding but exhilarated, the four came crashing together in a massive group embrace full of laughter, ECSTATIC tears, and promises that this was merely the beginning for their storied partnership. Their bond had been supremely tested and proven this day. Whatever future battles arose, they would face together - once and forever a family forged through fire.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

WorldWanderercreators' thoughts