

PREMISE Does your carnal mind longs for brutality in all forms and fashions, fierceness in all cruelty and without judgment, Mercilessness in all rage of bitterness and relentless dig into epitome of betrayals and reproaches. This Malevolent male lead piece is definitely your 'go get' dream novel. It is centered on the vicious ideas and agenda that emerges from utter ruin and darnation. It’s a story that reflects on the co-extensive nature of politics and all its subjects in the past. This consequently results into prospective leaders to making an open bearing into their pasts and plunging deeply down into more failures in the present. this novel reflects how this world is operated based on feedings from the hands of an oppressed to the mouth of an oppressor. Regardless, we know it either kills him or revives him. OUTLINE: • Wars were left to rest between many Kingdoms; the invincible and the just invincible. • The most powerful among these kingdoms are Jobia and Leuz • There were two brothers who sprung out from these wars. • Pash the eldest has more high statute compared to his younger brother Parah, who was still just coming through the ranks. • They both had different objectives and hated each other without respite. • Clema was a naughty princess who doesn’t knows her choice well without the help of her father Parius. • Parius also had conniving plans to be king of the great kingdom of Leuz. • The spat out between the two brothers led to smaller nation seeking a great turning. • The war was colored with many dark secrets in the past that emanates from the two powerful kingdoms. • General Iroh ancestrally is tied to the generation of leuz.

oakinpelu49 · ファンタジー
7 Chs


Now in the days of revolving years when the gods are replaced with kings, when the burning sword of a watchful soldier is replaced with long blaring guns, when flying arrows like thousands of flocking birds in the sky… are replaced with invincible venomous darts, when perfect working hands that benignly made thatched huts are replaced with bloody hand seized mansions and little little clans clamored to become a wide kingdom.1

Inside this world, great incense lofty burns in the air with every civilization scattered around the compass, like lakes of blood stiffly sheathed under big oaks along bloody sea shores, and others who were saved from utter ruins and damnation continually seek refuge to bring out the storm in their latter damn years.

In this bloody days there lived two young men of the same blood, Parah and Pash. Bitter enmity course through their veins for each other just because of their thirst for blood on bloody loosed lands of their fathers. They are believed to come from the generation of Leuz, the sorcerer of lightening, the first ever known heir to the throne of Uthar, the kingdom where their ancestors were birthed.2

However, those fairy tales were mere rumors to some others. In a world where civilization has taken away all the fantasies, all the magic and splendors of our forefathers, tell me, which space in this horrific world do we belong to? Yet the strife that existed between these two blood brothers continued even in their afterlives.

Before the time of the modern blood shed reached it peaks, these two brothers are the perfect example of a brother's keeper until a dark bridge drove between them and shattered the bonds that makes them brother of the same womb. Ceaselessly and bitterly enraged, they burnt the ropes uniting them on their father's land. However, they are warriors who wandered from lands to lands to fight needless battles over some crossed damned desires.

Parah the youngest son of Govin, the greatest sailor that ever course through the sea oaks of Amad, a small coastal foreign city located near the outskirt kingdom of Jobia, victor to many small settlements involving Amad, however belonging to the Great kingdom of Leuz with a long history of strife and war between these two great kingdoms which was consequently left in decays. However, HHkioooohe was the bravest warrior ever known in the land, he fears absolutely nobody. He was on an adventurous journey to the great kingdom of Leuz.

Near the banks of the sea where the oaks are plentiful, Parah decided to take a break as he ordered the seafarers on different field operation on his ships and beyond to stop and observe the thickets. Lo and behold, a chattering voice like an angel serenading echoed through the trees, it fell kindly and delightfully into the ears of Parah.

Clema, daughter to king Parius, lord of the forgotten seas, sole heir and ruler of the throne of Spartak, god of retribution for Omdia, the capital city state to all the small local villages, this is where all tributes collected are assembled and passed to the great kingdom of Leuz. She was having a naked shower along the river bank. Unaware, a shrilled sound of a branch tree snapped. Excitement threatened to force Parah's breath into irregular gasps upon catching a sight of the damsel. Although confused, he shakes it off with no worries.

"Sorry I do not mean to scare you like that" he said with a conjuring tone.

"Hmmn, never seen a naked woman before?" Clema asked with an alluring expression coming out from her smile.

"Now tell me, who in this world are you?" she finally asked after picking her clothes to stop the awkward look from Parah.

"I could ask you the same question" Parah muttered, looking around and sheathing his blade on seeing nobility primacy queen ranks on her royal outfit.

The two pounced on each other, screeching and moaning, their tones filled the woods with an ungodly smear, one of parah's hand was dribbling down between the legs of Clema, slicing through her bones and flesh, trying to latch on to the beautiful moans escaping her lungs. This went on for several minutes before they began to introduce themselves.

After some while, Clema buttoned her dress and stood up, smiling to where Parah was equally smiling while sitting.

"What a day it's been" she said cackling as she take two step away from Parah.

"Where are you going" he asked looking surprised.

Clema turned back and smiled again gently and continued. Her smile poured stardust into the heart of Parah's as he said with a beautiful violent expression "I will find you and marry you"

He returned to his sailors and continued operation on the sea.

"Men man your stations" he shouted

"Aiyaa" they replied with timid smile drawn on their faces.

They knew what had occurred in the oaks.


Parah was filled with unending excitement like a prisoner who would not stay in his prison. As they passed through the seas to the great kingdom of Leuz, Parah chanced to look up and saw they have arrived at their destination. He was greeted by his brother Pash who has established himself as a Commander for the King of Leuz. He was a zealous adorer of war himself, defiled and plundered every single lands and community that fell on his way. He invited total death and desolation on almost every land he stepped in, and brought slavery and torture from cruelly barbarous monsters to make up numbers for the lots and become conqueror to every lands that falls prey to his contingents.

This consequently led to King Bartholomew II, King of the great kingdom of Leuz to decree Pash as the lord of the prey lands and Commander of his post armies in his kingdom This was an act to stall Pash's mission to overcome his supreme eminence as King in the great kingdom of Leuz.

On alighting from their ferries, Parah hurried and embraced his brother.

"You have done it brother, our ancestors would be proud of what you have done, your story has sailed through many continents 'Pash, great Commander and Conqueror of the prey lands' in the great kingdom of Leuz" Parah said with a gesture expressing delight and satisfaction.

"No brother, soon they will know who we are and where we truly belong" Pash said with an inviting tone of terror and mid anger. Unworried, Parah emulates his gestures. They laughed and toast cup of wines in the air to celebrate their victory.

The king spies had seen the multitudes assembling from the shores of the river banks and report to the king's attendants. One of them is General Iroh, a selfish man who had missions of his own to be king of the great kingdom of Leuz.

In the council of elders at the palace with the king, General Iroh restated

"Your Majesty, our enemies have come up in new numbers along the shores of Leuz, it's believed Parah the youngest brother to Pash our commander, a common enemy from the kingdom of Jobia has arrived. Therefore, it's appellative to imminently send troops to defend the post gates and prevent these ungodly damned barbarians from gaining entry into our mother's land"

"And don't you think General Iroh… this may cause a fall out in the relationship between our king and his commander" one of the council member reiterated.

"To hell if I care about the relationship" he muttered and stared to the place the king was sitting. "I am sorry my lord, if this matter is not wisely treated, we might have to face the consequences of utter subjugation, I heard Pash is a direct descendant of Leuz, the first king who ever ruled this kingdom, the sole ruler of the throne of Uthar, the forbearers of this land we stand in. With due respect, the throne my lord is seated upon belongs to their ancestors and they will stop at nothing to get it back, we all know the story when Pash came into this land with the Mythical Staff of Authority".

Another elder from the council made an exclusive statement.

"We all know Pash is not under any illusion to think he was made Commander of our frontline army because the king deem it fit for him to have that position, as far as I am concerned, he is only looking for a perfect time to strike, because if he has any intention to strike, he would have done that by now, I heard he is taking his time to buy our men's pride with promises of wealth, women and our resources, which obviously they do have, what if his major purpose is to declare his ambition as the next king and the rightful heir to the throne of this great kingdom, my apology your majesty… in my opinion I believed our men wouldn't think twice, they might probably fight his battle."

"Stop insinuating and tell us what you propose we do, our men's pride can't be bought with those things you mentioned, it's only appropriate if we think of a lasting solution of getting rid of this great burrowing war that behooves us, General Iroh restated.

"Summon a district meeting, I want all chiefs, all merchants, all privy council and all local kings gathered here tomorrow, send a troop to the post gate, and also… send me Pash, I want everyone present tomorrow" the king said before retreating to his privy chambers.

"And what do you have in mind your majesty" one of the council member reiterated.

"We'll see about that" the king restated as he flicked his cape fiercely on his way out of the court.

And it was so later that evening, a division of the army was sent off to guard the gates. The troops sent for this purpose were from different cities and amounted to about 10,000, who were to keep the passage against 100,000 men, this was a result of the excess men brought to Leuz by Parah the youngest brother to Pash