
Chapter 3

Aidoneus sat in class staring blanket at the professor, who was now throwing concerned glances at him. Jordan who was sitting next to him was muttering nonsense about Ivanna. Lovesick bastard.

"Her hair was so shiny…though it might have been from oil. Well, it doesn't matter." said and Jordan let out an airy laugh.


Aidoneus leaned back and looked at the person behind him, "What?"

The person looked at Jordan with a concerned glance before looking back at Aidoneus, "Is he…okay?" He pointed to his head.

Aidoneus looked at Jordan who was gazing out of the window like he was the main character.

'Well, he is the main character, Aidoneus." Isul commented then blocked off Aidoneus.

"He's okay. Just sick" Aidoneus answered the person behind him.

The person hummed in response. It's ridiculous how people manage to fall in love within a few hours of meeting a person. He should be feeling somewhat embarrassed, but things like that wear off after a few thousand years.

The class soon ended and Aidoneus found himself being tugged around by Jordan to meet up with Ivanna. A friend gave Jordan a few tips on where to find her.

"You're crazy," Aidoneus said after walking around campus for thirty minutes. The university was far too big to be playing foolish games. He wanted to go home, finish his work, and sleep. Not go on some scavenger hunt. He hoped Jordan's stalker tendencies would break the couple of fate apart. Then, he wouldn't have to put forth much effort.

Jordan stopped and let out a deep sigh, "Listen, I know I seem out of it but I've never felt a connection with a person like I do with her. It's like we were meant to be."

Aidoneus just hummed, he wasn't interested in an explanation. The fact this guy was running around campus looking for Ivanna, made him feel all sorts of uncomfortable.

Aidoneus tugged back the sleeve of his hoodie that Jordan was holding on to. This hoodie had been worn so many times that it was permanently stretched from Jordan holding onto it. He looked over Jordan's shoulder and spotted Dalia and two other people sitting with her. Including the person that was asking him about the state of Jordan's mental health in class. They looked like they were having a picnic.

According to Azariah's memories, he and Dalia got acquainted after she began to hang around Jordan and his friends. For the sole reason of getting food and having something to do. The two hung out occasionally outside of Jordan's get-togethers. Woman with priorities, he liked that.

"Azariah!" Dalia hollered from across the park, earning her a few glares, but she only glared back and waved Aidoneus over.

Aidoneus gave Jordan an apologetic expression, "I'm sorry I can't continue to accompany you on your journey." He patted Jordan on the back and stuck his hands in his hoodie pocket and walked off.

"Azariah!" Jordan yelled after him.

"Finding some girl has nothing to do with me!" Aidoneus yelled back.

Jordan looked at Azariah's back for a moment before walking off in search of Ivanna. Azariah's reaction was somewhat understandable. For him to suddenly switch up and focus his sole attention on somebody with romantic intent was odd, especially considering the reputation he's made for himself.

Aidoneus walked over to where Dalia was and was immediately forced into a handshake. It was in an awkward position too, With him bending down to shake hands with them.

"This is Amir, you've met him already!" She tilted her head over to the guy from class. He looked equally uncomfortable as he gave Aidoneus a tight dimpled smile and glared at Dalia through the corner of his eyes.

"Hey." Amir stopped glaring at Dalia and greeted Aidoneus. Aidoneus's returned the greeting and dropped Amir's hand.

"This is Bri!" Bri's smile seemed more genuine.

"Seen you around with Jordan. You're Azariah, right?" Bri questioned.

"Yeah." Aidoneus gave her a faint smile that didn't reach his eyes. Though he was the one occupying this body, remints of Azariah's soul stayed. This usually happened, but depending on the soul, emotions could be stronger or weaker. Though, the slight annoyance he felt when being recognized due to his relationships with Jordan, he couldn't tell if it was coming from him or Azariah.

"Well now that you've been acquainted," Dalia clapped her hands together and her happy expression quickly fell from her face, "What the fuck is wrong with Jordan today?" Amir had told Dalia about what had happened in professor Vasir's class, and also how he dragged Azariah out of the finance building to go find Ivanna on campus.

Aidoneus sat down on the blue plaid picnic blanket and took the mini sprite he was offered by Bri.

"Ivanna." He responded and took a sip from the can.

Dalia grimaced a bit "That girl he cussed out last night? The one that spilled a drink on his shirt? That Ivanna?"

"Yup. They made up for some shit and now he's trying to find her on campus."

"It didn't cross his mind it was probably out of fear she forgave him? He was breathing like the guy from dusk when he smelled that girl's period blood." Dalia said.

"It did, but I'm assuming he's choosing to ignore it," Aidoneus said with a shrug.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to come off as rude," Bri interrupted

"Then don't say what you're going to say," Aidoneus responded. If she felt the need to say that, then somebody was going to be offended.

Amir Snorted, "She's going to ignore you."

"Are you wearing contacts? I mean amber eyes are rare as it is but yours are like gold, a bit darker on the outer edges, that makes sense, right?"

"She ignored me." Aidoneus nodded at Amir, who smiled a bit in response. He wasn't offended. One of his that always seemed to follow him in each world was the color of his eyes. Though the color varied depending on the world.

"I'm not offended, and no they aren't contacts." He answered Bri.

"Hmm, that's interesting. Are you sure?" Bri asked not quite believing Azariah's response.

"Bri! You've seen him around multiple times. If they were contacts dint you think you see him without it at one point?" Amir questioned. But Bri just shrugged her shoulders.

"Hey, Azariah's might be good at hiding it."

Amir sucked his teeth, "You're parents fucked wrong and you came out the way that you did, don't take your anger out on everybody else."

Dalia laughed, causing Bri to start throwing strawberries at her.

"That's funny huh?" Bri threw another strawberry at Dalia.

Aidoneus ignored the argument that was happened and instead turned his attention to the food. He was happy with the array of food provided. Finger sandwiches, mixed fruits, basic charcuterie board, and mini cans of soda.

"Sorry about that. I don't think she said it to be rude." Amir apologized sheepishly on Bri's behalf. But he was also wondering the same thing for a brief moment.

"You're good." Aidoneus waved off the apology. The two sat in silence for a while, both ignoring Bri and Dalia who were still arguing.

"Dalia said she was going to have a party this Friday," Amir said trying to break the silence but went ahead to choke on the soda he was drinking.

Aidoneus sat somewhat awkwardly, wondering if he should pat his back or let Amir be. The other two were taking part in a pointless argument so if Amir died it'd be on him. But Aidoneus's worries were cut short since Amir seemed to have recovered.

"You good?" Aidoneus asked, not really concerned.

Amir nodded his head and wiped the corners of his mouth and slowly putting the can of soda down as if it was laced with poison. Aidoneus turned his head away from Amir to try and straighten out his expression but Amir must've caught a laugh that he let out.

"I almost fucking died!" Amir glared at Aidoneus.

"You're very strong for surviving such an incident." Aidoneus nodded his head in an understanding manner. Aidoneus let out another laugh but quickly covered it with a cough.

"You're an ass" A fake hurt expression came over Amir's face but even he was struggling not to laugh.

But Aidoneus's mind soon went back to the mention of Dalia's party. This was the same party that Jordan managed to get Ivanna's number. So now he had to think. Would he watch on a bit more and look for a situation to intervene or would he completely bar Jordan from going to the party? The main goal was to break the couple of fate apart, so he'd have to wait until the relationship was established to do so.

"So, About Dalia's Party?" There was no way this woman had planned beyond the fact that she was having a party.