
Tyrant Hinata

(I actually haven't watched the anime or read the manga and all of my knowledge came from other fanfics. But still, I don't really like depending on them so at the very least, you can expect that I won't be sticking to canon, maybe only a little bit. But there are significant changes that a few character's personalities are completely different.) The soul of a young girl who didn't manage to live her life fully found herself in space that allowed for transmigration. She felt this was a chance for her to live again and happily took the chance. After transmigration, she found herself in her favorite anime in the body of the cutest stalker. However, upon arriving, she immediately noticed that this might not be the world she was familiar with. ______ Cover is not mine...

Phantomato_101 · アニメ·コミックス
30 Chs

20 Lee

(A/N: Do y'all know why my fan value for my own book keeps rising? It's kinda embarrassing to see how I am the top fan of my own book😂😂.)


The monthly assessment was supposed to be a very lively activity but it had turned out to be very awkward since nobody dares to step forward at all. The teachers of the regular classes were also feeling a little awkward and some even expressed their awkwardness through anger. Someone was about to rebuke the students for being too cowardly when a loud shout attracted everyone's attention. All heads snapped towards the source and they saw a boy with a bowl cut and tight green suit.

"Since nobody is youthful enough to do it, then I will. Today, I will show you all my youth. I will prove myself by challenging the strongest.", he said. "My name is Rock Lee, the future strongest Taijutsu user! Hinata-san, will you accept my challenge."

The teachers were ashamed when they saw that it was the Ninjutsu cripple who had the guts to step forward and challenge. Some were even angrier since it meant that they would lose all face if their student suffered a humiliating defeat. They directed that anger to Rock Lee who dared to step up despite being talentless. He even dared to say that he'll be the future strongest Taijutsu user in front of a Hyuga. Someone was about to shout at Lee to step back and not let them lose more face but Hinata was even faster.

"I accept", she said with a bright smile. "Show me the power of your youth, Lee."

Lee smiled with even more youth seeing that someone else other than a certain acknowledges him despite being hopeless in Ninjutsu.


The teachers helplessly shook their heads and walked a little closer to be ready in case Lee gets seriously hurt so he can be treated in time. Another teacher decided to be a referee for this match so he can stop it anytime when needed.

The two participants stood on opposite ends and faced off with the referee in the middle. Aside from the Elites, nobody was interested in this match. Sure, the first-ranking Elite stood on one side but it was the Ninjutsu cripple who stood on the other side. How can a predictable match be interesting? They can already see Lee losing miserably.

"Fighters! Ready... Go!"

As soon as those words were released, the two fighters burst into amazing speeds that many couldn't react properly. It was expected for Hinata to be that fast since how can she be the strongest Elite without being able to move that quickly at least. However, people paled as if they saw a ghost as they saw Lee keeping up with Hinata's movements.

Suddenly, faint bangs sounded out throughout the training ground as they finally met and started an exchange of fists. Hinata could use the Gentle Fist to disable Lee's body at the start, quickly ending the match, but where was the fun in that? So, Hinata simply used a mix of the Gentle Fist's quick movements and her style which relies on overwhelming force. This eventually evolves into something similar to Lee and Guy's fighting style but Hinata's has more flexibility.

Punch by punch, the two exchanged blows while trying to counterattack and block each other's strikes. Everybody was already absorbed in the fight as they got curious as to what the final results would be. They were then surprised when Lee managed to take Hinata by surprise and punched her hard. Hinata didn't have room to react properly so she could only hastily put her arms in front of her to block.

The blow managed to send her sliding backward for a few meters which made everyone gasp in shock as the talentless Lee managed to push back the strongest Elite of this year.

Hinata smiled brightly despite being pushed back. She looked deeply at Lee and said, "Stop holding back, Lee. I'm stronger than you think I am."

Lee worriedly looked at her, "But I don't want to hurt you..."

Everyone was shocked by those arrogant words. That was the strongest Elite he was talking to. He dared to say he can hurt her after pushing her back slightly.

"Don't worry about me, Lee. You stop holding back and I'll stop holding back." After saying so, Hinata folded up her sleeves and revealed the 20 kg weights attached to her arms which took everyone by surprise. She then took the off and dropped them to the ground. She wasn't done yet as she folded up her pants and also revealed another pair of weights attached to her legs which she also took off.

Lee was also surprised but was more than happy that he got to face such a strong opponent. "Ok!"

He then got into the same stance he made at the start however, there was a change in his momentum. Even though he looked no different from before, the audience could feel that his momentum had become much more powerful. Hinata on the other hand has no aura at all that people would think she was weak. Those who had seen her take the weights off however were scared of her.

Both participants faced off once more. They smiled at each other and then suddenly disappeared from the student's sight. The only things that were left were faint afterimages and loud explosions caused by collisions. Even the Chunin instructors were having a hard time keeping track of their movements.

Lee rushed to Hinata at high speeds and rained punches and kicks at her while Hinata casually blocked all of them. Compared to before, Hinata looked even more laid back while fighting Lee who had decided to fight at full power. Hinata, after removing the weights, had enough power to knock out Lee in one hit. However, he let Lee shine just this once so everyone can see his brilliance.