
The New Year

After setting up a provisional government in the city of Reykjavík, Berengar and his soldiers soon departed for the lands of the Reich. In the coming days, a new influx of german soldiers and government officials would arrive in Iceland, where they would begin reconstructing the Island into a semi-modern state. 

Officially, Iceland had been ceded to the Reich as a colony by King Alvar during his negotiations with Linde. However, Berengar was unaware of this, and thus he made his own plans. Berengar recognized that Iceland had its own unique culture, and he wanted it to stay this way.

Thus, after investing heavily in the island, and its reconstruction. Berengar intended to grant Iceland its independence as a Kingdom beneath the Reich's protection. Naturally, the son that would eventually be born between Brynhildr and himself would become Iceland's King.