
Son of the Feathered Serpent

Tlexictli sat topless in the middle of her father's palace within the city of Tenochtitlan. A golden-haired babe was clutched to her breast, as it sucked away at the milk stored behind her puffy brown nipples. The Aztec Princess petted the child's silky hair while speaking to him in a gentle and loving tone. 

"My son Cualcoatl, you are a golden-haired god, one day you will rule over this Empire and bring our people into a new era of prosperity. However, first you must drink your mother's milk and grow strong, just like your father." 

Though Tlexictli was aware that Berengar was not a true divine being, she had now come to worship him as such. After spending years travelling between her homeland and Kufstein, the woman had to admit that what Berengar had done for his people was nothing short of a miracle.