
Infrastructure Initiative

Currently, Berengar was within the domain of his father's study finalizing the blueprints for the City he envisioned to be his Capital, the City of Kufstein. He had been hard at work on this project for well over a month at this point, seeing as it was something he mainly worked on in his spare time, he had yet to finish it; until now, that is.

As the Town of Kufstein became increasingly more urbanized due to Berengar's agricultural reforms, Berengar found his people suffering from a serious concern. Despite the fact that they were being paid exceptionally well and were no longer bound by the land owned by the feudal lords.

The common people of Kufstein were forced to endure terrible conditions of slums and squalor. Considering Bernegar was the kind of man who despised forcing people into such destitution, he had to come up with a new plan to resolve these issues.