
Industry and Conspiracy

Days passed, and with it, all of Berengar's guests returned to their homes. Berengar had successfully crowned himself King, pledged his support to Granada in their ongoing conflict with their neighbors, and negotiated with the Byzantine Emperor for Honoria's hand in marriage. 

With those things out of the way, Berengar now had a long list of tasks that needed to be taken care of. First and foremost, Berengar was required to prepare for his wedding with Adela; now that he was home from war and she was of age, it was time for such a merry occasion. However, not much preparation was needed on Berengar's part as he had already planned the wedding years in advance. As such, he left the remaining plans to Adela and her underlings. 

While the preparations were being completed, Berengar quickly set himself to task with an important objective. Now that he had bought himself a few years of peace, he would make sure to take full advantage of the situation.