
Assembling a Crew I

While Berengar and Adela were away at the Royal Court of Granada, Honoria was tasked with another objective. To put it simply, the runaway princess turned Privateer Queen was in the middle of searching for a crew. 

At the moment, she was within the City of Kufstein; as per usual, she was flanked by Berengar's guards and protected from any possible threat. The beautiful white-haired princess was no longer dressed in some extravagant noblewoman's dress. 

Instead, she was dressed in something loosely resembling the naval uniforms Berengar had provided to his sailors. His sailors were dressed like the old Elizabethan Seadogs from his previous life. However, Berengar had custom-designed uniforms for Honoria and her crew rather than have them outright cross-dress.