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The ending of "Silent Hill" spread out in the KiShin Japanese Forum. Discussions about it, whether it was true or not, were discussed.

In fact, the ending was not only discovered in Japan. As the early release of KS1 video games happened in Japan, after just a few days, the KS1 video games became available in other countries. These included several countries in Asia and, finally, the USA, UK, Germany, and France.

The unbelievable UFO and aliens ending of "Silent Hill" were also discussed in the KiShin website forum, such as the USA or Europe forum.

Besides Japan, the UFO and aliens ending of "Silent Hill" was also widely discussed in the KiShin USA forum.

However, that ending of UFO and aliens, said to be witnessed by other players, was not believed by the majority of gamers.

In the KiShin English forum, a KiShin Forum user posted a question.

Don.Mario_Corleone posted: "UFO and aliens ending in a horror video game like 'Silent Hill'? Who made this up?"

In the comments:

SonnyBoy1: "I don't know, but that ending just became a topic in the past few days on this site, and I'm starting to wonder whether there was such an ending..."

Don.Mario_Corleone > SonnyBoy1: "I know. I myself doubt there was such an ending, but I just know it was too ridiculous to be true, hahaha..."

Luigi_Brasi > Don.Mario_Corleone: "Hey, a Corleone fellow! How are you?"

Sonic_D_Maniac: "I'll tell you, the ending was real! I experienced it myself!"

Don.Mario_Corleone > Sonic_D_Maniac: "I don't believe you. Especially with that username of yours..."

There are doubts, and some people believed, even though they haven't seen such an ending in the horror video game "Silent Hill" just yet.

Although the topic of the unbelievable ending of the horror video game "Silent Hill" was quite popular in the KiShin website forums for a few days, the majority of gamers didn't really believe it. They thought it became popular due to gamers' curiosity and the possibility that there was such an unbelievable ending.

The unbelievable ending topic slightly spread on the KiShin EU website forum, but it gained significant traction, especially in the USA and Japan.


Meanwhile, in Shin's office, he noticed the UFO and aliens ending of "Silent Hill" from the KiShin website forum was spreading.

Shin couldn't help but wryly smile. He hadn't expected that just a few weeks after the release of "Silent Hill," the secret UFO and aliens ending had already been seen by other gamers and was spreading on the KiShin website.

This secret UFO and aliens ending of "Silent Hill" was also the ending of "Silent Hill" in Shin's previous life. However, unlike the secret ending in Shin's previous life, which was just a picture without animation, the KiShin "Silent Hill" featured animated sequences. The motions of the UFO, the high-tech door opening, and the aliens walking down from the UFO were all part of the animation.

The animations were even in 3D, accompanied by sound and music, including the sound effects of the UFO, aliens, and footsteps. Shin had put a considerable effort into creating a better secret ending for the video game compared to his previous life.

However, the secret ending of the horror video game "Silent Hill" spread quickly among other players. Perhaps the eye-catching 3D computer-generated animations played a role in its rapid spread. The availability of KiShin websites to gamers also contributed to the dissemination of topics related to video games.

Although the topic of the secret ending, UFOs, and aliens in the horror video game "Silent Hill" was not experienced by the majority of KS1 gamers, dozens of KS1 gamers around the world were able to experience the secret ending. These gamers spread it online, claiming to have seen the ending. Additionally, there are pretentious gamers who falsely claim to have seen the secret ending to attract attention.


Sawa Arata, in his office, also encountered the topic of the secret ending in the horror video game "Silent Hill." As a self-proclaimed professional gamer providing reviews and tips, he couldn't help but doubt the existence of such an ending. However, if the ending did exist and he confirmed it by playing the game, releasing the confirmation in a magazine could attract attention due to his established reputation in the Japanese gaming community. Many gamers would likely try to verify the existence of the secret ending in "Silent Hill."

As Sawa Arata became increasingly occupied with his founded company, he seldom played video games, causing his gaming skills to become rusty in KES, SKES, and KS1 gaming. Sawa Arata would likely need some time to confirm the existence of such a secret ending.

Although he could delegate the task to others, Sawa Arata preferred personally confirming the secret ending in the video game "Silent Hill." He wanted to investigate and verify whether such an ending truly existed. Initially, he needed to contact gamers who claimed to have witnessed the ending, interview them about their gameplay, and follow their lead to reach this mysterious conclusion.

After a while, Sawa Arata managed to contact three gamers who had claimed to see the secret ending. He then arranged for them to be escorted to his company's headquarters. Subsequently, the gamers were interviewed and guided to the gaming hub of Sawa Arata and his friends, where they would collectively play "Silent Hill" to unveil the secret ending, relying on the gamers' recollections of the steps leading to it.

Sawa Arata felt a sense of excitement, reminiscent of the time when he discovered the various endings of "Metroid." This endeavor brought smiles to Sawa Arata and his friends, who had achieved prosperity by reviewing video games and providing tips to gamers through the magazine Shounen Jump.

Whether they would genuinely witness and experience the secret ending of "Silent Hill" remained uncertain. However, Sawa Arata and his friends, now busy individuals, found joy in the process and gameplay, as if they had returned to a time five or four years ago when they played together in their secret gaming hub.

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The three chapters per day may be postponed for a while. As long as the stock chapters in P@treon reached atleast 15 or so chapters advanced, I may continue with the three or two chapters per day, but that still depends on me, since I am actually gradually being burnt out writing three chapter per day of this novel...

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