
Chapter3. The second dream or all right, now this is getting weird

I woke up. ... A snowstorm was still raging outside… My heart was racing and it felt like a lot of time had passed since then. Instantly I looked at my phone - it showed 11.35 pm. WHAT?!! I remember it was exactly 11:37 pm when I found my seat in the train. So it means that the time … went back? Hmmm … Is this even possible? No, I must have dreamed about it. Anyway I haven't even got closer to my home!

The next day I tried to analyze and find out as much as possible about my mysterious dream. I've spent almost half a day searching for any information but it was all for nothing. Neither in the library nor in the Google… There weren't any traces about such data. It seems all of these were nothing more than a figment of my imagination. A little bit disappointed I left the reading room.

It was snowing outdoors. Heavy and lush snowflakes were falling from the sky. I looked up. Usually it is the first thing I do when I try to find the answer. And my face became wet from the snow. I shrunk. It seemed the skies weren't going to tell me anything: they were occupied with the darkness. Street lights were on. And in the ray of its light I could see how the snowflakes were peacefully falling from that oppressive darkness. I took a deep breath and walked along the street towards the train station.

'Hey, girl, what took you so long?' - I saw Martha jumping on the corner of the Park Avenue.

Usually I spend almost every Tuesday afternoon with her at the Cat Cafe.

'Sorry, I lost track of time in the library. You should have come inside already!?! It is so freezing here!'

'Let's go.'

Fryderyk Chopin, a couple of cute little kitties and a cup of warm cappuccino are everything you need to survive in the cold and long winter...

'So you are telling me that you dreamed about some rude royal weirdo in a pajama-like-dress?'

I almost choked on my latte: 'Pphha-ha, yes! He wanted me to call him Your Highness!'

'That means…'

'He is a pajama prince!' – We couldn't handle ourselves any longer and laughed.

'More like princess to me. And as crazy as Devils…'

I sighed and leaned lower on the table: 'You know it was just a dream after all. Vivid imagination..'

'Imagination or …' - Martha started typing something on her laptop: 'Hey, Ann! Just think about it! It's transference!'


'Was you born on Mars or what?'

'Transference was described by Sigmund Freud as a phenomenon in psychoanalysis. Look here!'

And she passed me the laptop: 'It says that Transference is unconscious redirection of the feelings a person has about a second person to feelings the first person has about a third person.'


'Don't look so puzzled, Ann. You had a projection of Alicia! Did she do it again, right?'

I wrapped myself deeper into my wool turtleneck sweater: 'Yeah...'

'Ann, it was a trick of your mind that made you meet our Devils. It's just the way of letting out your feelings without any physical contact and consequences!'

I chuckled: 'I got it, I got it. That he was she after all!'

'Exactly! And if the issue isn't solved you'll deal with it again!'


'Look, here is the theory: they say people dream mostly about things either they are fond of or afraid of! In other words, you should deal with Alicia and your dreams will be gone!'

'But, Marth, you know Alicia … I .. I just can't...'

'Then try to express yourself in the dream! You have a perfect opportunity while sleeping. Blow off some steam! Anyway nobody will know about it, relax!… And… Trust me, you'll feel better straightway!'

'Yeah, perhaps...'

While Martha continued sharing her observations, suddenly I felt that the ground is going away from my legs. I backed away: 'Martha…I… I gotta use the bathroom.. '

'... Ann! Ann! Are you listening to me at all?'

Somehow I got myself into the bathroom when white walls of the Cat cafe began to fluctuate in the space as if it was made of jelly. Everything went dark and I lost my vision. And the next moment I felt that I was drastically flying through the tunnel: 'What was that? Jeez!!! Did I fall asleep right on the bathroom floor??!'

One second,




Where am I?

It feels like….WWWATER!!!!

The waves from my collapse circled the pond and came back to me again. Freeing myself from my wet heavy sweater I finally reached the ground with my toes and wiped my eyes. This time my landing was even worse than the previous one: I fell into someone's swimming pool in the bathhouse!


I am all wet..

Alright, Ann calm down. What was Martha saying? It's just another dream... There is nothing to worry about!

All else would be okay, if not for that cough behind my back which instinctively made me turn back:

'HEM-HEM! I think I am getting used to that habit of yours to fall spontaneously on me from the ceiling.'

As soon as I turned around I saw that crazy guy again.

Oh my god, what just happened? I fell on him again!?

Meanwhile he continued: 'I wouldn't look down if I was you.'

The moment of realization the awkwardness of being with some naked guy in the private bathhouse is truly unforgettable experience.

Getting red I momentarily closed my eyes and yelled: 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!'

'Told ya.'

'I've had enough. I'm sorry, Martha, I can't stand Alicia's behavior. Neither there nor here..!'

His Highness seems enjoyed mocking me which was to be expected from Alicia's projection: 'What are you mumbling darling?'

'I need to get out of here right now!'- Getting angry again I reached the stairs and got out from the pool.

As soon as I walked on a dry surface I looked around in hope to find the exit. Being destructed by the lowest human emotions, which took over me in the pool, it took me a while to pay attention to the surroundings. And to tell the truth, I understood from the first sight that this place is worth than my house, my college tuition and my soul taken together. Golden finishings and blue furniture made the bathhouse shine under the crystal glass dome of the building through which you could see magical colors of a blue sky in all its glory. Blooming pink flowers similar to our orchids, which were curling around every corner, created a marvelous aroma of spring and the renascence. At the end of the hall I saw a terrace that led to the summer garden and also there was an exit.

I've made an immediate statement to myself: 'Now it's official. It is the most impressive and outstanding bathroom which I have ever seen in my life!'

My wondering was interrupted: 'Do you like it?'


Stop!!! There is no time to enjoy the view!?! By any means, but there is nothing to compare with that nude guy which... Oh my gosh! Is he coming here? There is no way I am seeing the same nude person in one dream twice! No, never ever again I want to feel so embarrassed! I gotta wake up immediately! Right, I should tell him first what I think about him and close this case of Alicia's transference in my dreams!

The guy came to me and wanted to say something when I frowned and, representing the last 24 hours of my misery in my mind, I burst in the flames of fury:

'Listen to me first! I want to acknowledge you as the most selfish, narcissistic, rude, disrespectful and unworthy person I have ever met in my life! You've done nothing to deserve this life! Your rough attitude towards everything and everyone whom you consider lower by rank than yours is disgusting! I am sick of you! I want you to never ever cross the paths with me again! Good day!'

'Are you finished?'- Before my eyes was standing a young handsome man in a white silk robe. His eyes were full of rage and passion, which a couple of minutes ago would made me tremble. But now I was determined to overcome my fear before Alicia and wasn't going to show my weakness. He was looking at me so intensively that soon my clothes could have caught a fire.


He took a step closer and I felt the acceleration of my heartbeat: 'Your ability of expressing your points is quite remarkable. Although I can't say that about the way you distinguish people. Considering your speech you aren't aware of who I am and where you are.'

Since my ardor was off I calmed down and shrugged: 'It doesn't matter. You are only a part of my dream! Just a projection of somebody I know. Could you move away from me?'

He smiled, touched my head like I was his pet or something and said: 'Silly girl, some people are dying to be on your place. And you are asking to move away. As you wish! See you next time then.' And with these words he turned back and walked along the hall of the bathhouse.

For some reason I couldn't stop my heart beating. In horror I understood clearly that something was really weird... I wanted to wake up. His words echoed in my mind and I knew that he was telling the truth.

I closed my eyes. I wanted to run after him and say that I'm sorry... But he had already disappeared from my sight. I didn't know what to do. I just wanted to wake up...




... … …

'Ann?! Why are you sitting on the cold floor all sopping wet? Good grief! What happened to you?'- When I opened my eyes I saw Martha standing next to me in the bathroom hall of the Cat Cafe.

I threw myself at Martha with tears in my eyes: 'Martha! It wasn't a dream! It was real! He was real! What have I done!..'

'Hey, hey, don't cry.. First let's get you changed. I have my P.E. uniform with me.'

In a couple of minutes we were sitting in our favorite place, talking and drinking warm coffee. Everything seemed normal like it never had happened before. I told Martha about my journey to a bathhouse.

'What are you talking about? I came to check if you were here already. I was thinking to wait you outside right after I leave the bathroom but instead I saw you all wet on the floor! We didn't meet each other here today!'

'WHAT?!! It can't be true!? I was late, got your scolding because you waited for me outside for so long. And then you told me about that transference -thing. And then I lost my consciousness in the bathroom… and I told you the rest...'


'In that case, I think somehow you are able to travel through the time and space. Like in other dimension or something.'

'You really think so?'

'Yeah! You are so lucky! I envy you... Next time you go there take some photos! I wanna see it too!'

I smiled : 'Alright! Deal!'

'But I don't know when and how. It just happens regardless of my will…'

'We should scrupulously analyze everything about you. I'll also do some research. We should meet tomorrow after your shift and discuss everything. And for now let's go home.

....It was a long day...'