
Chapter2. That's how it all started..

It was a dark and gloomy night. The train was slowly moving through giant snowdrifts. Struggling with drowsiness and chagrin of the past day, frustrated and completely exhausted I was going home.

December 21 appeared to be tough indeed. I tried to forget how embarrassed I was when my stomach was growling so loud in the middle of the class because I didn't even manage to eat this morning. I tried to forget how I couldn't say a word when was chosen to be a class representative at school debates. Crowds make me sick. Wasn't it obvious that I was doomed to fail? Seems Professor Wright has his own perspective. On the top of that, because of alternative point of view I was given extra tasks. I tried to forget the second half of my Monday as it couldn't bypass without any surprises as well. Grand Hotel was hosting a banquet honoring Alicia Davis - my old enemy. In fact, I have already realized that if the devil existed she would be his wife, sister or anyhow a part of his family! I really do not exaggerate. Ever since kindergarten she has been referred to as Devils. Bullying is the only way she knows to approach people. And I don't blame her - the only daughter of the Minister of Finance has to be a spoiled child after all. And I tried to forget how I serving the drinks to a hundred of guests was humiliated. This time Alicia despite the number of visitors, presents and delicious foods decided to entertain herself by torturing me instead. At first, she tried to drive me to death with her constant requests for this and for that, and then she thought it wasn't enough and as if unintentionally spilled a milkshake directly onto my shiny, new uniform, for which after hearing manager's scolding I have to compensate now.

In days like this I want to vanish, conceal and disappear from the Earth's surface. I wish I could hide somewhere far away where my shame and humiliation won't bother me anymore. I wish I could stay there at least for 5 minutes… 5 minutes away from constant pain and fear of this cruel world would be more than enough…

I was in a bad mood. Angry at Alicia, humiliated and insulted, I settled down near the window and put my headphones. I chose a playlist with classical music and started watching the snowstorm. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. Meanwhile December blizzard was drastically gaining its strength. Millions of snowflakes were going in a mysterious and at the same time fascinating whirlwind. I was looking on this enchanting and mesmerizing show through the frozen glass of my window while the train was slowly moving forward in the storm.

Please, God, make me disappear only for 5 minutes... Please...

And at that very moment it seemed that the time itself had stopped and became frozen… It was so nice, warm and empty, that I almost didn't notice how black shadows of the passing by landscapes started to draw different, peculiar images in my mind and I fell asleep.

I don't know how much time had passed from that moment but all of a sudden I realized that I was falling down at high speed through some kind of a dark tunnel. One second, two seconds, three… The flight wasn't for long after all and fortunately or unfortunately for me I bumped into something soft. Next thing I remember was the light. I raised my head and saw how the sun rays were reflecting from the various surfaces. The sun was filling up the room. Silverware, golden plating of furniture, stained glasses and crystal vases - everything was shining and shimmering under the sunlight. The aroma of spring flowers was coming from every part of this strange and fascinating place. Large mirrors, ancient paintings, porcelain figurines, bizarre curtains seemed so similar to me as if I was having a DEJA VU. As if, I have already been in this peculiar place before, perhaps in a distant past or maybe even in a previous life.

Everything was fine except for the thing that I fell down here. And the most appropriate question was WHERE EXACTLY IS THAT "HERE"? Being shocked beyond belief, it took me a while to figure that something was off when someone's shrill voice made me come to my senses: 'Are you going to lie down on me forever or what!? Get off me!!!'

I shuddered and looked closely. I saw a young man about my age, who was gazing at me like I was a ghost in an old mansion. His dark eyes were looking at me with such a fury that blushing I immediately moved away. For a couple of minutes I was staring at a stranger on whom I landed on so 'successfully'.

The stranger was handsome as though he just came out from the cover of a fashion magazine. He had wistful deep-blue eyes and beautiful facial features. His dark blue jacket was perfectly matched by such blue shoes that from the first glance seemed like a suit in a themed party. Thick black hair were slightly messed up and falling down on his eyes. I've noticed a tight black bandage on his left arm which was covering the whole forearm till his palm.

You gotta be kidding…?! So fancy... What is this? Some kind of a themed medieval party?

Meantime, the guy pulled me up by his strong hand: 'Get up! Who are you???... What are you doing here?!! How the guards could even pass you here?

Failed to pronounce nothing except for the: 'Ssssorry…' – I lowered my head and tried to think rationally: 'Where exactly am I? What is this strange place??? And why I feel so weird about my body? Wait... My vision...' - By all appearances my glasses fell from my head when I was flying down here: 'No way, no way!!! But I swear I can see every detail of this luxurious carpet embroidered with patterns of unknown to me animals and plants …OMG! This is so awesome!

Wait, wait, wait…I understand now! I must be dreaming! ... Otherwise… there is no any reasonable explanation to such outcome of events or HOW IN GOD'S NAME I FELL DOWN HERE ON THIS GUY!!!!!!! Yeah it's a dream! Definitely my dream! I remember… Alicia's party, then midnight train, I fell asleep…and.. Here I am! Bingo!

I wonder why I am dreaming about this guy. Maybe he is some kind of a pop star whom I've seen on TV?' - Considering my deep-analysis of the 'falling-down-here' issue and the rough attitude of the stranger I lost the last reason to be afraid. Since in dreams you are allowed to do whatever you imagine you're free to choose.

The time I came to my senses from my childish delight, the guy keep tightly holding my hand said: 'You are going to be punished for the intruding Royal Chambers!'

'Royal Chambers..?'- I repeated at loss.

'I will personally escort you to the dungeons!'

''Wait, wait! Where are you pulling me? Dungeons?! ' - And that's when it hit me whatever that was but something that soon might have a bad ending for me.

'Dungeons – the only proper place for such thieves like you!'

'No! I am not a thief! Stop! I don't want to go there!'

But the royal looking guy wouldn't let go of me: 'All thieves don't want to! But there all they are!'

At least it's only a dream… That with such perspective can turn into a nightmare any minute now!!!

Meantime the white cat that was watching us from the distance of the large windowsill suddenly jumped on the polished floor and changed its color to golden brown stripes. The rolled astonishment made me widely open my mouth: 'Woooach!!! What's up with your cat?'

My amazement stopped him for a while: 'What cat? Stop talking nonsense! I don't see any cats here!'

'Look, it's right there!' – I pointed to it and exclaimed: 'It changed colors again!'

The cat became orange-yellow, passed us by and bowed: 'Welcome!' Then he disappeared in the wall!

'Wooow! Didn't you see it? That was amazing!'

'I don't know what you're talking about!'

'Is it some kind of magic?'

His sudden furious move made me literally jump on the spot: 'What did you just say?'

'Oh come on! I haven't done anything wrong to deserve dungeon. Please let me go! I'm a free person, after all!'

'Magic! Freedom!?!'- He pushed me to the wall and was holding both of my hands: 'You, mere thief, entirely belong to me! And haven't the assembly taught you well?! All the magic is lost. Mirioki is gone forever!'

I felt my heartbeat as he was looking into my eyes.

'Miri-What?' – I wondered.

His attitude was getting worse: 'Thank the Gods that you're not my type! For the record, I can do whatever I want with you!'

Trying to loosen his strong grip which literally immobilized me, I got mad: 'You are crazy!'

'Or maybe you prefer to become an experimental artifact? I'm sure those guys from the assembly would love to have a new toy. They are looking for such rabbits like you!'

I was just beside myself: 'Fat chance!'

And just think about it: I'm stuck in my dream with the lunatic! Such an absurd situation! And I can't even deal with it!

Meantime this weirdo was delivering a speech: 'To your concern, since it is possible for you to hold a conversation with me, next time you must refer to me as Your Highness and only…'

I wasn't paying attention anymore. As far as I could see His Craziness was gonna make some artifact from me, which I can't allow even in the dream.

Being distracted by the cat talk (which smoothly passed into some stuff about etiquette) the guy let his guard down. And my fast life-saving tactics was clear. And since it's just a dream there is nothing to lose anyway and I rapidly pulled my hands from his tight hold and with the battle cry: 'Keep dreaming!' I broke free my hand, pushed him as much as I could, and ran like crazy to another direction. The guy rushed after me as soon as I made my way through the doorway. Faster than a lightning, after hearing two or three damnations in my honor I closed the doors and trying to persuade myself that it'll work said: 'CLOSE THE PASSAGE!' And in that very moment I realized that a green glass wall appeared behind my back, which totally blocked the guy in his chambers leaving him completely bewildered.

'Wow, that is so AWESOME!'- I exhaled.

I leaned on the wall so that I could hear the guy's struggles. Apparently, he tried to break my wall from the inside.

'It's all useless! You are in my dream now!' - I hope he heard me...

Now stop wasting my time, let's go and check the surroundings!

There is nobody in this long and shady corridor. Oh my! Is this a real gold statue? Paintings seem pretty decent… Just look at that family portrait! A queen and a king and the baby... Why are their faces covered with paint? Ow, there is another entrance!

I walked into the light and saw a huge hall in the lower level and many staircases leading to the different directions. I stopped nearby the stairway and started to observe the movement in the hall. It was really crowded there.

Themed party is on!

It looked like a Royal treatment. Elegant ladies were accompanied by even more elegant gentlemen. Famous officials, delicious foods and sweet speeches...

Just look at them! So carefree, glossy and ... and.. happy... It feels like I'm about to throw up. No wonder it's just a dream.. My origins can definitely tell everything. I know my place. An orphan never has such opportunity even to look straight at this people. But since it's just a dream.. he-he...

I counted 56 elegant dames and only 47 gentlemen.

What a pity.. Somebody is losing their opportunity to marry a royal official today. - I thought sarcastically.

Meanwhile two beautifully dressed maids headed towards my direction. I froze, watching their approximation. They passed through me and didn't even look at me.

What? Why didn't they pay any attention?

It's obvious that I stand out from the crowd. Judging by the season, it is summer here and I am wearing my winter jacket which by this time made me pretty sweaty.

Am I invisible? No way, but how come he could see me then..

The maids were going to the chambers of that guy. And as soon as they reached the doorway the glass wall completely vanished in the space erasing any trace of its existence.


'Your Highness, your uncle asked to remind you about the meeting with the ambassador. Please, hurry up.' - And with such words one maid opened the door.

In the next moment the guy flew in the corridor like a crazy bull who found his freedom from a stall: 'WHERE IS SHE?'

'Who, Your Highness?'

He looked around: 'There you are!'

Damn, he saw me..! Why I decided to stop here of all places thinking that the wall gonna protect me forever! So stupid, Ann..!

I ran to the lower level in a hope that he by chance can lost me in the crowd.

I could hear his roar from behind: 'Stop right there!!! .... Hey, guards, STOP THAT GIRL IMMEDIATELY!!! What are you doing?!!'

I found myself catching a breath in the middle of the party hall when the guy was less than three meters away from me. But to my greatest surprise nobody was paying attention to my personality. People couldn't notice me at all. On the contrary from what I expected everyone was looking at the guy who already was standing by my side. Voices were heard from all sides: 'It's His Highness himself! … No way! ... He never attends such parties! .... I can't believe my eyes!...'

Someone's shrilled voice sounded in the air: 'Make a way! It's His Highness, Eathon Rains! Behold His Highness!'

At the same moment the crowd began to fall back and bow as much as they could. This absurd situation had been continuing for a-long-while when I decided to move on and leave my place.

While everyone else was occupied with bowing, the guy reached my ear and whispered: 'Where do you think you are going!? If those fools can't see you, it doesn't mean that I can't as well!!!'

I thought I go crazy about all this happening when suddenly I felt dizzy. Lightning pain pierced my head. I fell on the floor...Darkness…

One second,



I woke up.

…..To be continued….

Please, by posting a comment let me know if you would like to hear the continuing.

Still hesitating with my writing...

Best regards

StormJcreators' thoughts