
TWO WORLDS: Erica's Travel

Driven by her loyalty towards the queen, Erica must make the humans pay for their crime; but what happens when everything turns out to be a lie and there is bigger story she never knew about.

Estherio · ファンタジー
75 Chs

Chapter 63: Clash of Villians


"Sir, a vehicle just arrived at the laboratory" Idris said while showing Mr. Hansel the video of the camera footage outside the laboratory.

"Just like I have expected, they arrived sooner than expected; i almost got scared over nothing" Mr. Hansel told him

"Do you think Imelda will tell them about the body of the sea creature?" Idris Questioned him

"I doubt she would, she would do anything to remain a scientist like his father, her father was so obsessed with science and it drove him crazy; he died 7 years ago choking on his own new chemicals" Mr. Hansel responded

"Why didn't you tell her about her father?" Idris asked

"The girl chose her path, who am i to stop her from achieving her dreams? At least she has been a great help to us" Mr. Hansel replied

"Should we shut down the laboratory before their entry? they could cause damages there" Idris said to him

"If you shut it down, we won't have the brain to our research; let them move in, she will know what to do when she gets inside" Mr. Hansel said to him

"I will have our men close by to move into the laboratory right now as plan B" Idris told him

"As you wish, as long as they don't take the body; i have nothing on them" Mr. Hansel said.

"I will be right back sir" Idris said with a bow.



Eight of Mr. Hansel's gunmen arrived at the building after parking their car somewhere around the building, they scattered themselves into two groups, two were able to locate the two of Mr. Charles men who were smoking outside; as they approached closer to them, the third guy who had gone out to take a piss saw them from behind and quickly alerted others by a gunshot in the air.

The other two men who had come from another angle quickly shot down the third guy without hesitating. the remaining two men were quickly killed before they could reach their gun.



Mr. Charles gestured at one of his men who suddenly pointed a gun at Imelda

"You don't want to die like this right? it would be a shame" Mr. Charles told her

"I don't know anything else" Imelda said again

"Fine, your loss" Mr. Charles said getting out the gun on his pocket to shoot her.

They were suddenly interrupted by gunshots from outside

"What was that?" Mr. Charles asked looking at his men.

Imelda quickly jumped into the opposite room that was empty and locked herself in.

"Fucking bastard, she set us up!!!" Mr. Charles angrily shouted as he repeatedly shot on the door

"Quickly, shoot at sight" Mr. Charles ordered his men.

Some of his men dashed out of the lab room with their guns ready to shoot anyone.

"Take the ingredients, we need to leave here" Mr. Charles told the rest of his men.

They Quickly grabbed the bottle containing the fluids and flee from the laboratory.

Mr. Hansel's men and Mr. Charles men fought each other when they had come across each other.


Imelda came out of her hiding place when she didn't hear any noise inside the room, she was hiding, she had hidden herself under the bed when Mr. Charles was angrily shooting the doors.

she inhaled and exhaled before silently approaching the doors; she silently opened the door and peeped through it but there was no one outside, she comes out closing the door after her; she goes out heading to the secret passage way down the building.

When she got to the secret passage way, she takes out the key to the door from its hidden place, she unlocked the door hastily ready to leave from it but the presence of a being standing right at the door soaked wet from the rain outside scared the hell out of her.

"You are going to hand over her body now" Erica told her standing on the door.