
TWO WORLDS: Erica's Travel

Driven by her loyalty towards the queen, Erica must make the humans pay for their crime; but what happens when everything turns out to be a lie and there is bigger story she never knew about.

Estherio · ファンタジー
75 Chs

Chapter 34: Crazy things

(The Queen of Riveria addressing the Mer people)

"Fear is something that doesn't define us the Riverians! whoever that is trying to rub us of our peace will wish they never met us; i will make sure they pay for the blood of our kind that was lost" the Queen addressed the Riverians

"Long live the Queen!!" the Mer people chorused

They hailed the Queen continuously with their hearts filled with joy and hope for their great queen.

When the queen sighted Princess Adunni who was watching from the crowd of sirens; she dismissed them to their various shelter

"You poisoned the King of Marco" Princess Adunni said

"He told you that?" the Queen asked with a smirk

"This is no play mother; his son is demanding you beg for mercy for him to stop this" the Princess said

The Queen chuckled "And you rushed here thinking i will do so?" 

"I don't think you will do so, i am here to talk to you before carrying out any plan i have" she told her

"And what's that?" she asked Princess Adunni

"You have to step down as a way of showing remorse, that way; i won't have to tell the Sirens the things i know" she told her mother

"Are you threatening me?" the Queen asked her 

"Yes i am, i think is quite time the Sirens actually knows what is going on at the sea" the Princess said to her

"You think the Sirens will trust what you say? you don't have evidence; all your evidence is right there on land fighting each other just like i wanted" the Queen told her

The Princess balled her hand in anger looking at her mother

"The only way for this to end is if for me to die which i know won't be happening anyway" the Queen told her

"Exactly mother, i wonder what will happen if i tell the Sirens that you have a chronic disease and will be unable to run the throne" Princess Adunni said with a smirk "The Riverians would think that i am just looking out for you anyway" The Princess said again looking straight to her mother's eye with a wicked grin.


(At the Hospital)

"You are here" Oma said as soon as Lava sneaked into the hospital

"Yes, i have to make sure you are alright" he said closing the door gently to avoid disturbing anyone. "I bribed the nurses" he added

"I guess money is really everything" Erica said behind the curtains she had hid herself when the door had opened.

"E... erica" Lava said in surprise

"Miss me?" Erica asked 

Lava quickly approached her and hugged her tightly "I so much miss you" he said almost getting a teary eye.

"I am here now" she said to him

"I am so sorry for what happened, if i have a way to take back all your sufferings; i would do so" he said gently

"You never did me wrong" Erica said

"Okay, enough now" Oma said after listening to them both.

Lava laughed as he joined Oma on the bed.

"I missed seeing these faces" Erica said looking at the both of them silently

"It was crazy, everything is so crazy" Lava said looking at her gently

"You both knew i was a mermaid all this time?" Erica asked them

"I found out first the day you got kidnaped, I thought it was just my imaginations at first" Oma said

"Yes, it was really crazy; we are glad you are nothing like them" Lava told her

"I am like them; you just haven't caught me in act" Erica said silently to them

"We know you can never kill an innocent person" Oma said silently to her

"You will always have a place in our heart" Lava said to her, he reached for her forehead and kissed it.

Erica leaned silently and kissed him deeply, Lava returned the kiss even deeper, they both turned to Oma who had nervously looked away when they had shared their kiss

"We can kiss each other, right?" Erica asked making Oma to almost choke on her own saliva

"What?" she asked trying to understand what Erica was saying

"Kiss her" Erica said looking at Lava, before Oma could say a word, Lava leaned in and kissed Oma's lip gently, Erica careless Lava's hair during his kiss with Oma likewise that of Oma, Lava turned back at Erica and continued the kiss why Oma softly reached for Erica's ears and softly bites on it why sucking hard on it, Erica pushed Lava to the bed and joined him on it, Lava numbles on Oma's ear when she had gotten closer to him why Erica at the other hand placed her lips on Lava's bare chest and kissed down it.

Lava laughed out when Erica had kissed on his bellybutton "Am sorry, my neck and bellybuttons are my weak spot" he apologized immediately with a grin

"Weak spot?" Erica curiously asked

"Yes, it's a very sexual place to touch on my body" Lava responded

"So, we are each other's first" Lava said blushing

"I might have to disagree with you on that" Oma said with a smirk

"My kiss was more real than that of your Ex , he broke up with you anyway because you were always with me" Erica said to Oma with a smirk

"Shut up" Oma said why heating her playfully on her shoulder

"We are part of each other and shares each others pain, we can't do without each other at this rate" Lava said silently

Erica and Oma rested their head on his shoulder.


(7pm at a nearby bar)

Mr. Charles lit his cigarette waiting for his chauffeur to hand him the car key

"Here is the key sir" His chauffeur said handing the key to him after he had drove in with the car

Mr. Charles collected the key from his hand as he puffs the cigarette smoke out from his mouth 

"Take back the drunk guard's home, i will drive home myself" Mr. Charles said to him

"Yes sir" He responded

Mr. Charles entered his car and drove off with it.

Few minutes to his drive, he reached for the radio to play some music still driving with his left hand and his cigarette still stuck on his mouth; he continuously changed the radio station not giving all his attention on the road. He was able to play the music of his choice after the multiple changes of the radio station, upon looking up; his car bumped into a figure that was crossing the road in darkness

"Oh, my goodness!" he shouted almost having an heart attack.

"What was that?" he asked in shock,

He quickly got out of the car to see what it was why still gallivanting on his own mind on what to do to save himself if it was something he couldn't handle.

Approaching the front of his car, he saw the ugly looking woman lying weakly on the ground with her skin looking like they are tearing off from her body

"What the fuck" he said in disgust placing his hand on his nose.

The Ugly looking woman opened her eye ready to pounce on him weakly but he was fast enough to bring out his gun pointing it towards her

"Don't even think about it, i know you are one of those creatures; i have seen one of your kind before; its just a little bit different from you" Mr. Charles said nervously with his hand shaking

Olga looked at him for few seconds as if she wanted to say something.

"Don't even think about it" Mr. Charles said to her

"Do you think that gun can kill me? change of plan; it's either i kill you in a million possible way or you help me, which one are you going to choose?" Olga asked him with a devilish smile.

(Mr. Hansel's mansion)

"Where went you in the morning?" Mr. Hansel asked Lava when he had come in

"I went for a stroll" Lava responded denying the fact that he went to the hospital against his father's command

"The doctor said he saw you at the hospital today" Mr. Hansel said

"Why then are you asking me if you already knew the truth?" Lava asked him

"Erica is more deadly than you think" His father said to him

"You are way more dangerous than her, i can't believe you kidnapped her for your selfish gain; you are the cause of all of this" Lava angrily said to his father

"She is nothing like you and will never be no matter how much emotions she is displaying to you, she killed kelvin; she also watched her kind die, she might have even done worst. What makes you think she won't do it again?" his father asked

"I don't care what you say to me father, you are just trying to get into my skin with those lies" Lava angrily said to him

"Oh, she didn't tell you? she is emotionally blackmailing you especially knowing the fact that you are my son; you should have seen how crazy she could be down that tank" Mr. Hansel said

"Enough father, i can't do this with you father; tomorrow i will be handling back the business and you have no say on it" Lava said in anger leaving his presence.

"Have you ever asked her why she is here? you can either choose to be betrayed by your emotions or start thinking with your brain, a monster will always be a monster!" Mr. Hansel said louder to him.

He looked at Idris who had been standing on the door "Release the video, let's all get crazy in this city; I run it anyway" he told him.