

Driven by her loyalty towards the queen, Erica must make the humans pay for their crime; but what happens when everything turns out to be a lie and there is bigger story she never knew about.

Estherio · ファンタジー
75 Chs

Chapter 3: Hello

Once Oma and Lillian got to the taxi station, Lilian said her goodbyes to Oma before departing from a different direction. Oma entered the taxi and gave the driver her address. Few people also joined her before the taxi driver drove off. When they had gotten half way, Oma felt a body lean closer to her ear 

" You must be Oma?"

Oma quickly turned towards the strange lady who was smiling at her

" Excuse me, do I know you?" Oma asked nervously 

" You don't, but I know you don't want to be late home" Erica said which startled the girl. 

She quickly shifted herself from Erica and leaned on the door. Ten minutes later when she had silently glanced at Erica, it seems she had dozed off, she signed before reminding the chauffeur that she was almost close to her destination. 

She paid the driver for her ride and quickly left. Her house was few blocks away, it was a bungalow and one could tell her family was quite rich. 

"Hello" she heard the strangers voice from behind, when she turned to look at the person, her heart skipped a beat at the sight of Erica 

" W... who are...y... you, what do you want from me?" Oma asked silently going backwards as Erica creeps her out.

" Am Erica by name and you are Oma" she responded 

" Am I supposed to know you freak? I thought you were sleeping back there?" she asked in curiosity 

"I was until that moving thing stopped" Erica responded 

" Stay away from me or I will shout; you dare not mess with me" she warned 

" You can do that"

She lowered herself to Oma " Then I will tell your mum you went out with Lilian and you are planning to go out with Mk tonight" she threatened which made Oma waver in fear of what her foster mum might do to her if she finds out she was absence from home.

" You think they would believe you?" Oma asked pretending not to be frightened 

" let's give it a try" Erica said giving her a cold stare.

Oma stood there for few minutes in fear, she could tell the young lady wasn't joking 

" Fine, what the hell do you want from me? Money?" She asked in curiosity. 

" First of all, I need shelter; that's what you humans call it" Erica said and Oma stare at her in confusion, it wasn't what she had expected to hear from her. 

"How do you expect me to find you a shelter by this time of night? I don't know you and I don't have enough money to get a room for you, what the actual hell! My mum would kill me at the sight of you standing here" she said furiously as she doesn't know what to do. 

It doesn't look like Erica was bothered about it as she just stood there not guilty of anything. As if luck wasn't on her side, she heard the sound of her foster mum's car, she could recognize that sound anywhere 

"Shit!" She shouted "just come the fuck inside " She said hastily.

Erica joined her inside not bothered about anything. She joined her upstairs where she was led into the room and the door closed 

" Stay here and be quiet, you don't want to mess with my foster mum" she told Erica who sat on the chair looking around the room from one corner to the other. 

* * * 

"Oma!" Come's her foster mum's voice downstairs but there was no reply. "Oma!!" The voice came even louder and closer. 

" Yes mum" Oma answered calmly opening the door to her room and coming out where she could see her 

" Where you sleeping?" She asked as she saw how dull Oma's eye were which was faked 

" Yes mum, I have been doing my homework since I came back from school" she lied 

"Good, you shouldn't waste my money; come down here and help me with the groceries" She said 

" Yes mum" Oma responded, she quickly came down to help her mum take out the groceries and also prepare the dinner with her. 

Erica moved around the room touching one thing or the other 

" All are artificial, nothing is natural like the way it is under the sea, what is this salty waters dripping from my skin... I have never felt this trapped before" she retorted still pacing around the room. 

She opened the window to see what was outside of it. There was nothing much as the neighboring houses were also few blocks away from the house. 

"Boring" she said "I just need to pretend to mingle with them to get some information's out and this is the first step" she added. 

" Jesus... what if someone sees you?" Came Oma's voice immediately she had opened the door only to see Erica looking out comfortably through the open window. 

Erica stared at her not minding how serious she was, she closed the window and sat back down. 

" Here is some cereal for dinner" Oma said handing her the medium bowl containing cereals, Erica ignored her

" I don't eat them" she said and Oma got really annoyed from it

" I guess you ran away from somewhere yet you are still been picky in your situation" she said harshly. 

" I just don't eat human foods " she responded starring straight to her eye which creeped Oma out 

"What do you mean by that?" Oma asked nervously.

Erica could tell she was already scared from it 

"What are these made of?" Erica questioned 

" Just cereal and cow milk for goodness's sake" she responded 

"Oh... Land food" Erica said collecting the cereal which made Oma blinked her eye twice 

" What a psycho" Oma cursed in her mind " how can she be this beautifully insane?" she wondered to herself again

She sat down on her bed to eat her own cereal. 

"What says the time in your world?" Erica asked 

" It's 6:37 pm psycho" she answered and Erica nodded her head. She stared at Erica and saw how she was gently eating the food as if there was something on it, she rolled her eye and continued eating. 

"Aren't you scared of me right now?" Erica asked almost causing Oma to choke on her own food

"There are camera's around the neighborhoods; you can't possibly harm me" Oma told her

Erica looked at her for some minutes "I guess i don't look that scary" she silently said

"You don't, you are probably one of those ladies that sleep around the clubs and are always on the run; your accent is different" Oma told her

Erica scoffed "Didn't think it would be this easy getting close to human" she though to herself

* * * 

(10:00 pm) 

Oma kept on looking at Erica from the mirror and smiling cunningly why putting on her makeup 

" I just have to take her with me to the party, drunk her and forget her there; I bet she doesn't even know the way back here, she must have been in this city illegally because she doesn't seem like a citizen here" she thought to herself 

" What's funny?" Erica asked disrupting her thoughts. 

" Nothing, just thought you should follow me to the party because you are going to enjoy it there" She said praying that Erica agrees to it.

Luckily for her Erica bought the idea 

" Okay, it's going to be good" she said and Oma pauses in confusion for a while 

"Are you not going to take your bath? There is a personal bathroom inside my room...over there" she said pointing at the direction 

" Am following you like this" she responded without hesitation. 

"Your choice" Oma said, 

She headed for the window and opened it, she silently climbed out from the window and Erica joined her, she closed back the window after they were both outside. She wasn't afraid that her foster mum would check on her because her foster mum doesn't actually wake up till 4a.m, her foster mum believed in having a healthy sleep to have a healthy body and sound mind. The only thing she takes seriously is her money not been wasted for any reason, keeping herself in a good shape and avoiding anything that would lead into trouble. Her husband who was the one that had adopted and brought in Oma when she was 6 years old to help her out had been abroad for the past two years doing his business over there as a lawyer he was. 

(The party) 

The party was a huge one that has been thrown by the rich and popular students from Oma's school (Bellaire high school). A lot of students were present; dancing, drinking and doing some other illegal stuffs your parents wouldn't want you to do. 

" Feel free to grab whatever you like and do whatever you like " Oma said to Erica before leaving her to find her boyfriend Mk. 

Erica just stood there scanning the whole place because she didn't want to come in between any of them or have their body touching hers as she move. 

Oma met with her boyfriend, a tall fair browned hair guy wearing a white T-shirt and a baggy red trouser. When he saw Oma, he smiled and quickly went to grab her hand 

"You are here sweetheart, love your outfit" he said and Oma blushed 

"Let's go somewhere else" he said and Oma nodded her head in agreement. 

The party was crazy and took longer than expected, Erica found herself tasting the different drinks that were on the table to know which of them were suitable for her, she felt dizzy after taking some of them, she couldn't help but find herself a place to rest. 

 It was already 2:30am when Oma arrived back home, she was escorted back home by Mk who left her when she was almost close to her home. She fell on top of the world having enjoyed herself especially for the fact that she had left Erica at the party and it would be difficult for her to find her way back to her place. There were just two people who knew her address; Lilian who was not at the party and Mk who she had left with. She slept well without been guilty of leaving her. 

When the morning came. she prepared for school; her foster mum dropped her at school before leaving for her office. Oma hummed across the hall way heading to her class, once she had opened the door to go into her classroom, she freezes why dropping her school bag on the floor at the sight of Erica 

"Hello" Erica said smiling at her.