
49. Feelingless Mafia Man and Unlucky Woman 'Jeon Eun Ra' : The abandoned Kim Tae Jung.

Almost fifteen minutes two grown men stood in front of the main door of his house. I rang the doorbell several times but there was no answer at all.

Slightly troubled by something that makes Yoon Gi a little angry and angry at his wife is what time he is standing with his son.

It's one o'clock in the morning, and since earlier there has also been no response at all, even now the security guard at the front of the house is approaching Yoon Gi and Tae Hyun's place.

"Sorry, sir. Madam left yesterday morning."

"Two hours after Mr. Yoon Gi and Mr. Tae Hyun left for the office." The security guard at him house explained the departure of his wife, Yoon Gi's eagle and sharp eyes even stared piercingly at the old man earlier.

"What are you doing here?" Yoon Gi asked so coldly, the man who was older than him started to get scared, got goosebumps, and felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up.

"I thought the madam would be home this afternoon, it's just--"

"Oh, so my wife doesn't come home the same as I go home and leave this second?" Yoon Gi asked interrupting the conversation making the man sighed heavily, he was depressed about something, it's just that some of the things that scare him are anger.

"I'm not careless, sir. It's just that the lady went with a private driver, and until this moment she hasn't come home. They left with the driver too, and the driver hasn't come home either. It seems that the madam wants to go on vacation alone?" the man guessed giving a few good and logical reasons so that the relationship between the master and the mistress was not so bad or worsened.

"The key?" ask Yoon Gi to raise him hand asking, because the key is not reserved, because of that Su Ri is assigned to the house for any time one of their children or husband comes home, Su Ri is very employed here.

"I don't know, sir." Tae Hyun who was already exhausted sighed heavily. Him foot kicked the door handle nearly five times and was completely damaged.

"Stop expecting mom to come home, it's useless. That woman will indeed be selfish forever, I know where mom is going. sure to meet my brother, running away from her responsibilities as a good wife and mother to her child."

"I thought for sure he would go to see him favorite child." Tae Hyun said immediately entering the atmosphere making the two of them quite awkward, each other didn't talk, just stared at each other.

"Contact the same doormaker, ask for some spare keys for each maid, you and the driver to have." Yoon Gi just ordered him, after that he walked in leaving the security guard in front of the gate starting to return to his place.

It's just that before he left, the man had chosen to close the previous door which was almost damaged because of hismmaster's son.

Kim Tae Hyun is very barbaric and mischievous.

"Gosh, fortunately, Mr. Yoon Gi is in a good mood," muttered the previous man walking towards the previous place. back to Yoon Gi, he caught up with him son who was close to him.

"Listen to dad, Kim Tae Hyun!" Yoon Gi interrupts him son, but the almost adult man chooses to close his bedroom door loudly explaining that he doesn't want to be disturbed.

"What are you doing, Su Ri." Yoon Gi mumbled due to some mistakes.

"You made the gap so real, even one of our children hates me and one of our children hates you this is terrible, but you made it yourself," explained Yoon Gi looking so visibly tired of facing so many baby attitudes from his two sons and his wife's one big baby.

"Don't blame me if Tae Hyun is getting too rough with you, Su Ri."


"I saw a new woman--"

"Yes, she's the woman I bought." Tae Jung answered immediately, giving Jeon Eun Ra's real identity where she managed to get the attention of her mother.

"I bought with my money," continued Tae Jung, not explaining the reason why he did it, from where, and for what. "So she's your new maid?" Su Ri asked who realized that there were so many maids in this house, Tae Jung chuckled to cover up his mistake.

"Kak Ji Kang also bought it, it's just that the woman Ji Kang bought died quickly. She died because of her illness." Tae Jung explained as if what was said was her truth.

'Money-licking disease through Ji Kang,' continued Tae Jung in his heart, not clarifying.

"Ah, sorry. Take care of the woman you bought, Tae Jung. I can see if the woman is very good and has no bad intentions. Not like before," said his mother making Tae Jung chuckle, he shook him head slowly.

"Do you remember the problems that happened between me and Tae Hyun? Everything will happen again, that's why I chose not to treat Eun Ra as Soo Bin. I'm a little traumatized by it." Su Ri stroked the top of him son's head, he didn't say anything to teach or even advise him.

Not tired, but Su Ri was also traumatized because of his advice, and all relationships were destroyed.

Ji Kang.


Woo Sik.

Yoon Gi.

Ji So.

Him father.

With one woman being sold the same fate as Eun Ra now.

"Does your brother like Eun Ra too?" Su Ri asked her son to clarify if the debate and hatred between him and his sister were still the same.

Su Ri hopes that the two of them get along and live in harmony, it's just that the problem is getting more complicated. with her coming here without saying anything to her other child and husband.

Su Ri just thought if 'Forget about them, there is still one other child, whom she needs to teach, who she needs to advise, and who she needs to visit.' The abandoned Kim Tae Jung.

Mom already knows the answer, she always uses her selfish principles. Tae Hyun chooses anyone who likes me as the object of revenge for mom and dad's attention, even Tae Hyun himself almost killed Go Hyung's uncle's son because he liked me a little.

"I can't momy." Tae Jung argued to her mother when she couldn't stand all of her sister's crazy attitude.

This nearly killed him, but Tae Hyun took it easy. He was very disappointed, to be honest.


"Defeat, Tae Jung." Tae Jung knows this answer, he understands what his mother will say to him.

Tae Jung is also jealous of his sister, he always gets the defense, affection, and full attention from both sides of his parents. Not like him. Why does Tae Hyun still want to be the pathetic Tae Jung?

"Again?" asked Tae Hyun when he realized that his mother's request was still the same as the last three years.

"There's no other way but to give in to your brithee, so I think it's better to give in than to fight. You won't harm your brother, will you Tae Jung?" No answer. Tae Jung can't answer anything at all

He chose to stand up from his kneeling place and his back to his mother who was sitting.

"Momy, it's hard to feel all the pain yourself, it hurts to understand how much mom and dad love Tae Hyun, even I can't even think straight to keep succumbing to small things like this to the point where mom always pushes me to a side where the mom doesn't want me to be happy."

"Do you think all the pain you are giving is not trying to kill me slowly? You stabbed me in the front, damn it!" Stupid, stupid Tae Jung. Was crying after so long because the same thing happened again.

Should Tae Jung give in again?

It is well started to get into the first conflict in the 50 Chapter, thanks for your support, and I am very happy to see your appreciation read it. Thank you again.

sakasaf_storycreators' thoughts