

This novel is based on how an introverted college girl (Sophia) met a handsome boy (Prince) who was her classmate and and younger brother of CEO of New Way company (hidden identity) which was famous for fashion designing. Prince's friend ( Levin) came to the college who started liking Sophia at first sight and he told him to try to ship them. But, he fell in love himself with her. And somewhere she also started loving him but could never understand herself. Their love story had started but suddenly Prince got missing and never came back for years. She saw a similar man like him in Indonesia and got into accident while chasing him behind. Will she be able to meet him? Or will the destiny part them forever? Read the novel to know this.....

Shivani_Maurya · 都市
26 Chs


Sophia took the lift and reached the third floor at the office. She greeted everyone and sat down on her seat. Nancy came to her and said, "Hello! Sophia."

She said with a sweet smile,"Hello! Nancy."

"I had to informed that President had called you to his office."

"Ok! I go there."

She went to the office and slightly opened the gate and said, "May I come in sir?"

Mr. Park allowed her to come in who was sitting there, turning the pages of some documents of the file. She went inside and stood like a statue.

He said while looking at her, "Why are you standing? Sit down."

When she sat down, he said, "Sophia, I have to go out of some important meeting to attend because of which I cannot do this project. I know, it's only been one day since you joined the company. So, you will also have a little trouble doing this project because you have no experience. Everyone here is working on some project, that's why I am handing this project to you."

She said with full confidence, "No problem! Sir, I will complete this project. Well, what do I have to do in this?"

"You have to make any two dresses of a girl which has never come to the market."

She said,"Ok sir, I get it."

Showing the sign of thumbs up, he said,"All the best."

She smiled and said,"Thankyou sir! I will do my best."

The President was about to leave, then he stopped and said," You have to submit it till tommorow. If you have any problem, then you can ask someone in the company. They will definitely help you." Saying this, President left from his office.

She got very happy that she got a chance to do her first project in the company. She brought the drawing file and put on her desk and sat down. First of all, she thought that what kind of dress she should make which never came in the market. She thought a lot, but it didn't come to his mind and her head started hurting. Then, she went downstairs to the library with all her things like pencil, eraser and drawing file. She put all those things on the seat and went to the cafeteria to get coffee. She took a sip of coffee and started thinking in my mind,"I have no idea what to make. I guess, I'll have to take someone's help."

That's when the prince came to his mind, "Oh yes. Why don't I ask him? Because he made a deal with me that he would help me."

She called him and said, "Are you free now?"

He replied, "Yes! What's the work now? Do I have to come to your house and cook?"

She made a rotten face and said,"No! I don't want to upset my stomach. I've to complete a project but ideas are not coming in my mind."

He insulted her and said,"You don't have a brain, so where will the ideas come from?"

"Don't laugh too much. You promised me that you will help me if I hide your secret."

"Yes! You stop reminding me like an alarm. I already remember that. Wait in the library. I am coming."

He hung up the phone and went to the car. He opened the door of the car and started muttering, "This girl has stuck after me like a ghost."

Then, he got in the car and left for the company. He reached there in fifteen minutes and Sophia was waiting for him sitting in the library.

Seeing him, she said,"You have come very early."

He said while flirting with her,"I don't make girls wait long."

Showing her palm, she said,"Stop your nonsense. Speak this line to someone else, it won't affect me at all."

He ignored her and came straight to the point,"Let's go upstairs on the fourth floor. We will sit comfortably and discuss there because here everyone will be disturbed." They both went to the 4th floor by the lift where there was a lot of hustle and bustle. There, he went to the sketching room where a lot of sketching was kept. They arranged the chair and sat comfortably and started to discuss,"Now tell me, what to do in the project?"

She became serious,"We have to make two such dresses of girls which no one has ever made."

He looked at her face in a serious mood and said,"Then, why are we making it?"

His rapid joke made her laugh. Seeing her laughing, he kept looking at her.

She laughed and asked her,"What happened? Why are you watching me like this?"

He said while rolling his eyes,"Nothing, let's think about how to make it."

They both started deciding how they should make the dress.

Prince gave an idea,"I think. We should merge western and traditional dress to make one dress and it will look better."

She liked his idea very much and showing the thumbs up of both hands said, "Well done".

He started showing attitude pose to her with stroking his hair.

She insulted him, "Such dirty pose doesn't look good on you."

He lowered his hand and said, "I didn't need your opinion. Let's leave and do our work."

Sophia gave her advice, "You search for traditional dresses and I search for western dresses. After that, we will merge our both selected dresses."

Both of them started searching with their mobiles. Sophia was not getting anything new but Prince saw the draping style of sari and also liked it.

She put her phone on the table, moved her chair back and stood. And holding her head she said, "I can't find anything except jeans, top and frock."

He also stood up and went to her while showing his phone he said, "Listen! I have a great idea. If we merge the draping style of sari with the jeans and the top, then I think it will be a very cool outfit."

She was surprised to hear his idea and was overjoyed that she embraced him. He was shocked by her immediate hug and felt exactly the same feeling when he saved her from a bullied boy at a fresher's party and she hugged him drunk.

After a while, Sophia realised that she had hugged him. Taking her hands away, she said shyly, "I'm really sorry. I became very happy so that I didn't think anything and just hugged you."

He did not say anything and went straight and sat on the chair and she also sat down. She opened her drawing file and began to make sketch of dress as Prince told her. In half an hour, one of their dresses was ready which made both of them satisfied and they also praised themselves.

He gasped and said," I will help you to make another dress tomorrow. I am very tired now."

She nodded and said, "Me too."

Looking at his wrist-watch, he said, "It's 7:00 pm now ."

Sophia felt a bit of a current and she got up from the chair and said, "What did you say, it's 7 o'clock?"

He shocked with her sudden reaction and said calmly, "Yes, it's 7:00 pm. What's so screaming about that?"

She hurriedly picked up her stuffs and left saying, "Nothing! I'm leaving."

Seeing her, he said, "Don't know why she was shocked that she ran away. She did not even say thank you as crores of dollar will be spent of her."

Sophia already left the company carrying her stuffs, she thought of booking a taxi but no taxi was available at that time. Then, she started walking alone on the deserted road.

On the other hand, Prince left the company with his car. When his car reached near the bus station, he saw that a girl was walking on the road in the deserted night. Seeing this, he was completely scared and he drove his car at full speed. Then, his eyes fell on the mirror of the car in which that girl's face was visible and he was stunned to see her.
