
Two Side life

iyrawalker · 若者
5 Chs

Lost world

Clark's POV

I know am over reacting right now,,how do you expect me to feel when my wife is in labour for five days now...Holy shit...I didn't know how many calls I would have received from her family..I Married a Nigerian,, don't blame me... it's love...We met here in America,five years ago..she came to Columbia university New York for her master's degree... it's such a blessing to met her..and am glad I do...I was about to graduate also...yea yea,,, I know she's older than me just a year older..no big deal..both our parents rejected our relationship bt we fight for it and get married as soon as possible...

Mr Michelle...a voice brought me out of my thoughts...oh ,,the doctor..I quickly rise to my feet

Doctor,, how's my wife!??

she's better,,bt the baby is around d Conner...we need you in the theater room.ASAP..He said worried

No.. Problem Doc...

he leads me to the theater room ND I got changed to a theater gown,,you all know how they can be dramatic in d hospital....my eyes caught my looking worried wife and I quickly approach her...she looked exhausted and sad,..she grab my hands and start sobbing...

Babee,,, it's okay... everything's gonna be okay...I said while rubbing circles on the back of her palm...

I know,,,,she said softly...am scared honey...what the priest said about the baby is happening...this is the fifth day,,, she's about to come out...am tired....she whispered that only I can hear....

stay strong sweetie,,, it's just a coincidence... nothing more....I tried to calm her and she Nod in agreement

Now,,,I need you to push harder,,Mrs Michelle...the Nurse said...

Judith obeyed and push more harder that within a minute,,,I could hear the baby crying but my wife is not stable...I keep holding her hand tighter for her to stay strong but I think it's not working...

Mrs Michelle!,,you need to stay with us right now,,,the doctor shout..... Nurse Louis,,,take care of the baby,,,,the rest,take her to the ward right now,,,give her an oxygen to breathe and connect a heart monitor...go, go,go...he said quickly while everyone rush out of the theater room...

I was left alone processing what just happened... there's no way this can be happening right...this can't come to pass right...

* * * * *

Today,,22nd June,2024... Judith Michelle died.

the world came to an end,, everything ended today..how will i tell her family,,more reasons for them to hate me more...

Sir,,,the baby...one of the nurse says handling the baby to me...I collect her and she's a mixture of us..she couldn't even wait to see her...to see our pretty Angel...

thank you...I said with a shaking voice...

the doctor wants to see you now,,,please follow me..she nods...

the walk took longer than I thought or am I the one slowing down looking at the baby as if she will also slip out of my hand...we came to a stop at the front of a metal door,,the Nurse knock announcing our presence...she opened the door and step aside for me to enter and I could hear the door closed...

Doc...I raise an eyebrow

please,,,have your seat Clark...your not a stranger....he said smirking

ooh,,,thanks...I sit facing him and placing the baby on my lap..

any name for the baby yet?? he asked

Haven't thought about it....I said

I can see...so,am sorry about your loss...and all you need right now is to stay strong for the baby...He said sympathetically

I know,,,I said softly not knowing when a tears drop...am gonna miss her doc....I broke into tears....I don't know how to inform her family....this is not supposed to be happening....I wiped my tears with the back of my palm.

Mr Michelle,,I know how it feels to lost a wife leaving a baby behind...you should stay strong for her cause she will be disappointed if she sees you like this...he said raising an eyebrow...

I...I know....I said with my head down

Alryt,,,,,now ....go clear your bills and inform your families,let them know...okay???...we've moved the body to a morgue.... nothing to worry about...he stands up moving closer to me....

She need a proper goodbyes...he finished tapping my shoulder...

Thanks Mr Gabriel,,I really appreciate this,,,I said while standing up to take my leave....

After I left the doctor's office,,I went to the counter to clear my bills,one of the nurse help me with d baby's luggage to my new BMW ix1 2023 car,,, don't be surprised ...am a rich man,Am the CEO of my family company... It's a car dealing business....

So,,I gat the access to use any car I want..we got this for our baby...

There you go Mr.Michelle..says the Nurse who helped me while putting the luggages at the back seat.I open the front Passengers seat and put her on the seat.i went to my side and drive off thinking of how to present what just happened to my family and Judith 's family at Nigeria...this is gonna be a long ride home....

Thanks for reading.....please follow and vote...much love

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