
Two Side life

iyrawalker · 若者
5 Chs

A Disaster Turnaround


The drive home was silent,,,I mean...I know the baby can't talk now but I don't even turn the radio on or listen to some music...why would I really,,,I just lost my wife,, everything am working for, everything am living for..oh..I even forgot I have a phone until it starts ringing... it's not with me though,,the sound is coming from the back seat... perhaps the nurse help me with it...yea,,,I found it....right inside Judith's bag...I had to slow down and take it...OMG.. it's my wife's mother...Holy shit!!!

Hello!..I answered with a shaking voice..

Clark!,,,I want to speak to my daughter,,,give her the phone,,will you?...she said with a command tone...oh I forgot to say...my wife's mother is wealthy too...she has her own company in Nigeria,,well her husband company before he died...they got branch here in New York city...they produce wines and car dealing...they are my company's rival....I know you pity me right...am living in the lion's den...not funny...

Erm,,I stammered...am sor..ry I ....had ...to say this here ma...I stopped the car... she's been in labour room for five days now,,,we had a baby girl...I said worried

WHAT!!!,,you guys just keep that to yourself??!!!....More reasons to dislike you boy...

Well,, that's not the more reasons....

Ma!,,, Judith...diedaftershegavebirth...I rap the word out.... it's like everything came to a stop,,very silent...no cars moving beside mine,the street light were shaking...and there stood a man with a hood in front of my car...wait!...am I seeing right?

Clark!!!....what did u just say...she shouted

While my mouth hang open cause the man just point a gun at me...what am I supposed to do...sit back and watch my life taken away from me!!!...hell no..I quickly hang up and dial 911...

Ring ring...they should pick the fucking hell up....holy mother....

That's it,,,they are late...the hot metal hitting my chest and burning it made it clear that this is the end have been waiting for....Am I wrong choosing this life or life just takes it turn on me...the sound of sirens around me was the last thing I heard....My wife,my baby....I should have been the only one to die.....My baby sleeping peacefully was all my eyes could see last till I was into total darkness.....


Cheng's POV

Stop the car Feimo,,I said in a command tone to my personal guard...the scene in front of me doesn't concern me but whenever I got involved with something.... it's me saving life...Am so cruel and heartless but that doesn't mean my heart is cold....

Sir,,,I think we should go, the police got this under control...Feimo assured me....but this scene is like a setup...the police came here without an ambulance and they were packing the dead body....Hell no...am stepping out..

I opened the passengers door and walk to where the police are...oh there's the sheriff..

What's going on here?,,do yah mind to share??

And...the sheriff says and turned back to face me...who are you??

Someone you wouldn't dare to know,,,I smirked.

Ooh,,I see...well this is none of your business,we got this under control..He said moving closer to me that our face is just half inches away...

Did yah?...I gave him a deadly look

Well,,,the man threw his child into a river over there...he pointed to the direction of the river....and killed himself...did you make him do it?

Why will I,,,I laughed....your story doesn't look real cause It shows in your face....I shout..

Really??...he shout back...will you do yourself the honour and get the hell out of here before I get u arrested...he whispered....

Well,, don't really wanna get involved.cause this is not my territory...and why should I even care??...I went back to my car silently and get inside..

Drive to a place near that river over there..I told Feimo..

Yes sir.. he obeyed and took a U-turn to the other side of the road...I told him to park behind a tree closer to the river.... hearing the police talk about a Man and his baby....and seing the name of the man in front his car....He's the man am looking for... CLARK MICHELLE....

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

iyrawalkercreators' thoughts