

When they sat down and had a drink Yu Zhang was lost deep in his thoughts worrying about the university, about wether he wasn't smart enough or he wasn't going to fit in jo looked glanced at him noticing the worried look on his face, look Zhang I know you're worried about school, it's not a big deal Zhang you gonna fit in just fine, Yu Zhang looked at jo with a smirk on his face, he quickly carried his luggage and asked jo for directions to were he was going to sleep that night , jo stood up and lead Yu to a nice little room, with a bed, a wardrobe, mirror and a bathroom. The sun started to set which meant it was almost night time, the birds stop chirping, the flowers stoped blooming and the place got completely dark, Yu Zhang got on his bed but couldn't sleep, he couldn't stop thinking about the fact that if he messed up one more time he was toast, The sounds of the rustling mattress kept him up even more, finally he closed his eyes and went to sleep. The next morning the sound of birds chirping woke him up, he looked at his bed sheets and squeezed them as he got out of bed, Yu was never normal, he had pink hair and dark eyes, pink thin lips, he was a male human version of Sakura from Naruto. As he got his body was restless, dragging himself to the bar, the door opened it was Veronica, she rushed down to the bathroom, she squatted down and put her head directly to the toilet and seemed to be puking, before he could climb the stairs she flushed the toilet and came out slowly. She looked at Zhang and asked him to swear to Jo's life he wouldn't tell him about what he saw, she added saying she would tell him on her own. She then put her hand on Yu Zhang's chest and seemed to be playing with it, she then gave him a peck and climbed his back as if he was giving her a piggyback, she started pulling his shirt when pushed her of the couch, she shouted in anger, you stupid b***c I was trying to make love. First don't you ever called me that again you stupid hoe, how can you go behind Jo's back like this, Jo's my cousin and you should know this about me I will never betray him. Veronica looked at him with a look of vengeance she added saying, she only loved Jo for his money, before Yu couldn't say anything. That lying slut he thought in his mind. Yu , still startled he poured him self a cup of coffee and started ready for school, he entered the shower and the water was cold as ice, just at that moment boiling hot water poured on his body, he ran out naked and wrapped himself up in his blanket, just then he a photo fell on the floor, it was Irene, Zhang's girlfriend. He looked at the photo with tears in his eyes wishing he had told her goodbye. He went back into the shower knowing how hurt Irene would be, He started to question the relationship between them, he turned off the water and wrapped himself in a towel, Just then Jo walked in his room with tears in his eyes, You bastard Jo shouted in anger, how could you betray like , Yu Zhang was confused,