
chapter 5


The last thing I saw before the light consumed us was Grey. He looked confused and almost looked scared at what was happening. When the light consumed us I was brought into an endless dark void. I floated in the void for who knows how long, but after a bit, parts of my life appeared around me. When I first met Grey, his bloody body with a shattered mana core and going to die.

Then another one of when Grey held me up choking me. Then when we shared a bedroll together to stay warm. Running through the forest dealing with those birds. The rune we fixed together. Then seeing each other at Central academy.

I wasn't sure if these were supposed to be happy moments or sad moments. Over the time I've spent with Grey or Arthur I've felt happy. But then the times we were separated I felt sad. He was someone fun to hang out with, someone I enjoyed being with, but nothing else… right?

As I was thinking of these thoughts I saw a light appear past the memories. This light started to drag me over to it. I tried to fight back, but my body wouldn't move. Once I reached the light it started to change.

I was now in a large field, a large field that I've been in before, this field was where Scythe Seris would train me. Once I got my vision back I looked around to see Severn, my brother alive. I also saw Seris sitting on a rock. I was about to get up and run over to Severn. But before I could my body started to feel queasy, as if it was being distorted. Then everything went poof and the next thing I knew I was in the air looking down at a boy around my age.

He had auburn brown hair with wheat-blond streaks in the mix of his auburn hair. He had bright blue eyes with shining gold eyes and light pale skin that could've made you think he was sick.

I landed on top of the boy our faces inches apart only being stopped by my hands landing on the bed beside his head. I could feel my face start to heat up after realizing the position we had ended up in. After looking into his eyes I started to get a feeling that I'd met his person before, though I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Caera?" He asked, surprising me that he knew my name and who I was.

"Arthur?" I questioned taking a shot in the dark, somewhat hoping my guess to be true.

After confirming the other to be who we thought they were, we started to make a plan on how to introduce me to his parents after our initial shock of time travelling, though it wasn't much other than going "huh we're back in the past". Once our plan was made Arthur had me and Regis go out the window to prepare.

I found some ragged clothes to put on and went and found a place to set up. I then found a mud patch and while it was disgusting I still rolled around in it to play my part in our plan.

After that, I just sat there and waited for Arthur to show up. People walked by me and ignored me. They turned their heads in disgust when they saw me, it felt terrible. It made me realize just how much poor people suffer from Highbloods.

'If I ever get the chance I will make everyone equal,' I vowed to myself.

When Arthur finally showed up, he sat down beside me while we waited for his mother to come. He must have been surprised by my appearance as he had asked if I was alright as if I had been attacked by someone.

Once his mother showed up we somewhat emotionally blackmailed her into believing us and letting me live with them.


Once my mother accepted that Caera is allowed to live with us, that meant she needed some better clothes and to have a bath as she was quite smelly. We went back to the mansion and let Caera have a bath while we cleaned her clothes and took some of Lilia's clothes for her to wear till we got her some new clothes.

Once back in town she, my mother, my sister, Lilia and my aunt Tabitha made me their mannequin for clothes, till they remembered why we went back in and turned Caera into their mannequin of trying on clothes. In the end, Caera didn't get much other than one Black dress for the auction house. But she mainly got some big long sleeve shirts and some brown pants. She said she didn't want much when it came to fashion which was understandable as she didn't want to waste their money.

Once Caera got all of her clothes they all went back to me even trying to make me get a haircut, but this time I was able to get them not to to cut my hair with the help of Caera who said she liked my hair which caused Mom and Aunt Tabitha to aww causing them to stop.

They ended up making me try on enough clothes to last me the next six months if I didn't grow. Regis spent a good amount of the time mocking me from Caera's body which caused me to want to scare him.

'Ya know since Caera is growing up in a different part of the world she could end up growing differently, she could end up skinny with no real assets,' I told Regis,scaring him half to death.

'No! You're joking, right? She'll turn out the same right? Right?' He yelled, though I gave him the silent treatment so he would never know.

After a bit though he went back to laughing at me.

"Geez, the strongest lance in Dicathen being turned into a mannequin," He laughed almost like he was rolling around on the ground. 'Then look over there, the princess of the Indrath clan being smushed my Ellie and Lilia,' He laughed even more as he was under the protection of Caera's body so I couldn't hurt him.

'If you don't shut up I'll find a way to turn you into a rat, you have my word!' I yelled at him, causing him to laugh even more.

As they finished up shopping I was hoping I could convince them to take me to the armory at the auction house, but my mother wouldn't budge on letting me go. My mother even tried to say I couldn't become an adventurer because Caera was with us and it would be rude to leave her, but I brought up the fact that she has awakened and asked her if she wanted to become an adventurer, which Mom said yes to.

Once we returned home we introduced Caera to my father and uncle vincent. They were delighted to meet her and even made some jokes about a future relationship between us which caused my mother and aunt Tabitha to pinch them. They had given her the room beside me, the former occupant of the room was fired after my father, Captain Leywin caught him stealing money from Mr Vincent which got my father a hefty bonus.

Once Caera went up to her room to look at it I decided to put one of my plans into motion. I walked over to Vincent's office. I opened the door to see Vincent struggling with paperwork, there were two mountains of paperwork, most likely there because of the auction that is coming up.

"Oh, I'm sorry Uncle Vincent, you seem busy I'll come back later," I said, turning around and about to leave the room.

"No, it's fine, I need a break from this paperwork," He said, removing the mountains of paperwork from his desk with a happy look.

"First, I would like to thank you for allowing Caera to live with us. I know it's a bit of an inconvenience," I said, taking a seat in the red chair that was in front of his desk.

"Oh please no need to thank me, your father has helped me a lot over these past couple of years, it's the least I could do for your family," Vincent smiled.

"Anyways the reason for my visit has to do with the deal I made with you. I know it's a bit late but could you get another cloak and voice changing mask along with another sword? I plan on taking Caera with me to the beast-glades and it would be nice for her to have some equipment," I asked, causing him to raise a brow.

"Are you sure Caera is okay with this? I mean I understand you going but is she a mage yet?" He asked. His confusion was understandable as I haven't told him about Caera.

"Ah, about that, Caera has been awakened for two years and is an augmenter. I plan on helping her train with a sword for the next couple of months before we leave," I explained, much to his shock about Caera already awakening.

"Really? You really are a one of a kind person, to awaken so young and to meet another girl who has already awakened, I can already envision your children," He laughed, causing my calm demeanour to shatter and be replaced with one of embarrassment.

"That's not important. But can you get the items for her as well Uncle Vincent?" I asked hoping that the last part would convince him to do it.

"Of course! You're helping my daughter become a mage, I'm fine with getting a few more things for you," He smiled, shaking my hand.

"Thank you Uncle Vincent," I smiled while I got up and left his office so that he could get back to his paperwork.

Once I left the room I walked out into the living room to see Ellie, Caera and Lilia all talking and getting along while Sylvie was sleeping in Ellie's lap. I was just going to leave them be, but Caera called me over so I went to see what they were talking about.

I sat down and joined their conversation. We were talking about Caera's past, which sorta sucked because she had to be making up answers off the top of her head. I didn't join in this conversation and just sat there and listened while I pet Sylvie who had crawled over to me when I had sat down.

They talked for hours to the point where Caera started to get a bit more embarrassed. Even though it isn't her actual family some of the questions are ones you don't really ask someone who's family is dead.

"Alright that's enough Ellie it's time for your bedtime it's getting late," I said, picking her up and carrying her to her bedroom.

"Goodnight Caera, Lilia. I'm also going to get some sleep," I said, going up the stairs to place Ellie in her room before I went to sleep myself.
