
Chapter 4


As the white light enveloped our bodies, blinding us. Soon everything turned dark like I had fallen into a deep slumber and all I could see was the darkness of an endless void. Then a light appeared at the end of the darkness 'No, I don't want to reincarnate again, I enjoyed this world, let me stay' I tried to fight back, but to no avail I continued to go toward the light.

As I went through the light my eyes started to open. I looked around, feeling that I was in a room familiar to me. It was the room I had in Helstea's mansion. 'Is this a dream? Why am I here? Did I go back in time? Did Caera and Regis also come back?' I questioned myself not understanding what was going on.

'No worry princess I'm still here I heard Regis's voice in my mind signifying he was still with me.

'That's good to hear,' I told him back.


I looked up to see a girl with navy blue hair, and ruby-red eyes who looked to be about the same age as me appear right above me. She felt familiar, but before I could figure out who she was she fell directly on top of me, her hands landing beside my head and her hair falling around our heads, which were separated by only an inch. I felt my face start to burn up, while hers also seemed to turn bright red like a tomato.

"Caera?" I asked, getting a better look at her and seeing the familiarities between the two of them.

"Arthur?" asked Caera, most likely also noticing some similarities of my future self.

"Yup, but could you get off me?" I asked, still feeling my face burning up as if I was out in the sun for hours.

"Oh, sorry," She yelped, jumping off me, still flustered about what just happened. "So, where are we?" Caera asked, looking around my old room, most likely wondering if we were In Alacrya or Dicathen.

"We're in my old room at the Helstea's mansion in Xyrus city," I mumbled. "Wait, how old are you?" I asked, trying to figure out where in time we appeared as we were around the same age, maybe only a three or four months difference.

"From what I could tell looking at my body I probably just turned nine years of age," She sounded disappointed like she had lost something she had cared for deeply, which confused me as to what she could've lost since we both had so much stuff on us.

'She lost her tits dummy,' Regis cried inside my mind like he had lost the one and only thing he cared for.

"Okay, we're probably close to around the time of the auction house if your guess is right," I mumbled, choosing to ignore Regis's comment. "Wait, Sylvie!" I yelled running over to my bed checking to see if she was there. I saw a baby dragon on my bed, my daughter still fast asleep.

"Sylvie," I said, picking her up and crying tears of joy upon seeing my daughter still alive.

"Kyu!" She kyu'd at me, scratching my face, releasing her from my grasp and falling back to sleep on my bed.

"Arthur, who is that?" Caera asked, fawning over Sylvie like she was the most precious and cutest thing in the world.

"She's my daughter that I told you about," I said, whipping tears from my eyes, while Regis was laughing hysterically at what she had done to me.

*Knock knock knock*

"Wake up big brother!" I heard Ellie yell while about to open the door, but I was able to get there and stop it before she did.

"I'll be down in a bit," I yelled to Ellie, causing her to leave.

"Alright, this is going to be difficult, but first, how did you get here? Shouldn't you be in Alacrya?" I was confused as to how she just poofed here into my room.

"I don't know, I remember seeing my brother and mentor then poofing here," She explained, sounding as confused as I was.

"I think it's because of the Relic, from what I can tell both of your souls have been linked. Like ya can't go a certain distance from each other or you will be brought back," Regis explained, popping out of my body in his wolf form.

"Wait Regis, Is that why my body feels different? Can you check why?" I asked my weapon, who jumped back into my body to check.

"Okay, I got some good and bad news. Your mana core is back, but you are now without an Aether core, meaning I am useless when the Aether I have now is gone. The destruction, god step and Aora requiem runes are all gone. Your extra dimensional rune and Djinn armour are still here, but the armour is dormant most likely hasn't recognized you as its owner since you lost . Finally, your body is still partly draconic but now only about 50%," Regis explained, sticking his snout out of my chest. This could all work for the future, but what about Caera?

"Caera, what do you want to do? I don't want to be on opposite sides, I've found it comforting when you are with me, I feel more relaxed. We both know war is coming, but what side do you want to be on?" I asked Caera, not wanting to have to fight her because of our predicament.

"I want to be on your side, but I don't want to hurt certain people, like my brother and Scythe Seris. If you can promise that they won't be hurt then I'm fine with being on your side," She said, breaking the long silence that was building up between us from when I asked her.

"Are you sure? You'll be going against your people," I said, making sure she was alright with this.

"Yes, the time we've spent together in the Relictombs has been the happiest I've ever been. I don't want those times to end and if that means I have to betray my continent for my selfish desires then I'll do it," She said with confidence radiating from her voice.

"Thank you for deciding to stay with us. While I may not show it I was quite happy throughout our travels together," I said, hugging her.

"But right now we've got another problem, we need to figure out how we are going to introduce you to my family," I said thinking about what we could do.

"Well straight up introducing myself won't work as they would wonder where I came from and why I was in an empty room with their son," Caera said blushing for some reason though I couldn't understand why.

"Wait, I think today is the day we went shopping for clothes for the auction in a couple of days. We could say I found you while we were shopping and ask if you could stay with us," I said standing up and helping her stand up by reaching my hand out.

"Okay, but you better not just leave me out there by myself and act like I don't exist," She said, causing me to deadpan at what she said.

"I won't, I promise, just stay safe, and I'll give you Regis to go with you," I said, helping her out the window while Regis jumped down to the ground to catch her fall. They soon left the property of the mansion.

Once Caera and Regis were gone I went and got ready, once I looked in the mirror I saw my appearance. My auburn hair now had wheat blond strips in the mix. My eyes were blue with a mix of gold like they used to have. Finally, my skin wasn't as visibly paler as it was in the future, but enough others will notice.

"What do I tell my parents?" I groaned.,trying to think of a lie to tell them.

Once I went downstairs for breakfast, once I stepped into the dining room everyone stared at me like I was a ghost, or that I was someone who was brought back to life.

"Art what happened to you!?" My mother yelled rushing over to me to see if I was sick or something else had happened to me.

"I'm fine mother, I was told this could happen by the woman who treated my illness. She said that because of my mana core awakening at such a young age that my body could be somewhat influenced by mana and that it could change my appearance somewhat.. The illness isn't coming back so don't worry, it's just that my body has gotten stronger than it was before," I explained to her, hoping not to break her feelings about my dna being spliced making it part draconic.

"Nothing seems to be wrong with your body, but keep an eye on it, and if anything happens to you tell me so that I can check again," My mother said in a worried tone, while scanning my body for anything that could be damaging.

She sooned walked back over to the table and sat down with everyone else, looking up at them watching them laugh and have fun made me want to cry, being able to see them all alive was amazing and it made me want to cry tears of joy, but instead I kept my emotions in check and sat down with them to eat breakfast.

Once we finished eating our food, we all got ready to go shopping while my father went to do his duties with Vincent at the Auction house to make sure everything will go alright for the event.

Walking around the city I kept in communication with Regis, keeping tabs on what they were doing and where they were. Shopping with them reminded me how much women love shopping. I was turned into their little mannequin to try on as many clothes they could on me.

``We're around the next corner on the left, Caera really got into this role so be prepared for her,' Regis warned me, causing me to chuckle to think what she has done to fall into her role.

I decided the best course of action is to act like I'm running away from my parents like a child. So I ran away and yelled, "I'm done shopping you crazy woman!" running away around the corner to where Caera and Regis were at.

Once I turned the corner I saw what Caera had done, it was almost like she rolled around in mud, her hair was a mess turning it from its original navy blue to a dirty dark blue, her sharp jawline now had a spot of mud on it. She changed her clothes making it look like she's been living on the streets for years.

"You alright Caera?" I asked walking up to her, somewhat scared that someone else did this to her and she didn't do it to herself.

"I'm fine but get ready and play your role," She said, causing me to sit beside her and act like we've been talking.

"Art, where did you go?" My mother yelled, frantically looking around for me. She soon saw me and Caera sitting beside each other talking and laughing, which caused her to walk over to us.

"Hey Art, who's your little friend?" My mother asked, bending down to our eye level..

"My name is Caera, I am an orphan after my mother had died when I had awoken, I've been living on the streets for the last two years," Caera explained with a sad soft voice really playing into her role like she was an actor.

"Mom, can she live with us?" I asked hoping to break my mother's heart and allow Caera to stay with us.

"I'm not sure, it's up to the Helstea's to let her stay with us," My mother sighed, looking back at aunt Tabitha who just gave her a thumbs up in acceptance of letting Caera stay with us.

"Alright she can stay with us, but first we should get her cleaned up before we continue shopping," My mother said, causing me and Caera to light up in happiness as our plan had worked.

"Thank you miss Leywin," Caera said bowing down in gratitude.

"Oh, please just call me Alice,"
