

What is Life without ups and downs? A life of what I always dreamt of almost coming to a reality but something was missing which I couldn't just understand? What was it you probably would ask? I don't know but life doesn't come so rosy and to get what we want we have to work for it and pay the ultimate price. Life keeps throwing in different challenges and I guess to pick the right challenge you would go an extra mile to archive it. Yeah, probably not especially when your life is two sided. Falling head over heels for two hot billionaires Luca and Weston who are brothers? probably weren't the best idea. Now I am left in confusion of whom to choose and spend my life with. Trying to live a life suitable for their class was very challenging not until Camila Jones who swore to make my life a living hell! Yes, that's right. A very popular actress who swore to be the death of me. Now grips me and makes it her life mission to destroy me no matter what it takes. Love can be really crazy if you ask me but what makes it even crazier is doing something you would regret at the end and that was a lesson I had to pay for. I know what you all may be wondering? Don't conclude yet till you hear the end of my story, ok? You can't balm me. If you were in my shoes you would definitely do the same. Note: viewer's description is advice. Strong words and scenes are observed in this book. Please be mindful.

Kimberly_Obayi · 若者
9 Chs


Two - Sided Lover


At 8 am Waking up to my alarm in the morning was challenging for me. The

strength to get out of bed was so annoying but the good news is that today is

Saturday. At least I would have time to do what I enjoy doing but first of all I

needed to buy my groceries and items lacking in the house.

My foodstuff finished, the light meter was almost finished and my Tv expired.

Honestly speaking It wouldn't have bothered me but as an adult I needed to keep

myself busy with something so I don't die of boredom.

I decided to go for a morning jog in Austin's Park, two streets away from mine.

I loved exercising and watching the view of the park. There was a tiny problem,

I saw couples kissing and holding hands. I really don't know why it's always on

a Saturday? I mean you all could just go somewhere private.

I still didn't understand why I felt sad about it? Maybe I truly am missing

something but what? Whatever, I really don't care. Let's just see how my life

would be. Maybe I'll be going through a whole experience of fun and happiness.

No! This wasn't what I imagined. Stuck for two hours in a store? Just to buy

food items? Worst of all, the line didn't seem to move. Ugh! This is so

exhausting. I decided to use the ladies' room and return back to see five more

people lined up.

"Umm, excuse me, I think I'm supposed to be there." I shrugged my shoulders

at an elderly lady looking more like a man than a woman.

"Didn't see you in line, beat it dipstick,

before I used my bag on you." She shoots at me, cutting me off from my initial


I turned my back to see more people file up in the line. I guess I have no choice

but to wait my turn. It struck 12pm finally reaching my turn but I was so


"Sorry ma'am, we're closed for today." A lady in glasses abruptly gazed at me.

"What? But I have been waiting for hours!" I yelled at her hoping she would

take pity on me.

"Not my problem. Oooh it's time for lunch break." She speaks up, closing down

her Post walking away to who knows where.

"Great, what am I going to do?" I say feeling really upset. I turn around and

take my leave from the store.

My face filled with range like I could beat up a buffed man. I mean who does

that? I check my time to see is ticking 2pm? Trying to cross to the other side of the road I look left then right walking calmly on the zebra crossing.

Getting in the middle of the road I heard a car honking at me, but I didn't care.

Thinking the car would stop, I was so wrong I got hit and fell down

unconsciously bleeding on my head. I heard a slight voice calling out to me but

couldn't hear well as I suddenly blanked out.

After some minutes I begin to hear noises and my eyes slowly open up finding

myself in a hospital bed in so much pain. Did I die? Oh God I can't possibly die.

I still haven't enjoyed my life. Now my eyes are fully opened waking up to see

Luca? What is he doing here? Maybe if I close my eyes he would go away. Yes,

it's just a dream.

"Mrs. Are you feeling, okay?" His words escaped his lips nicely.

I opened my eyes up and shyly gaze at him, still shocked to realize it was no

dream but a reality.

"Y…yes I am. What happened?" I asked, trying to raise up myself from the bed.

"Easy, okay? I ran over you with my car, but it wasn't intentional. I was in a

hurry." He says with a remorseful tone gazing straight to my unsteady eyes.

"Umm…it's fine really. Am ok now." I tell him, giving a smile across my lips.

"I have paid for the bills. Your discharge papers are ready. He tells me gently,

patting my head.

"Thank you." I tell him feeling shy and looking away from his gaze.

That same feeling rushes through my body as my heartbeat increases like

boiling water. What's really happening to me? I asked myself hoping to find an

answer. Now out of St Leo's Hospital opposite Norway street I checked my time

and it was now 4pm.

Wandering of what I was going to do I began to find my way home with nothing

done. The white bandage on my head made me look more childish than before.

"Where are you heading to now? Let me give you a lift in my car." Luca gazed

at me with his two hands in his pocket.

I have to admit he was quite manly from his head to his feet. Gosh can someone

be this good looking? He didn't need to say anything else, his eyes were

charming and not to talk about his white open teeth which made him more

irresistible when he smiled.

His piercing on his brows and ears? Gag! What a temptation and am his


"Hello? Still waiting for a reply miss." He says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Umm, yes I would love to." I stuttered trying to swallow my words down my


"Ok, well please get in." He gestured to me opening the door of his car.

I get in like a little child and watch him enter his car with confidence and style.

He turns on his car and begins to drive off. Five minutes after we didn't have a

conversation making me wonder if it was the right thing to do.

Not understanding him fully well was confusing. He seems nice but gets cold as

well. I guess people are different. After some minutes he clears his throat.

"So, what's your name miss?" Luca says fixing both eyes on the road.

"E…Eva. My name is Eva West." I say polity looking down on my hands.

"Eva West, a beautiful name you have. Do you know who I am?" Luca says,

turning his gaze to me.

"Not really, am I supposed to?" I sigh, beginning to play with my hair.

"Not really but it's fine. What kind of family do you come from?" Luca said,

turning on the Ac in the car.

"I come from a highly rich family with expectations, class and wealth.

Practically living as a billionaire. Nothing far from that. How about you?" I say

confidently, giving him a glare.

"Wow that's incredible Mrs. Working with you after all may not be bad. For me?

I rather not say. With time you would discover who I am; one thing I hate is

putting up lies. I don't tolerate it but I am happy you have been honest with me

Eva." Luca smiled briefly at me, turning on his radio in the car.

I got a phone call from my aunt and hurriedly turned it off, but she kept calling

and calling. Out of fear I decided to turn off my phone.

"You would have answered it." Luca turned to me holding his tiering with his

left hand.

"It's probably nothing serious. Where are we heading to?" I asked calmly

hoping he would say anything else again.

"How about we go shopping together. I'll pay for whatever you pick, take it as

my appreciation in making up for what I did to you." Lucas said, stopping his

car at a huge shopping store called "Kings mall."

We both get down from the car as we go through an automatic glass door. The

mall was heaven itself filled with unimaginable items. Moving stairs, elevator,

and all sorts of sections with different items stacked up with.

People came in and out from the various stores filled with so much cheer and

happiness. This store screamed "rich" for people who are able to afford such

expensive items and I am among them.

"Here we are Ava, feel free to pick whatever you want. I'll be at the game room

if you ever need any money." He pulled out his wallet from his pocket and

handed me his credit card.

"T…thank you. I guess I'll be going then." I say awkwardly leaving for a

boutique shop.

There I get mesmerized with beautiful quality accessories and mind-blowing

dresses. It took me ages to select an outfit. I didn't know where to start from,

looking to my left and right I saw countless clothes. Thirty minutes later I

picked up five bags filled with beautiful accessories and dresses.

I Shopped till I dropped which I never did in my life, and I wasn't going to pay

for a thing. Satisfied with what I had gotten I returned his credit card back to

him after which we both left the mall.

"Uh where is your house located let me drop you off. I have somewhere urgent

to attend." Luca said speeding off on a free road.

"Uh…it's fine you can stop me over there. I'll pick up a taxi back home." I say

pointing at a bus stop at the left end of the road.

"Bus stop? You sure? I mean, I wouldn't mind." He questioned me, making me

crawl with guilt.

"Y…yes I am." I quickly replied awkwardly feeling really sweaty.

He agrees and stops me at the bus stop.

"I hope to see you soon miss Ava. Do take care of yourself." He said, giving me

a sincere smile.

"Thank you for the lift. Goodbye." I replied, hopping out of his car and shutting

his door behind me.

Waving to him from a distance he drives away. I crumbled with fear and the

horrible lie that I told. What was the reason for lying? Am such a horrible

person but I have no choice but to play a charade of pretending to be rich in

front of him.

I hail a taxi a few minutes later back to my disembodied house. Opening the

door with my key, I get into my house by 7pm in the evening. Really annoyed

with myself I go to my bedroom undressing myself and hitting the showers.

Happy with the thought I got food stuff and things I needed made me feel less

bad but I know I wasn't going to get off the hook so easily. I decided to watch

Tv, hopefully I will sleep off after.

Tuning to different stations I see a familiar face and tuning back to where I was

before I see Luca? What is he doing on tv? I asked myself. That's when I read a

write-up that he is a billionaire in one of the 5 top biggest companies in London

and today he was invited for an auction.

Is that the important event he talked about? No wonder he was secretive about who he was. This can't be happening.
