
Twisted Relationship

Annora is an eighteen year old werewolf with perfect hips and a small chest. She's been to countless weddings, including her older brother's. Each wedding leads to her saying the same thing to her fashionable self; I am never getting married. She is willing to do whatever it takes to stay true to that, even if she has to reject her mate. Caleb is the nineteen year old son of a werewolf alpha. His pack is one of the strongest in the state, possibly in the world even. He still hasn't found his mate, much to his father's annoyance. Compared to most his age he isn't all that full of himself or possive, though he has no doubts that when he finally finds his mate that will change. When Annora of the Moon Stone Pack meets Caleb of the Northern Aurastone Pack, their two worlds collide and chaos ensues as her wolf is caught. Despite everything she had done to hide it from the world, word gets out that she is the rare white wolf. In the end, things go unexpectedly when she stops smelling the roses and starts accepting the thorns that are her fate, even if it means taking a crown she never knew she had.

Bookworm_4_Life · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Problems Pt2

~Unknown's POV: Present Day~

"Dammit!" I yelled, throwing a chair at the wall. It shattered like glass and all the pieces fell to the floor. Another attempt at my soon to be alpha had failed miserably. My alpha came out to greet him as he came back home, making that chance a fail. The boy never seemed to be alone, and continuously shooting him while he was with his family, friends, or whoever he was with in the moment would lead to disaster one way or another.

"Sir," Claire whispered, "We know when we could potentially carry out the rest of the plan."

"When Claire? When do I finally get to avenge my fallen family?" I looked up at her, breathing heavily, and growled faintly.

"His aunt, on Alpha's side, will be arriving soon. Caleb will be distracted as is around her, let alone with his mate, making him easy to trick and-" She started before I grinned.

"Good. Take the day off, I have some planning to do. Take your boys with you, as well." I smirked.

~Caleb's POV: Present Day~

"Caleb, can you grab some sheets you think she'd like from the closet please?" Nanna asked as she opened the curtains to the window with a soft smile. "I think you'd know best after all when it comes to her."

"Yeah, totally..." I muttered as I walked over to the closet and pulled out the box of sheets. It was the least expensive thing in the entire household, to tell the truth. Just a regular old carboard box with old sheets that we washed occasionally to prevent dust from building up to bad.

There wasn't really much in there. Just 4 sets, including pillow covers and the actual sheets. A blue set caught my eye, instantly making me think of her bright eyes. I held it like a child would hold an old blanket that they hadn't seen in a few years, second guessing my decision to try and convince her that it would be a good idea to come and stay a few days. Second guessing whether or not I was even thinking straight anymore with her in my life. Second guessing, well, everything.

"That used to be your mother's favorite set you know." Nanna chuckled sadly from behind me, yanking back to reality.

"Oh- I-" I tripped over my words. "They, uh... They remind me of Annora..."

She smiled slightly and helped me put the set on the bed before looking at me.

"She's going to love that you set this up for her dear." She smiled. "I know I would."

"She's not typical Nanna." I chuckled. "She's... she's special. And not just because she's my mate."

'Annora, please. Just this once, trust me? You might love it here.' I whined in mindlink.

'Ugh fine! But only if you say the magic word next time. She snickered. But we aren't sleeping in the same room.'

'Fair enough.' I nodded slightly. 'Meet me at your border at 10 pm, sharp, alright?'

'Why sneak out?' She questioned innocently. 'My parents won't understand but my Alpha might let me.'

'Oh, yeah, maybe he will let you onto an enemy's territory after I keep angering him.' I huffed.

'Oh yeah, you do make him mad... But so? Our Luna came from a pack 2 cities over. Absolute enemy back then, like full out fighting over nothing, but now they are allies.' I could hear the pout in her voice.

'But Annora...' I whined again, practically begging at this point. I was about ready to tear out my blonde hair and turn it into pillow stuffing.

'Fine. But only because you begged, you stupid cabbage. Now let me get back to doing my homework.' She laughed. 'See you tonight, Caleb.'

I laughed softly at the joke she made, calling me a cabbage. Little did she know I secretly called her my silly mate when I thought about her. Which was true, technically speaking. She was my mate, and she had some odd traits that I liked. Yeah, horrible nickname. I know.

But, hey. At least she was my silly mate. Mine and only mine.

"CALEB!" Dad roared from downstairs. My wolf whimpered and urged me to not anger him further, whatever I had done already making him mad enough as is. I scampered down the stairs like my life depended on it, which metaphorically speaking it did, and faceplanted into Dad's neck.

"Care to explain why Ann is currently making preparations to feed another werewolf?" He growled in my ear. "Because last I checked food was already taken care of."

"I'm possibly going to be bringing my mate home soon... I never planned on much more than prepping the guest bedroom, I swear..." I mumbled fearfully. Memories of the darker days of my past were flooding back to me, memories I had tried to bury long ago.

"What. Did. You. Just. SAY?!" He yelled at me. I flinched like a child, whimpering softly now.

"Alpha, he's just following instinct... Go easy on him." Nanna said calmly from the kitchen.

"You are dismissed Ann. As for you, Caleb, you are so, so lucky that your aunt is coming. Otherwise, it would be back to-" He cut himself off, as if noticing he was loosing himself again. "We will talk about this later Caleb..."

I nodded slowly, and my fists sharply balled up. I started shaking a bit as I became angry all of a sudden, growling faintly as my wolf went from whimpering at its alpha's feet to snarling and fighting to take control in record time. Dad looked me dead in the eye as I stood there, then walked away after a second like he didn't just see me go from 0 to 60 in a few seconds.

"No." I growled softly, my wolf starting to slip out.

"What did you say?" He froze, turning his head to look at me.

"I said," I growled again. "NO!"

My wolf came out at that, tearing up my clothing and snarling at him. I lunged for him, growling softly, seeing my faint reflection in his dark blue eyes as he shoved me off of him. My eyes pitch black as I just absolutely lost control right then and there. I had no idea why my wolf was suddenly so aggressive towards Dad, but right now that wasn't the point. I had to regain control before things got much worse.

'Caleb, quick question.' Annora chirped in mind link calmly. 'Should I- Caleb!'

'Bit busy right now Annora. I growled out.'

'Caleb, calm down! You'll hurt him!' She cried out. Shoot, my barrier must have come down when I lost control, meaning that she knew I was angry and that I was circling my father like a hawk.

I cut it off then, not having it in me to try and explain what I knew currently. Her faint though turned to screaming as she decided that that was how she would contact me now. I gotta admit, she is smarter than I give her credit for. I was a bit calmer honestly just hearing her voice, but now that she was raging too it didn't help.

"Alpha-" Dad's Betta called from the doorway. "You know what I'll leave then come back."

"No, get the pack doctor. Now!" Dad yelled at him as I started to circle him. I lunged for him, but he morphed and countered me easily. Nanna shouted at us before the sound of her footsteps leaving us rang out over our growling.

Dad took off, and I chased after him. I had no idea what I was doing anymore, but I also couldn't stop it at this point. I hoped I didn't hurt anyone in the process of regaining control, if and when that ever happened relatively soon.