
Twisted Rebirth of The Crimson Peony

Through the mud and sand, she bloomed in defiance. In the flames and ashes, she bloomed in rebellion. Now, with the end of her life at the hands of assassins, she bloomed bright with flowers red in blood. Having lived her life in defiance and strong will to the end, Peony was brought back to life in the body of an orphan girl at an orphanage. As she once had a body of cultivation while being a peony fairy, she knew the child could cultivate. However, she discovers that others can't! The little girl, also called Peony, was abandoned in a forest, during a short excursion with the rest of the orphans. Outcasted and targetted for her small size, Peony was left to die in the forest when she accidentally stumbled upon a fairy and rescued it from a pack of wolves. Ten years later, she receives an acceptance letter from the second best magic school Night Raven College. Curious, she decides to attend, but there's a few problems. One, she has enemies who wants her dead. Two, she apparently has no magic but can cultivate. Three, apparently, the school is an all boys private school and she is a girl! A mistake? Nah, it'll be all part of her plan anyway! As she enters the school of magic, mysteries began to unravel and she begins to find a solution to her biggest problem of all in life. *Parts of the dialogue and events are from the actual game even though the Main Character will not take the Main Character role from the game.* Discord: https://discord.gg/2pW5VBkB

Faura_Phoe · ビデオゲーム
458 Chs

They Are Not Unknown To Me

"Throughout the last quarter or half of a year, I've received much from this world's will. Naturally, I have a lot to suffer for having so much good things and good luck. Hence, I will not have the chance to protect Yuu and the others will their time comes for them to make a decision." Lotus explained as she thought carefully, "The mana I've gifted you are gathered from the Kingdom of Fairies resting in the Land of Fairies. You must also understand its value. In exchange for what I've given you, I want you to do everything in your power to protect Brother Yuu and those close to him that he holds dear, especially the demon cat named Grim."

"Does this include Heartslabyul student, Deuce Spade?"

"That's correct." Lotus nodded, "He and Grim are students of mine. Naturally, I will not allow anyone to harm them. But, I trust in his strength that he will not come across danger as severely as Grim and Yuu. Because their fate in this world is much more powerful than everyone else's here."

There was a moment of tense silence as the Dark Mirror frowned, "So, thou'st have known."

"The laws Heavens and the Earth are not unknown to me." Lotus responded with a huff, "Since Yuu and the others have gained so many allies and made so many connections, he and Grim will naturally have to have the karma that comes from gaining so much. I won't lose my life, but their future in this school is more important. When the time comes, you naturally know when and what to do."

The Dark Mirror hesitated in silence before he reluctantly nodded in silence, "Very well..."

With this, she nodded with a wide smile before hurrying off, "I have some things to prepare for before I forget. Until he is ready, it is impossible to mobilize the school... Till then, I will leave everything else to you..."

Leaving the dark room behind her, the Dark Mirror thought long and hard to himself before slowly disappearing into the mirror.


Once outside, she entered the Hall of Mirrors once more and magically changed her tattered clothes for a new set of clothes. Donned in a white robe and red brocade with short skirt, she utilized her ability and left the dorm with a large bundle in her arms. After doing so, she made her way to the back of the collesium. It was dark as everyone was getting ready to close for the day. Taking a body changing pill, she withstood the pain and made her way to an open space in the forest. She thought long and hard before she revealed the wooden Gu Zheng.

Sitting on the stone ground in the silence of the forest and trees, she lit up a small ball of light and quietly contemplated the song she wanted to play.

"Master... You want to play at a time like this?" Xiao Li questioined in bewilderment.

Lotus nodded with a soft smile as she touched the wooden base of the instrument and whispered quietly to herself, "It's been a long day, after all. He is not here yet too. Let us wait... Besides... I want... to see my brother..."

She thought carefully as she placed her hands on the strings before the melodious and soothing tune began to sing from her soul.

From afar, a chest fallen guy was sulking crying in pain from afar as he wiped away the tear traced face from his cheeks and got up. He took his beaten guitar case with him and made his way down the forest path with a bitter expression, "I guess it's time to go back home now..."

It was then that the young teenager noticed a crystal butterfly landing on his shoulder as he reached out to touch it, only for the butterfly to flutter away. Seeing this, he wore a bitter smile and huffed, "Right? In the end, you too-"

Suddenly, the butterfly landed on the top of his head as a soft feminine voice echoed in his mind, "Follow... us..."

After hearing this, the butterfly flew into the distance. The young teen hesitated quietly in deep thoughts, wondering if it was safe to follow or not.

Having failed the competition so pitiably, he was mocked and pushed around by others for having sang an emotional song of the opposite gender. In the end of it all, all that was left of him was a battered body and a broken guitar case. Could this be another ploy to lead him away to getting beaten up again?

"In the end, nobody looked to me... No matter how hard I pushed myself... Was my singing really for naught?" The young teen whispered quietly to himself, "Will I end my journey here and return home in disgrace again?"

But, in the end and with some more thoughts, he quickly made his way into the forest that begins to grow darker and darker. Even if there were blood and bruises at the very end, he doesn't want to return home without even trying to make a difference!


The forest was dark and the cold breeze of the early spring did not disappear with the setting sun. The dark forest gave him the creeps, but he was already covered in bruises and injuries. What was another set to him?

With the butterfly glowing before him, he soon heard a sound of plucked strings from afar. The sounds came together with more till he noticed a familiar sense of nostalgia from within him. That was when he saw it. Within the dark forest, a series of white glowing butterflies lay around them creating a luminous forest to looked to have been lit by luminous flowers. In the center of it all sat a white robed person sitting on the ground as their fingers rang across the strings on the wooden board creating a melody he couldn't hardly remember. However, the music brought a deep sense of nostalgia from within as he listened to the song intently as though it was healing him, surrounding him with the sense of longing. He longed for home and the warmth of his family again. Being so far from the east made him feel rather homesick but, hearing this music, also made it feel as if they were just right behind him and he couldn't bare to turn around in fear that it would all just vanish along with the feeling otherwise.

He didn't know how long he had been there, but, when he opened his eyes, he had found that the robed person had already finished their song.

"You're here..."

"Huh?" His eyes opened wide as the person picked up her instrument as though it weighed nothing to her and her small stature.

"Yao Cai, was it?"

Hearing her call his name, a bitter feeling came to him as he nodded his head carefully, "That's right. Was there something you need?"

She laughed, "There's no need to feel so tense. I've seen your performance. I want to ask you something."

"Hm?" He looked to her in confusion as she continued.

"What do you think of Opera and the music of the modern era?" She questioned curiously.

"Opera?" Yao Cai looked to him in confusion, "Which are we speaking of?"

"Oh, do you listen to old eastern style as well?" She questioned curiously with a bright smile.

Hearing this, Yao Cai's eyes widen in surprise as he responded with a bright smile, "I do. I've listened to both eastern and western style opera. The world today is starting to connect with one another and the eastern countries have begun creating operas for themselves as well. The exploration of the limitless bounds in the worlds are amazing to hear and flows like waters from the stream to the oceans."

"Interesting." She responded with a wide smile, "You are that interested in music as well."

"You too?" He said excitedly, "I've been watching everyone else perform, but none had inspired me more than the powerful lyrics in Vil Schoenheit's song. That beauty is also a power in itself. But, Niege Leblanc's song also held a very fun lyrics to it."

"Are you not going to talk of your own music?" She questioned in confusion, "The performance you held today was also beautiful and mesmerizing as well."

"Ah, mine?" Yao Cai wore a bitter smile, "I've tried, but, as you see, it doesn't hold a candle against theirs."

She laughed, "Mister Yao Cai, it seems that you don't understand."


She continued, "When I walked in to witness the VDC, I walked in not to compare but to listen and see. Though everyone danced and sang their music out, none could sing as moving as you did either. I could hear your sincere emotions behind it. It is not often to hear someone, who train so hard, to still retain emotions in their music."

"You..." Yao Cai's eyes widen in shock once he heard this, "You heard me?"

She raised a hand, "However, I also could not vote for you either."