
Twisted Rebirth of The Crimson Peony

Through the mud and sand, she bloomed in defiance. In the flames and ashes, she bloomed in rebellion. Now, with the end of her life at the hands of assassins, she bloomed bright with flowers red in blood. Having lived her life in defiance and strong will to the end, Peony was brought back to life in the body of an orphan girl at an orphanage. As she once had a body of cultivation while being a peony fairy, she knew the child could cultivate. However, she discovers that others can't! The little girl, also called Peony, was abandoned in a forest, during a short excursion with the rest of the orphans. Outcasted and targetted for her small size, Peony was left to die in the forest when she accidentally stumbled upon a fairy and rescued it from a pack of wolves. Ten years later, she receives an acceptance letter from the second best magic school Night Raven College. Curious, she decides to attend, but there's a few problems. One, she has enemies who wants her dead. Two, she apparently has no magic but can cultivate. Three, apparently, the school is an all boys private school and she is a girl! A mistake? Nah, it'll be all part of her plan anyway! As she enters the school of magic, mysteries began to unravel and she begins to find a solution to her biggest problem of all in life. *Parts of the dialogue and events are from the actual game even though the Main Character will not take the Main Character role from the game.* Discord: https://discord.gg/2pW5VBkB

Faura_Phoe · ゲーム
456 Chs

Could Only Pray

The gala show ended on a well received note and it had left Peony satisfied for now. She knew the next day would be busy once more with her mother wanting her to attend the final day of the gala. As she made her way to the door, Maisey continued his conversation, "Are you certain you are well enough to perform?"

Peony nodded, "With the pain killers, I can definitely perform tomorrow. That being said, this puberty phase is making me feel strongly emotional. After this, I will need to modify the medicine carefully."

"So human puberty is that bad?" Maisey said nervously.

Peony nodded, "I have had times where I nearly can't hold myself back and want to just use strength alone. Then there are days where the feelings of depression overwhelms me more than it did before. When I talk to others, I struggle to hold back from talking and talking all day. Doing so, it makes me very dizzy causing me to turn in for the day early. It's weird. My mental strength was never this weak."

"You've also gotten more emotional than before." Maisey nodded in agreement, "That's probably the main problem. Don't you still have insomnia?"

Peony shook her head, "That's a different matter."

Maisey wanted to argue back but stopped himself hesitantly. It was known for very few that the princess suffers from nightmares often since she first arrived. Those were what first led them down a journey to discovering that she was a reincarnation with former memories and feelings intact and that she was from another world. Most days, she would not sleep at all and still have enough energy to carry out her tasks, but, in the past when she had not unlocked her abilities, she would get dark bags under her eyes and struggle to stay awake. This made him nervous as he thought the princess was a very depressed yet scary individual. However, her complexion and mood began to change after she slowly recovered her abilities. When she did got better, she had continued her own research every night and almost rarely slept.

She reached the doors when she noticed two familiar figures standing afar. Almost immediately, Maisey felt a wave of fear and hid behind the princess's hair. Curious, she noticed that it was Leona and Malleus bickering. Surprised, she raised a brow in contemplation before approaching them.

"My, this is rare. I did not imagine I would one day be graced by the presence of two mighty princes." Peony sneered, "For what reason would have brought you two before the fairy gala?"

"Is the attitude really necessary?" Malleus grumbled in dismay.

"You can start by knocking it off." Leona growled.

"I'd love to do so…" She laughed before adding with a glare, "If your childish argument did not forced my retainer into hiding. A favor, we are willing to do, but we are just as willing to always remember a grudge… I had only just made my first public appearance. Do not make me step in for our people."

There was a sudden heavy pressure in the air as both were shocked in surprise. Without being able to utter a word, both stepped back hesitantly. Seeing this, Peony sighed, "Before we begin, Prince Malleus, please withdraw the mana you are exuding. My beloved retainer is ready to faint under the pressure. Prince Leona, was it really wise to start an scuffle infront of someone's door? If both do you want to fight it out, do it elsewhere!"

Malleus huffed in dismay, "I only arrived to speak with you in private. I did not think the second prince of Sunset Savannah would also be waiting."

"I see." Peony huffed, "I do not care what the argument was about, but the fact that it's disturbed the guards and my retainer is mother matter. If you wish to continue the spat, then tone it down… And here I was hoping not to start writing up some report cards to the queens…"

Hearing this, both looked surprised in bewilderment before Leona scowled, "Forget it! Look, I'm here to talk about our deal."

"Oh? A reply already?" Peony raised a brow in surprise.

"Here." Leona responded as he tossed her the scroll.

She caught it with ease and put it away. Seeing this, Leona frowned, "You won't check it?"

Peony shook her head, "Must I? Even I know that, when it comes to government affairs, the Kingscholars are one of those who can be trusted to carry out their duty. I have no need to doubt them. As agreed, I shall give this to you."

She snapped her fingers as a large rolled up piece of embroidered her and handed it to him. She opened her mouth, "This cloth is a magical artifact for luggage. Unroll it when you return and you shall get them. Otherwise, you can go find Lotus. Prince Malleus, this way please."

Malleus raised a brow but nodded his head as Leona looked to them in confusion, "Speaking of which, why is HE here?"

"Much like yourself, really." Peony shrugged, "Business. Well, more like I have a delivery for him. There hasn't been much else. Except… My retainer was so startled from the mana, he fainted. So I gotta go fetch it myself… Unless you want me to request my other retainer to fetch it for me?"

"Whatever…" Leona grumbled in dismay before he left the room with the bundle of cloth under his arm.

With the man gone, Peony shook her head in dismay as she waved at Malleus to wait for a while longer. It wasn't until her butterflies told her he had left the building vicinity that she finally relaxed a bit before turning to Malleus, "Really can't control your temper, can you? Must the two of you really pick a fight in front of the gala of all places?"

"There was no fight. We simply had a long debate." Malleus replied bluntly.

"A debate does not involve releasing mana into the surroundings." Peony shook her head in dismay, "Seriously, that guy too. Don't let your underclassmen's effort be in vain after barely saving Spring. It was hard enough to give Silver a chance to speak up when you have two who are impulsive and one who is still exploring the domains of the heart. The last I need is two members of royalty to cause a ruckus and be accused of sneaking into the gala to cause chaos. Anyway, why are you here? I thought the invitation said that the final party would take place tomorrow."

Malleus nodded in agreement, "That's correct. However, I'm simply here to see if you have returned to the dorms."

"Well, you didn't have to come inside in person." She replied in surprise, "Regardless, you are welcomed as long as you notify the royal guards of your arrival and don't release your mana like you did now. Though my people are talented, your mana is too overwhelming. They'd feel intimidated or attacked if too much is released."

"So I cannot come to see if you have returned?" Malleus looked to her in confusion.

She shook her head, "I do not mind. Unfortunately, my mother has other plans and there are those who long for drama of any type. Quite tasteless, really."

She shook her head in disappointment and snapped her fingers changing her appearance into her school disguise. She looked up and smiled, "Well, let's go home. Sebek is probably boasting about the victory that Silver managed to save and will probably start panicking then bawling realizing you had gone missing. You do realize Sebek is quite a worrywart despite knowing how powerful you are, don't you? Why don't you give them a call and reassure them that you will be back before midnight or something?"

Malleus nodded, "My device broke while I was using lightning. Lilia has ordered a replacement which should arrive in a few days time."

Peony shook her head in disappointment , "You really need to stop breaking your phone. They are like twigs in the hands of the dragon faes. Well, I suppose it would make sense you would encounter the same problem. Granny broke so many phones already, her retainers has prepared a stockpile of them specifically for her to practice."

"That's impossible." Malleus shook his head, "Briar Valley does not have electricity or these phone lines. Why would she want to practice how to use the phone?"

"Idiot." Peony huffed as she walked forward me turned her head to him with a pout, "It's for you, numbskull."

"Must you always call me idiot and such?" Malleus glared at her.

"I can certainly say whatever I want since I have no trouble controlling my mana in my current state." She stuck out her tongue.

"Hmph! So… What does practing the phone have to do with me? Explain."

"Is it really that difficult to understand?" She frowned, "She once expressed her desire to take you out and tour a foreign country of your choosing a while back. However, you know how work is for her. Yet she still hopes for a time where she can achieve it."

"That's really enticing." Malleus noted in surprise, "However, even then, who would manage her duties during her absence and watch over the kingdom while we are both away?"

Peony shook her head in dismay, "And that's where the headache starts… For sir Lilia that is. Naturally, she plans to throw the duties of protecting the kingdom to Lilia and we both already know he is retired, yet she insists it has to be him. Then, she wants to throw the government duties onto the old man."

"The old man?"

"Sebek's grandpa. My martial master." She responded with a sneer, "Naturally, I can see the horror on those old fogey's faces when she decides to do that. Perhaps I should start fermenting some good alcohol to drink when that day comes. Hm… maybe I should save some for Lilia."

Hearing this, Malleus was left speechless before managing to open his mouth, "you are certainly very daring…"

Suddenly, he paused before smirking under the moonlit sky, "However… It would be nice to have a cup of coffee when that happens…"

With his response, Peony groaned, "When that happens, you better hurry and go with granny! Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to have the wine at all! You also better be back on time too! The only trouble when putting those two in charge is some nobles shenanigans going on right under their noses. Those are a pain to deal with and I am in no position to directly intervene in the affairs of other countries."

"What if I don't want to?" Malleus smirked.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T WANT TO?! Is it really that fun to see us face those guys?! It's so boring and tedious! I don't want to be stuck doing that for an entire decade!" She exploded angrily.

As the two continue to bicker back and forth, Maisey watched in awe as the light of the moon shone over them. The tense atmosphere crumbled and have given away to playful banter as the two quarreled back and forth. It was certainly weird to find a human child adopted by the fairies talking and even poking fun at one another with a nocturnal fae, especially one of the dragon fae clan. However, seeing the princess act so calm and relaxed around the prince who reciprocated with an honest yet naive approach made it seem as though the war between humans and faes was a long forgotten history. Perhaps, if their people were to see this, it would finally give way to the idea of opening their borders to accepting humans. All that would be left is their princess's approval. However, with her current history and plans, it felt like a fruitless endeavor. All he could do now was pray. For the princess and royal family. For the kingdom.

Happy New Year, Everyone! Let us welcome the year of the dragon and 2024!

Faura_Phoecreators' thoughts