
Twisted obsessions

[Mature content, no rape!] The hunting of mystical creatures was at its peak. Readying men, women and children to take shots at the evil creatures, who were carefully camouflaging in the society to fit in like them while using them for their selfish purposes, especially the vampires and witches. Witches were tricky but the vampires were more conniving. They had been at war with each other for centuries and more years to come, only if a young witch, untouched and would be able to touch the stone of the past kingdom would be presented as a bride to the vampire prince to unite the two crowns of the different creatures as one, fighting off the rising pressures of the hunters. To provide a cure and a better life for her dying mother who was divorced and accused of cheating was being snatched away the right to happiness and a better life by her father and his new wife. Phoebe, the poor, timid university student delves into the decision of marrying a strange but wealthy and handsome man who didn't love her. How could he love a girl so bland like her?. Unknown to Phoebe, she was slowly getting involved in the other world of mystery and deadly creatures who would soon want her. What would happen when Phoebe realizes she was to be killed with an imprint or sacrificed without a trace, forever if she was to save her mom, loved ones and her prince charming from impending doom?. Would her soon-to-be husband withstand the approval of sacrificing her or would he consent to get hold of a fair share of powers from her demise?.

JoannajhZXG3 · ファンタジー
21 Chs

The running girl

A young, tall and muscular man on a black t-shirt, dark trimmed hair, a diamond earring that glittered in the sun, black sunglasses and a face mask, leaned beside one of the Suv black cars, directing his eyes to the entrance of the mall he had parked in. Hands in his leather jacket's pocket, he went on to check his wristwatch before picking up his cell phone to dial a number.

"Hello, mom, yes - - I am at a mall - - mom please not now, I need some break, I just arrived - - Yes - - what? I am to supervise them too?. Ugh- - this is - - alright- -. I'll be home soon, I am lingering around for Kian- - Alright mum, bye".

Drawing his eyes back to the entrance, he continued to appraise every single person going in and out of the shopping mall.

" HEY, MY MAN!!". A loud voice resonated, turning the dark-haired man in the direction of the voice, sighting a blonde guy with two dangling earrings, approaching him with four paper shopping bags and a wide smile.

The dark-haired man groaned in frustration, he had always hated his loud voice. "Ugh, Kian. Stop shouting and smiling like an idiot".

Kian grinned wildly as he got closer to the irritated face of his best friend.

"That's because I missed you, Horace. Mommy's bear hug?". Without waiting for his consent, Kian engulfed him in a tight hug.

" Get off me, you idiot. You reek of a jerk ass".

"That's because my hormones are already overreacting because I missed you". Kian explained with mock sadness, mimicking a girl's expression whenever they sulk.

Horace glared at him before dusting off his jacket. " You better stop that or you are going home with a dislocated jaw". He warned, turning around to open the Suv's door.

Hearing this, Kian smiled. His eyes shifted over to the other five cars parked behind them and the ten men in black, leaning against the doors. "Wooh! Man, you got some entourage".

" Don't remind me, it was mom's idea. Always on my neck". Horace mumbled the last words under his breath, which Kian heard before he chuckled.

"Disadvantages of being a royal, mom's boy". The blonde boy said, receiving another hard glare from Horace, who had started to pull off his jacket, entering the car and shutting its door.

The blonde man with a smile walked over to the passenger's door, throwing a wink at the men in black, who were quick to give curt nods before they stepped into their various cars and were ready to follow.

" I got four bags, wonder why Horace?". Kian asked when he was already seated in the car, rummaging its contents to make sure, everything he had picked was inside, while he received no response from the dark-haired man.

Kian turned to stare at the bored expression on the handsome man, who didn't respond to him but instead was tapping his phone with a hand and the other hand on the steering. Rolling his eyes, he opened his mouth to continue chattering.

" One for you, my good friend. One for your mother, one for your lovely future wife and one for my beautiful future girlfriend". He clapped his hands, his eyes sparkling in mirth, revealing his white set of teeth. He knew how greatly, Horace hated the word 'wife'.

They saw the traffic light go red as they stopped in line. Kian turned to view the side mirror to see the entourage, rigorously following behind them like they didn't dare to ever lose Horace from their sight. Kian chuckled at this.

And then something caught his attention.

It was a girl.

He directed his hands in tugging Horace's shirt, urging him to take a look." Dude look at this pretty treasure, wanna join me say Hello?". He asked, pointing in the direction of a girl on a ripped bum short and a pink hoodie who was licking her ice cream and her eyes dashing from one corner to another.

It seems she was searching for something or someone.

"Hands off me, I don't want any attention from these noisy girls. You do know how noisy and troublesome they could get, on getting to recognise me. I am to keep a low profile before I am announced to have arrived, remember?". Horace reminded, jerking Kian's hands off his shirt.

Looking at Horace, whose expression was already telling him to back off, Kian shrugged. His friend was been a bore now.

Turning to stare back at the pretty girl, he wound down the car's tinted glass to speak to her. Kian whistled loudly, waving to the girl, which got the girl's attention while he offered a charming smile to her, to see her return the smile.

" Hello pretty_".

And suddenly he felt the car jerk forward with a force which cut short his words and threw him off balance.

"WHAT THE FUCK MAN?. SOME NOTICE WOULD HAVE BEEN APPRECIATED". Kian snarled, visibly irritated at what had just happened while Horace shrugged, pointing backwards at the traffic light they had just passed by.

" Blame the traffic light and not me".

But Kian was not having it. His crazy best friend had ruined his plan of having this new chick over his place and he had an urge to throw a frustrated punch at him.

"Oh please, you would have_".


He heard different tires screech loudly, while Horace tried to swerve away from something. And again he wasn't allowed to complete his words. " Shitty hell!!!". Kian exclaimed again with wide eyes and then raised his head to see what had happened.

A girl had happened.

They saw a running figure, running past the road with her hands covering her face without a care in the world as she ran past the busy road.

The girl wasn't perturbed about the forthcoming car that would have knocked her down, rather, she continued to recklessly cross over to the other direction of the road, heading to the streets.

It was obvious, that she was crying as her shoulders were trembling and Horace was irritated to no end.

Hee wondered why humans were so reckless and foolish and always been controlled by emotions.

The blonde man pulled his eyes away from the scurrying girl to Horace, who was relentlessly staring at her. He didn't know why he was still staring at someone who had just runoff. Tapping his shoulder, he tried to make him move the car instead of staring at the crying girl. "Easy man, let's go. You can hear the different horns from different cars, asking you to move already. So stop glaring at the girl, who is no longer to be found".

And Horace couldn't agree less. That silly girl had made him cause a nuisance along the road but he didn't know why his attention had steadily settled on the girl.

There was some pull, he had felt and he was trying to decipher what it was. Exhaling a sigh, he nodded to Kian who had not looked away from him. Applying the car pedal, he moved away with his entourage, steadily accompanying him.

Exhaling a sigh as he often threw a glance at Horace who was already lost in deep thoughts. He wondered if it was about the girl who had run off or if it was about what he was going to face in the palace some days to come.

For now, he had decided to shut up for the rest of the journey.

He didn't want to encounter more mishaps. He had realized, that whenever he had his wide mouth open to talk, more mishaps were bound to happen.

Putting in his earphones to listen to some music, he shut his eyes, placing a hand over his head.